"Jews" is trending on Twitter

3  2020-07-15 by StrategicReserve


There are too many tweets to mention. This drama is so top-tier that /r/drama is gonna shutdown again.


I scrolled down 20 seconds and about 70% of the tweets are jews complaining about jews trending

Shut it down

Found the perfect definition of 'foid' picture.

Omg JOOS are so soft. Why can't I slander and spread propaganda about a group who has been murdered for said propaganda for centuries in peace. Why can't they just shut up about my hate and propaganda. If I would slander white people, a group of people who haven't been oppressed for said slander, no one would care. The Jews are in control. That's why I can't slander a minority on a public forum. It's not because it's racist. It's because THE JOOS need to shut it down.


For sure


Despite being 2% of population


Despite being 2% of population


Despite being 2% of population


What, despite making up just 0.00097% of Elizabeth Warren's DNA, controls 50% of her employment history?

Based and mixing up fractions and percentages-pilled.

Granted, I am a bit of a brainlet, but what did I get wrong?


A decimal is a fraction of 1, a percentage is a fraction of 100, hence percent. So you have to multiply by 100.

Ah, but of course! tfw when you got the Jewish nose, but not the mathematics skills...

Viacom made a stunning mistake in trying to play it safe by only mentioning the anti-Semitic portion of Cannon’s ramblings. They should have just said some shit about “not endorsing racial and religious hatred or bigotry of any kind”.

Oh well. Could be worse. Not like there are groups of too-online people with hundreds of folders of shitty infographics ready to radicalize people, right?

11d chess moves

shitty infographics

Not really shitty given that they're proven correct over and over. You have to be willfully ignorant to not see that Jews have overwhelming control/representation in politics, the media, education and their support for anti-white rhetoric and policies.

Bite-sized Jew fact: Did you know that the pro-immigration inscription on the Statue of Liberty (the one saying "give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses") wasn't originally part of the statue but rather was put there by a wealthy Jewish family to use as propaganda for more Jewish immigration?

The Jew that wrote the poem was Emma Lazarus, she was literally a propagandist for Jewish immigration and Zionism and founded the "Society for the Improvement and Colonization of East European Jews" which literally helped Jews colonize the United States. She also wanted to genocide the Palestinians out of Palestine and establish a Jewish state there.

Also, as a related aside, the term "melting pot" was also created by a Jew as propaganda for multiculturalism.

Nah, I've spent some time going over some of those charts, and its astounding just how little evidence of most of the people with a star of david next to them are actualy Jewish.

Are you seriously trying to redpill me? What’s next, the bitchute link? I’ve been on the internet a long time, I’ve seen all of this.

This rhetoric doesn’t accomplish anything for anyone, save for getting forums banned and convincing a few tards to get nabbed by the Feds while trying to do something heinous. Fanning the flames of sectarian hatred is really not what the US needs.

Fanning the flames of sectarian hatred is really not what the US needs.

Really, because it's making Jews billions.

But /pol/tards aren't making any money at all.

Juice is good

Hello it's me your Jewish landlord. Please pay me my rent while i continue to live in your head rent free

Some Jews may propagate some ideas, its your group that chooses to follow them. Like if I was a Chinese landowner I wouldn't blame some Anglo NEET, I'd blame Mao.

This is the problem with having slightly below average IQ. You are the kind of rightoid who's having enough brains to comprehend ideas, but not enough IQ to actually have the big picture.

The end result is you are no different than the low IQ rightoid who's believes Jews are shape shifting Illumaniti lizard who controls everything.


Based. Massive cope and (((damage control))) in the replies.

Black kingz about to go full Joseph Goebells

Everyone is jealous of the jewish masterrace 🤭✡

Maybe this race war won’t turn out so bad after all 🤔

Hitler was black.

He was half black and half jewish.

No wonder he killed himself.


... til tweeter gets stronger anti-hate policy.

