Cannons not fired from gay fox show, r*edditors mad

1  2020-07-16 by -M-o-X-


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who the fuck watches that garbage anyway


lol no

Who else watches celebrity panel shows?

Grandmas and gay dudes

Gay dudes are normies now. Get with the times.

I mean like really super gay

No, they watch that one show about cross dressers.

The one making fun of trans people and appropriating their aesthetic without acknowledging their struggle? Yikes.

For real tho I’ll put $5 on that show getting cancelled once the old gays have something else to watch. The Zoomers are biding their time.

Also normies. Try to keep up bro

Poor people, mostly.

poor stupid people

Not that there isn’t something of an overlap.

They had Sarah Palin rap

so theres a lower low than dancing with the stars

Trying to secure that Black vote, I see.

This new Kangs v. Jew scandals is a republican conspiracy. Revamping of the southern strategy.

This would be the smartest thing they have done in a while.

Lol, I love how it's all about the antisemitism. Like How TERFs have hated moids with a fiery passion forever but once they go after trans with the same fury then that's when they're evil.


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The show has Jenny McCarthy. What did they expect?

lol reddit is absolutely seething

B-but what about mayos?

Imagine living in 2020 and not spending your free time dunking on white people.