Cops arrest wanted man and redditors think he's either being taken to Guantanamo or is a deep cover agent being extracted by seal team 6

1  2020-07-16 by 410billionmodskilled


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What the fuck is even going on in Portland lmao

i wonder which upper elite’s bedroom this yung antifa larper was shipped to afterwards

John Legend?

I'm assuming bored mayos.

Yeah, there's a history of this going back decades. Like in previous generations the trashy people would go out to the coast and get drunk and start fights because that was entertainment for them. They didn't pretend to have an ideological motive. The difference now is that the city is so cucked that they let it happen downtown.

uh no honey, they used to blow up suvs and spray paint ELF on things

not enough

Hyper liberal city surrounded by sparse rightoid rural meth shit

this week?

Its Iraq week iirc.

lmao "use your words". Lady, they don't care about your memes peak. They just want to fuck around and go drinking and you're annoying them by having to work to watch your temper tantrums.

What is that "use your words" supposed to mean?

Unless it's some new shit I'm not aware of, this is how you talk to a child to get them to stop freaking out and explain themselves.

No idea why she thought this would work on armed dudes on a mission who already graduated kindergarten.

Yeah. That's why I am confused. As if they will stop and comply with that nonsensical request.

It's what annoying people say to other people who are just motioning or pointing at something. Like if we're in the living room and you get up to go get another beer and say "anyone else want one?" and I'm finishing mine, so my mouth is full and I can't say anything, I might raise my hand or something, to signal that I do.

An unfunny retard might say "use your words". That's what she did to armed security people who consider her a waste of space.

Well she does sound annoying.

maybe they should have used their words instead of burning down buildings and assaulting randos


Looks more like they're going to Daddy Day Care to me.

God damn this revolution is cringe as fuck all

Isn't it great they live in country that lets them have these larping/temper tantrums and nothing is done about it?

China would be putting their organs to actual use by now.

Not a day goes by that I don't wish for the entire world to be Serbia

Shut the fuck up serb this world belongs to the Albanians 😂😎

tupac alive numbr one #1 in serbia ....fuck the albania,..FUCKk ashol turks no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur flag and contry. 2pac aliv and real strong wizard kill all the turk farm aminal with rap magic now we the serba rule .ape of the zoo presidant georg bush fukc the great satan and lay egg this egg hatch and bosnia wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak our clay we will crush u lik a skull of pig. serbia greattst countrey"

You would definitely be murdered in China if you said something like "Hang the Police"

Hey wait, looks like they've actually released several albums since this one. All while based in Beijing. Strange.

We got you friend! MLP!

Seriously? Ponies?

McCarthy when?

Bruh people are saying they aren't in their jurisdiction they're literally federal troops they can go anywhere in US territory

It's actually dumber than that. These protestors are trying to trash federal buildings and Portland has taken the approach of "well let's just let them".

I mean the state gov knows if they keep trashing fed property the feds will come in and clean shit up themselves. Big brain delegating right there.

This is a lie

This is a lie


Domestic terrorists surprised that feds are in Portland 🤔

Antifa is prob completely infiltrated at this point.

Anyone who speaks out against fascism is a terrorist

This is what fascism looks like ^

Far right terrorists in military fatigues are kidnapping peaceful protestors and probably killing or torturing them.

Meanwhile far right bootlicking fascists are supporting this terrorism because it suits their politics.

We’ve lost America folks. The revolution is dead thanks to bootlicking fascist americans

Terminally online reddit*r larps inspiring statement, news at 11

arrest one person

Welp, revolution is over. Pack it up, let’s go buy some more funko pops

Not so fast rentoids, rent is due💅

What Revolution are they even talking about? They never had any realistic chance of overthrowing the police, let alone the military lmfao. Insane how delusional some people unironically are

America is falling apart, your desperate attempts to crack down and save it will just accelerate the inevitable collapse


This shit has my mom absolutely bugging. We don’t even live remotely close to Portland either. She’s upset that I’m not losing my mind over this too.

You're an idiot


Source on the dude being wanted?

Pro tip: he lied

Not wanted