reddits most sensitive boys discuss the reaction a testesterone filled hero got in the comments of a popular thread

19  2020-07-15 by TellMeToStudyPls


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Of all the traditionally masculine characteristics you could pick apart, why the fuck would you choose bravery and selflessness? Also props to the kid, he’s got higher T levels than everyone in that sub combined

That six year old child could probably kill the entire menslib janitorial staff with his bare hands.

And appropriate all of their hard earned wages

If gender roles don't matter to them, then why the fuck do they seem to care so much about them?


He needs therapy and a return to normalcy

Nope, he needs a big thick rare steak off the adult menu.

"Those scars are going to get him so many chicks when he gets older" - sexualizing a child, associating trauma with attractability, heteronormativity

There's a lot of things I want to say about this one, but I'm at a loss for words. I just hope he knows talking like this isn't gonna get any pussies wet.

I just hope he knows talking like this isn't gonna get any pussies wet.

He knows and doesn't care. The menslibber is a sexual scavenger, remaining largely celibate unless confronted with an opportunity such as a passed out drunk friend or unattended neighborhood child.

unattended neighborhood child

Explains why he hates a fighter.

explains why he loves fighters like smash bros though.

The menslibber is a sexual scavenger, remaining largely celibate unless confronted with an opportunity such as a passed out drunk friend or unattended neighborhood child.


Literally voluntary celibates

Are you saying having exclusively bussy is a bad thing?

If a menslibber doesn't get at least one crumb of pussy by his mid 30s he'll inevitably get a massage therapist certificate and start passive aggressively molesting women

Nah I knew some of these types in college. For the most part they had 0 sexual desire whatsoever. Didn't even jack off, would take considerable effort to get hard. I genuinely believe these guys weren't after puss, they seemed completely disinterested in the idea of sex at all.

Jesus. If I was a kid who did that I'd want steak and ice cream for a month. I'd feel so ripped off if all I got was some rando talking to me.

When my little brother was 4 we were playing and he sliced his brow right above is eye open. Bled all over the place. We took him to the hospital and he got a couple stitches. Then we took him to get ice cream. Now he's got a small scar that's barely visible. He actually said to me he wishes it was bigger because it'd be cooler, recently.

Imagine scraping your knee and having your parents take you to therapy lmao

Getting attacked by a dog would be different to accidental injuries but yeah, therapists are big gay. I remember once I had to get quiet a lot of a stitches after I busted my head and nose up a bit, the school nurse was useless enough to just hand me cotton swabs till my mom got there an hour later and I was still bleeding enough to leave drops on the floor as I went with her so it might've been from the blood loss but the doctor who did the stitches apparently forgot to anesthetize, he discovered the injection lying unused after he was done and all I remember is a bit of mild pain because I was too busy imagining the kind of food I could wheedle out of my mom after(Plus I wasn't screaming so he didn't realize either).

and all I remember is a bit of mild pain because I was too busy imagining the kind of food I could wheedle out of my mom after(Plus I wasn't screaming so he didn't realize either)

Fatties are one of the bravest people we have 🤗🤗🤗

I think generally the ”chicks dig scares” thing is bs, but in this kids case he has a fantastic conversation starter.

No, women actually like scars. They are inherently manly because you don't get them by being a gigantic pussy.

I should have said its overrated especially fucked up one on your face or ones like this;

I have a 4 inch scar in my arm from a metal toilet paper holder. I had gotten my appenix out a few days before and had no control of my ass for about week. . For the 4/5 days before I was popping painkillers and still shitting with hardly any warming. It took me about two weeks to feel comfortable not being near a toilet that's how loose my valve was.

Stopped taking the hydrocodone for a day and popped an Adderall to go study on a Saturday after Thanksgiving. Parked my truck outside the union, took two steps to the library and then felt a massive shit coming Sprinted to union bathroom. Fell into the toilet because I didn't check to see if the seat was down. I was moving so fast my arm swung to catch myself, caught I sharp corner and cut deep. Blood and shit every where.

Managed to no shit myself somehow. Left a trail of blood out of.there for the poor janitor to find when he got back Sunday.

That story isn't getting me laid.

telling a woman the truth

Yeah, there's your problem.