Ice Cube and Farrakhan both can tweet whatever they want and you'll like it - @jack

Dramacoin rising 🤤

Jews sure trend a lot on Twitter for being just two percent of the population.

OP is right. It's a goldmine. All of these are from the last 20 minutes alone.

Jews definitely arent responsible for the opposite of this so i feel that sweet jewish pussy on my dick. shalom from the revolution.

I've been saying this was about to happen for a couple weeks now but even I have no fucking clue what is going on now.

No, a true Jew is one whose heart is right with God. And true circumcision is not merely obeying the letter of the law, rather, it is a change of heart produced by the Spirit.

I thought when this happened it would be about wokies and BLM/NOI telling Jewish people that they are just mayos, and that Israel is an ethnostate for mayo supremacists, but what the fuck is going on now? What does circumcision have to do with Nick Cannon?

And the books that had the lineage of Jews was burned by the fakes, the Ashkenazi, the kazars, the Zionists the devil worshipers

Okay, see, this guy gets it, this is the race war I was expecting.

Jews were not mixing with native poles/Hungarians/ you name/ becouse of their religious beliefs. You can only become a Jew when your mother is. Basically they only fucked each other with very little exceptions

...R-right. Okay this guy is talking about something else but the next one is more on message;

I don’t think you understand JUST on the way to America in slave ships MORE AFRICANS DIED THAN JEWS IN THE HOLOCAUST

There we go, that's what I was waiting for, now I can sit back and act smug about predicting all of this. Truly, I am the most intellectual dramatard.

Wow, you must be a JP fan

I am a bot.

It's back!

Longbot comes back to mock and discredit me just when I start exposing antisemitism. I see how it is smh

Now where the fuck is zog bot?

Jews and YTs are less than human


South Park: exists


Yes!! Black Israelites are the true Jews, we have to recognize our black brothers as the true owners of Israel.

The Jews are the true Aryan master race

They are the mayoest of the mayos

All white shall bow before them

Lol hadn't seen Roosh in a while.

*Hacker voice

"I'm in."

Boker tov!

First Palestinians, then Blacks. Jews in America have finally found their match in the kvetching contest.

These weird black conspiracy theories and revisionist historical takes are such a cope. Is this from the same strain of crazy that also states that black people were Egyptian kangs or is the whole lost tribe thing a completely separate cope? I really can't keep up.

There were Nubian Pharoahs and dynasties. I once talked to a guy on Discord who literally refused to believe me on this, said some thing about them not being depicted with a rod lmao or some shit and he had this conspiracy ideology where if they were depicted with certain items they weren't pharoahs? Even though literally every encyclopedia that you can look at lists them as the 25th dynasty. Tried accusing me of being a black Egyptian theorist when literally they were black because they were Nubian, and he just read some Egyptian conspiracy theories because Egyptology attracts lunatics like honey attracts flies.

He was a "former" meth addict.

Black Egyptian theory is r*tarded and an attempt to increase the sway of your culture by stealing from others. Really really stupid are people who are mad when I say Cleopatra wasn't black, Cleopatra was Greek, she was a product of multiple generations of Greek incest in the Ptolemaic dynasty. Whether Greeks are white or not is the question I guess, but she was whatever Greeks are, and I'm pretty sure they aren't black.

Did Cleopetra have a dog?

If Greeks are white, yes she did


Everyone is obsessed with Cleopatra, I want to see more of the brother-husband that was a fatass and wore revealing robes.

I once saw an awkward exchange between a black Egyptian archaeology PhD student and a bunch of casual HoTep types she vaguely knew. It was a really depressing sight, being condescended to while your subject of expertise is gleefully misconstrued. She didn’t give a fuck what race they were and it was the only thing that mattered to the group.

Almost as fun as searching "But they not ready for that conversation."

Never forget

right now it's mostly just juice whining about anti-semitism lol

They’re complaining about Mel Gibson “having a career” but Nick gets fired. What career?

“If jews controlled the media I wouldn’t have Nazis telling me to kill myself”

What race are they?

bagel fragility