SRDines are mad that if they have to pay more to live in desirable places. That's an infringement of their rights, you see

1  2020-07-16 by reseteros


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They belong in the can and nowhere else , may Allah strike down the wretched srdine


šŸŸšŸ”œšŸ„« inshallah brothers

Aren't most of San Francisco's housing problems caused by not being allowed to build anything taller than 40 feet? Just build some skyscrapers, you fucking weirdos.

Can't build up mostly because the soil is silt not bedrock.

That's a solved engineering problem. The issue is NIMBYs. US housing shortages are caused by zoning issues.

SF could absolutely double some density, but towers rarely help housing prices... For a ton of reasons.

SF could easily quadruple density without building towers. About 3/4 of privately owned parcels in SF are zoned for single family or duplexes. If they allowed mid-rise development without needing to get neighborhood approval, development would boom and supply would start catching up with demand. It worked for Japan.

Well Japanese in Tokyo still had to take a long time to commute to their work place, so that doesn't exactly solve the problem people were bitching in the thread.

Yes but the key difference is the Japanese don't fucking cry about it.

They just jump off the platform like a real man.

No they don't. That would be rude as they would both disrupt everyone else's commute and create a mess. They always find a quiet and isolated way to do the deed.

They kinda do both. Plus, killing yourself in a forest also creates problem for people living close to the forest. The famous suicide forest even has signs telling people to go die somewhere else.


so twice as much poop and syringes?

Supply and demand totally doesn't apply to housing! [no citation needed]


Capitalism unironically is

Skyscraper apartments rarely add in any significant way, and are usually luxury in nature because of upfront costs.

What do you think happens when people move into luxury apartments? They move out of old apartments, when are less desirable then become more affordable. Luxury apartments open up affordable housing.

Usually those luxury units, especially in the biggest of cities, go to people that use it as a second home or to just straight up launder money. Hell the single biggest housing crisis move national governments can do is crack down on that.

I'd love to see a citation on this.

Regardless, what's to stop those people owning a second home regardless of whether or not it's a brand new highrise? It still increases the supply of housing.

Luxury tends to not increase supply enough to make a dent, plus it bypasses the existing demand. If those towers helped with pricing Manhattan would be dirt cheap lmao.

Tho Helsinki seems to have a good system of build and rent to own but that's mostly mid rises.

Are you able to provide anything that support these claims? You realize that what you're claiming defies basic economic principles, right?

Are you able to provide anything that support these claims?


But it doesn't violate basic supply and demand (which to anyone with an inkling of actual economic training is like fucking nails on a chalk board because there's so many exceptions). There's too few people that can purchase, basically, that it actually warps the surrounding market. I'll try to find anything not behind jstor

There's too few people that can purchase, basically, that it actually warps the surrounding market.

Exactly. The way we increase the number of people who can afford it is by doing this!

This is a deeper dive into the subject written by experts. The issue is, by definition, a supply shortage.

I'm not saying there isn't a supply shortage, just that luxury high rises are their own market pretty much divorced from the needs of existing demand.

You can fit a shit load more apartments in a mid rise than a high rise economically would allow... Unless there's massive subsidies

seriously what do these rentoids have against skyscrapers? do they NOT want to live in a cyberpunk setting?

Airbnb is a problem there too

bay area desirable

Coastalcels think too highly of themselves.

You donā€™t like paying 4,000 a month for a studio surrounded by homeless people and drug addicts?

It only costs 4000 because it desirable (and nothing gets built).

A studio surrounded by drug addicts and homeless people in Detroit would be like a few hundred tops.

It would be free because you would just set up shop in a burnt out house and run an extension wire to the pole for lights.

Fuckin hate it here tbh. I have no idea why anyone would pay $3k a month to live in this dump.

all i know is that san francisco reeks of piss and is full of homeless people.

It used to have nice neighborhoods safe from that stuff but it has really gone to shit recently.

If i dont live in the city how will i get easy access to all my hobbies and products????

Funko pops are shippable, the rest of the hobbies is inside the house

Unironically with all the jobs being tech, and with working from home, I have no idea why anyone in that field would live in SF anymore. There is nothing your average tech zoomer/millennial can get there that they canā€™t get anywhere else.

They still will, though.

I know a couple of Eastern Europeans making 100k+ per annum on a 5-7% income tax, with a respective cost of living. Last time I asked them about SF, they laughed in my face.

As much as I hate to say it, the SRDines are right about the Airbnbs. Large foreign investors will buy up a whole block of housing and make a hotel or if it. It's much cheaper than actually building a hotel and there is less regulations. But it also dramatically raises the rents in the area

Thatā€™s the governmentā€™s fault for allowing the Chinese to buy so much real estate.

So the government should stop it

That's why you need zoning rules against short term rentals. NYC has it, you need a hotel license to rent without creating a tenancy (thus needing notice and eviction to get someone out)

Hell you don't even have to ban short term rentals, just make them follow the same laws landchads follow.

Not zoning laws specifically, but something. Airbnb operates in this gray area where it can offer competitive rates to hotels but not have to follow the same guidelines.

So build more housing, it's profitable to do that because there is a market failure caused but insufficient housing being built and rent control preventing the housing from being bought at its actual market rate. Let people rent places for what they're worth and let people build as much housing as they want and you'll see the density go crazy so a lot more people can live there.

Whatever YouTube video you watched about rent control that makes you think you know what you're talking about is irrelevant. I wasn't talking about rent control, ofc rent control is bad.

I'm sorry, who the fuck are you?

Go back to watch YouTube videos

This is the most projection shit I've ever seen.

San Francisco was expensive before airbnb.

It looks like the sub is full of people being this condescending, you guys just aren't used to people doing it to you.





bay area

Desirable place

Pick one. Traffic here sucks, rent is high, everything is expensive as hell, it's full of wokies, and 880 is liable to give you a flat if you look at it wrong.

Having to pay more is what keeps those areas desirable.

4d chess move: the only reason they donā€™t work is because they donā€™t live where their dream job is

Sure? There's a difference between "I don't like something" and "It's my right that this thing I don't like not exist". If you can't see that, you might suffer from mind-blindness.


As a former member of the constitutional law debate team (we won state!)

Holy shit lol

I fucking hate sardines.

there's more empty houses than homeless

Yes because rslur the homeless are homeless because they are rslurs themselves. If I gave a homeless man 1000 dollars to turn his life around at the end of the week he would have 0 dollars because he would blow it all on drugs. Who upkeeps the house when we give it to them undeservedly?? Those rslurs can't pay taxes. Yes give the homeless houses so everyone tries to become homeless and get houses, excellent solution.

shitty agendapost title



With it