anyone remember penny auctions?

1  2020-07-15 by nomad1c

they were auction sites but instead of ebay where the highest bid wins, each bid cost the person money that wasn't returned. the bid would raise the total price by say 1 cent, but would cost the bidder say 50c per bid. they'd buy packs of a hundred bids for $x and use them to try and win items, usually paying way above the asking price if they got into a bidding war

they had this whole subculture of "respect" and "power-bidders". the hope of any power-bidder was to bid a small amount and hope everyone would be too scared to counter-bid, so they could win the product at below market price. if someone did get involved, the power-bidder would bid endlessly until they'd won it, even if they spent much more than the product was worth, in order to "protect their turf" and build a reputation not to be fucked with

somehow these sites managed to fuck up what should have been a license to print money. i'm not sure if they're still around today


I remember I was incredibly jealous I did not come up with the idea first. It's an incredible way to scam money from idiots. Surprised to hear that they aren't around anymore.

from what i can tell the power-users scared other users off and colluded with each other to win new ipads and macbooks for a few dollars each

You'd think the sites would come up with some slimy way to avoid that, but I guess not.

Increase the price of bids with each repeat made by the same user within a certain timeframe and gradually drop the price back down if no more are made. Seriously considering starting one of these once the economy gets irrational.

once the economy gets irrational


There’s Deal Dash. They’re still around. Took me five seconds on the site to realize they were full of shit.

All the DealDash ads featured middle-aged suburban grandmothers, their ideal target

Same, but with these quick loan-thingies you know just text a number and you get instant 1000$

Pay back 3000 by next month

My 10 year old ass in the early 2000s telling my parents they are stupid since they could get an Xbox for 40 bucks lol

My country had a local one. As already commented a bunch of guys started screwing the system and got flat screen (non internet connectible think 2007) TVs for lunch money at a time when these things cost thousands.

I was always under the impression that places like are the modern iteration of those sites.

the power-bidder would bid endlessly until they'd won it, even if they spent much more than the product was worth

Po*rcells: we need to raise the minimum wage because we can't survive

Also Po*rcells: Watch me waste my savings so I can dunk on people

Waste my saving so i can dunk on people.... on the internet.

Pretty based tbh