r/trees extols the benefits of giving weed to an r/drama user

1  2020-07-16 by ChapoDestroyer


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An autistic stoner watching Rick and Morty. Who would have thought?

bro science is all about smoking weed and watching rick and morty under the stars 😎🚬

Bro I fucking love science as long as it's cool and flashy and doesn't challenge my political views πŸ€“πŸ”¬πŸ§ͺπŸ”­

Dude weed


That guy is at least 3 levels above dramanauts.


I mean, if it helps with the seizures, who cares?

What if he liked the seizures? Hes non verbal so they wouldn't know

Not asking about his seizure preferences is literally rape.

It’s disgusting whoring out your kin to millions of r*dditors for their virtual points


He's nonverbal autistic but has an iPhone?

Sounds like some reddit-whoring bullshit.

What? You're autistic and are posting on reddit so you probably have a phone. The only difference between you and the guy in the photo is he knows how to shut up.
