It's official: Being on time, kids having their own room, and the Scientific Method are "YTPIPO nonsense".

3  2020-07-15 by ArlenBilldozer


So this is made by some white supremacist or something? The part under scientific method where it outright says that non-whites are stupid people.

Judith’s writing has broken new ground in OD and other fields. Her landmark book, White Awareness: Handbook for Anti-Racism Training (1978), was the first systematic training program to address racism from a white perspective.


Judith has been widely recognized for her extensive contributions. She was named a Pioneer of Diversity by Profiles in Diversity Journal in 2007 and a Legend of Diversity by the International Society of Diversity and Inclusion Professionals in 2012.

How can she create this with a straight face? Most of the points are just reasonable common sense any somewhat intelligent human will naturally tend to do. This is so racist even secret racists would not dream of creating it because they think it is too much for normies to handle.

This has to be a joke right? Are we the lolcow now? Are some fucking aliens from the tenth dimension laughing at us laughing at retards?

Most of the points are just reasonable common sense any somewhat intelligent human will naturally tend to do.

Your whiteness is overwhelming, I can't breathe...

Come on you can figure this one out, I believe in you.

Judith Katz - a social science academic and decorated authority on race specifically - pushing such absurd shit that seems designed to make race relations worse in every possible way. What could her angle possibly be?

As far as I could tell by reading anything about that her work and that institute they seem to be genuinely trying to make diversity and inclusion really work "not just as an add-on" but maybe in trying that earnestly they unearthed a gold nugget of dramacoin such as this one.



I admit I did a racism in an attempt at a hot take. I never voted for the genuine or alleged racists in europoor but I guess I really am a racist after all at heart. Just like her in a way, this is amazing. Really.

So what you are trying to tell me is that she is subconsciously deeply racist and consciously the Legend of Diversity at the same time (probably in compensation or something) ?

I know this is a dead thread, I'm just genuinely confused here

You’re over thinking this. She’s just being a Jew.

Most of the points are just reasonable common sense any somewhat intelligent human will naturally tend to do.

But African languages can't express theses common sense things. When you assume African language is just as good as European language that only leaves you the option to call those things unnecessary white nonsense.

"Scientific method" is a problematic concept that deliberately excludes POC wisdom, such as Black Magic


Black pippo, don't even bother.

Question for amerilards: Why is it always 'judeo-christian', when jews are 1% of the population? Should just be christian, yes?

Usually because saying "Abrahamic" means Muslims as well, and that could stir up a feeling or two 'round these here parts.
