An MMA fighter's sister was killed in the crossfire at a nightclub shooting. Redditors are more concerned about why she didn't STAY👏THE FUCK👏HOME👏

5  2020-07-15 by ason


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May Allah break the backs of every redditor. May their daughters be violated by beasts of the field beneath a cedar tree for 11 generations.


Things that do spread coronavirus:

  • White people going to the beach

  • White people going to bars

  • Black people going clubbing

Things that don't spread coronavirus:

  • Literally tens/hundreds of thousands of black people protesting for days on end in close quarters

Thanks reddit!

Cute that you think the protests were mostly attended by black people

You think mayos count as people and deserve to be listed as such? Can we ban this guy?

I don't remember committing such an atrocity. Interesting that's where your mind went tho.