LMAO simp


generally the ”chicks dig scares” thing is bs

Have to disagree with you there, buddy.

Guess what badass scars from defending a little girl from a dog are sexy

The neighborhood pedos are gonna love this kid I'm sure

Proud to see another Hawkeye on this shithole sub

Go hawks

But they're not wrong. Those scars, if they make him ugly, will actually lower his chances of fucking women. Women these days care about looks only

Deffo a male feminist

Isn't this reinforcing the idea that what it takes to be a man is to be ready to give your life to someone else?

Why do libz hate the idea of self-sacrifice? It's a universal concept that it's heroic to die for a cause.

Someone might require something of them other than changing their profile pic

No not my funko pops

Women sacrificing themselves to protect their children is also a common trope.

I don't think that they have a problem with gender roles so much as with the society looking down on spineless wimps of either gender.

It's not that they hate self sacrifice. They love it. They hate when it's your idea and not compulsory.

Yes! It bothers me that a lot of masculine stereotypes are about suffering and not considering your own needs.

He potentially saved his sisters life. Any older sibling would do the same. What the fuck is wrong with these f-slurs.

Putting yourself in harm's way to save someone else is one of the noblest things you can do.

Why is it these people are all for selflessness unless it's them who has to be selfless?

Because they and the wokies aren't pursuing morality, they're pursuing purity.

They are weak.

I’m not even a traditionalist but a man not defending his family is no man at all.

I don't even like reading r/menslib threads anymore, it takes about 3 lines of reading anything there to make me a little more depressed.

The idea of men's rights from a libroid perspective sounded great, but then we get to the point where lib3r@loidism is hijacked by the wokies aaaand yikes.

it's a cool idea until you remember that modern libs genuinely want to feminize all young boys

Isn't this reinforcing the idea that what it takes to be a man is to be ready to give your life to someone else?

it's hilarious how foreign the concept of "protecting those close to you" is to these people

I don't want toxic masculinity unless...

That original /r/pics thread


These are most contemptible wimps I’ve ever seen. Incels who can only imagine themselves as being the subordinate partner in a relationship and want a woman that can protect them like their mother. A fetish brought about by undergoing a pathetic infantile regression in life. They seethe with hatred at any sort of masculine power, even if it is a 6 year old child. A bunch of passive, effeminate losers whose fears and jealousies revolve around other men (and boys). I would think to hate them, but they are not even worth that.

imagine your role model for being a realized adult man being a child, something that in essence is genderless.

Bloody hell they're worked up about THAT?

Kinda sad he thinks his is worth more to live than hers when he wasn't dumb enough to get attacked by a dog in the first place

r/MensLib is legitimately more pathetic than any actual incel forums. It's like everybody posting there is castrated.

r/menslib is just jealous, because they know there 140 lbs Ass would get pounded by a Terrier.

There's nothing wrong with thinking [scars] look good, per se. What becomes problematic, though, is when society says they look good.

it's imperative that society thinks fat people look good but not scars

"His place is firmly secured in Valhalla" - warrior child, heroism and sacrifice as male achievements + bonus sexualizing of a child again

If the Overton window shifts enough that mayo “culture” is consider valuable again, this should be a snappy quote

Also apparently Epstein’s in Valhalla

The good ol’ gelded guild

That post is actually so Reddit it hurts

God, I fucking hate Reddit


Not to be mean BUT - men are almost useless when it comes to reproduction. Humans could easily live like many other animals with one male to a herd of women. The other males having been driven off and killed. But you all make yourselves handy other ways. Like by being strong 💪 and protecting us and shit. You wanna trade and have a pelvis for walking upright while having to push out big brained babies? Yeah I didn’t think so Men’s lib males are making themselves useless.

Someone on there was asking why being a productive person is a good thing and a bunch of them are concerned with the tone of their comments. WTF are these people?



Isn't this reinforcing the idea that what it takes to be a man is to be ready to give your life to someone else?

This is pathetic. I guess when you're greatest love is your Nintendo switch or your Funko Pop collection you tend to not think about sacrificing for family or friends.

He needs therapy and a return to normalcy, not a part on the back and praise for thinking his life is expendable.

Literally nobody thinks his life is expendable. Stop projecting.

Posting menslib is cheating

Umm sweaty are u sure that's their pronoun?