40% of zoomers will likely kill themselves after AP Test results stats revealed

1  2020-07-16 by PissedOffWithKnives


1 30.9%


Likely cheating, AP college board put in a lot of anti cheat measures this year, there was a thread abt them trying to fit in with da kids months ago

People in the comments were saying more people got a 1 last year

30.9% stopped doing the class once they weren’t going in person.

Imagine not getting 4’s and 5’s on your AP exams but the being too anxious to go to an actual college or pick a major because you’re worried about debt and not getting a job, so you go to community college and take the classes your AP tests were supposed to get you out of

Couldn’t be me

Zoomercide at last

Good, the zoomer menace must be eradicated.

lol that's better than last year u tards


2020 1: 30.9%
2019 1: 33.9%

Twatter users aren't subhuman more like slime mold that hits a keyboard now and again
