Op-Ed: There's No Such Thing As Bully Culture, It's Just My Fist's Free Market Response To Your Stupid Face, Dweeb

1  2020-07-17 by caliberoverreaching


Love it when rightoids find out that all their dedication to corporations / mega corps was for naught.

You misspelled leftoids.

Leftoids have accepted their Amazon-Google-Disney Megacorp overlords. The right's only chance now is to enforce existing regulations against monopolistic practices and show big business who's boss like their ancestor Teddy used to do. Hahahahahahahaha yeah right.

How to make the Republican Party fascist:

Step 1: make rightoids love capitalism

Step 2: have the companies that they so willingly fight for all go against their political views

Step 3: ???????????

Step 4: 4th Reich

If you look at the stats that matters though, even rightoids don't agree all that much when it comes to support for corporations.

It's pedobertarians. Pedobertarians can overwhelmingly influence the Republican party because their party voters easily fall for the single issue fear mongering.

For R leaders this is just walk in the park. Just tell that redneck that he's going to continue allowing kneeling on black man who gets too uppitybe tough on crime and he's going to be happy. And then turn around and fuck with his healthcare and dump industrial toxic waste near his water supply and the redneck would still vote for him.

Freedom to be a libtard doesn't mean freedom from consequences sweaty.

Damn thats good

nice boomer humor OP🤮

Quiet big get r/drama is a boomer positive sub 😎

Reported for boomerphobia

You have what you have because of boomers now shut up zoomer

Good morning I hate zoomers

It's not the government beating the shit out of your face, it's a massive international corporation. So cry more, drumpftard, it's totally legal.

Sucking the dick of megacorps to own the capitalists😎

Sucking the dick of megacorps shitting on rightoids

Boomer bee funny once again?!

Nuh uh didnt you know that r/therightcantmeme ????????

pretty funny how this is actually rightoid content, not just the cynical, apolitical male memery that r/therightcantmeme usually targets.

Ah, that's because therightcantmeme was created by seething, bitter leftoids in response to theleftcantmeme (which is true bc leftoids cannot make an exploitable without WORDS WORDS WORDS).


Bb gets posted here at least once a day. Shitting on them is basically a self own at this point.


There was never a first time


BB headlines are usually shite, but the reddit reaction makes up for it


take your lunch money, which I deserve because my dad spends all his money on giant cans of Natty Ice and tattoos of wolves.

OK, their article-game is improving. Used to be the headlines were the only thing they had going.