More basketball drama: Blue Lives Matter has entered the chat

1  2020-07-17 by glladgrat


noooo sportsman you can't have a wrong piece of clothing nooooooo you're supposed to be wearing colin kaepernick Nike garb nooooooooo

I'm sure the crip affiliated James Harden just loves the pigs.

I'm sure they reaaaally care

Gangs don't even hate cops nearly as much as the twitter mob anyway lmao

Gangs hate cops less than ivory tower leftòids. Idk how or why, maybe it goes back to daddy was too busy making millions to hug me as much as I wanted. Tbh, 🏀s clearly hate (((them))) more than anyone else on earth, possibly more than hurtler.

I mean, he's probably just wearing it because it's blue

I love how all the libtard racists come out and think a black guy just can't be aware of blue lives matter and he must just be too dumb and uneducated to understand

A black guy just couldn't be anti BLM!

This is your brain on suburbia

Really desperate to find a based black man huh?

harden actually supporting cops would be really funny, Its just probably not true

Hopefully he makes a statement on it today

Literally a QED of the post your replied to mr. Lolcow

Holy shit guys just fuck already, I'll be peering at you from between the slats of the closet to monitor the situation

For the sake of dramacoin, I hope he is in favor of cops. I mean the dude is worth 10s of millions of dollars, his neighborhood probably has more police presence than most small cities.

Harden basically never talks about politics so I would be pretty surprised if he chose to wear this for any reason besides it looking cool to him, dude just likes basketball and strippers.

A truly based gentleman

Based and sportsballpilled. I wonder how he feels about bussy? Don’t public figures owe it to the public to tell us exactly what they think about every single issue so that we can cancel them if they don’t pass the test? How dare he not explicitly state his personal beliefs so the rightards and leftards can argue amongst themselves about how he’s either an Uncle Tom or not?

If someone doesn't talk about politics then they are almost guranteed to be a maga-loving crypto-chud. Don't let their melinated ways fool you.

I cant believe this is upvoted. You’re telling me gangs that exist to take part in illegal activities hate the police less than white, suburban twitter wokies?

Crooked cops can be bribed so you don't need to hire real hitmen.

Its a big country. I used to brush up against the cartels because I was in the weed business and they really don't behave how you'd expect, at least in my state.

They even send their own into the police to get inside knowledge, and often bribed their way out of semi legal grow ops. Many of the cartels are not at all threatened by the police. Without illegality they have nothing to sell. In a way it's a symbiotic relationship

Ok retard but when people say “gangs” in America they usually mean basketball Americans, and I guarantee you they dislike the cops a lot more than Twitter spergs

Wasn't he a Blood or am I misremembering my gangs again?

I'm just some dumb jew so idk what the signs actually look like, but I remember reading articles saying he's a crip. Plenty of bloods in the nba too

”its ok, he fucks with crips.” -/r/nba

Shut up and just play the ball ughh

unironically the only correct take on the athlete question

Of all the saddest words of tongue and pen, is "the goddamn rightoids were right again"

Flashback to like 3 weeks ago when we had to stfu and let black voices be heard

Yeah but not like that!


"Well you see this is all because of those fucking hollywood je-"


Mel Gibson frothing at the mouth to make their movie lol

Speaking of which, has Kaep come out and made a statement against the antisemitism in sports?

James Harden and the @HoustonRockets social media team are either unwittingly spreading fascist iconography or willingly doing so.

We need better mental health services.

We need better mental health services.

This but unironically. It would solve half our problems.

‘Better mental health services’ is a cop out catchphrase people use so they don’t have to talk about the culture which is driving people mad in the first place.

Hello fellow Mensa member 😎 going to the meeting next week?

I’ve been going early and farting on the catering for months, half of them now think having a high IQ is linked to susceptibility to conjunctivitis.

Be careful, reddit bans brapranchers 😔🤘


the culture which is driving people mad in the first place.

Is code for "I hate the gays because I'm closeted".

Rrrrretards click the le downvote button. Be a good redditor, click it.

I thought it was pretty obvious that I was referring to work culture but no, I guess I was a gay homophobe this whole time.

If these people had real jobs instead of working in HR as a diversity consultant they wouldn't have time for this shit.

Reopen the institutions. Don't even build new ones, just lock them in the old asylums.

Bring back #rustyicepicklobotomies

No, because then we wouldn't have burgerland drama and arr/drama users would be healed.

Maybe if it expanded euthanasia

Ahh man. I'd be sad to see you go.

noooo thats not what i meant nooooooooo

But then there would be less drama.

There's no cure for being a twitter user.

Closing the mental health asylums was a grave mistake, even if we’d lose r drama to them now

Make Institutionalization possible again

Maybe the feds will finally realize that Houston is a threat to the civilized world and wipe it off the face of the earth for good.

We need better mental health services

We need to bring back bullying

Nothing makes mayos seethe more than when blacks do/say something they're not supposed to.

Just a carryover from the days of yore 🤫🤭

When did this sub become so rightoid. like 9/10 posts are stealth based now.

this place has been seething over rightoids for literally the last two years. We privated the subreddit for weeks this spring during one of the biggest happenings in an effort to drive them off. I hate people whining about "muh too many rightoids" than the actual mdefugees at this point.

TBH I think most people just think Drama is overwhelmed with whatever they are not. I'm obviously guilty of this too.

This gets asked like every day on here lately.

It's just in reaction to the extreme left wing prevalence on here. This sub is filled with contrarians.

good point. Also probably has to do with all the subreddit purgings

the left wing agenda cycles have been neutered by reddit at large agreeing with them and /r/stupidpol existing

The only leftoids who could hang here are /r/stupidpol-ocks who are halfway to taking the straus-pill or turbo-tankies who are too busy smelling their farts to fartsniff with the working class chads of /r/Drama

I feel like it use to be fine TBH. Then the mods banned every basement dweller sub. We got all of the freespeechenthusiasts™️ and none of the soy tanks. Threw it out of balance, you either need both or neither neither please.

Seriously, what's there to laugh about rightoids atm? Orange man dumb like the rest of plebbit? Make a post, loser, or stfu, I'm too busy laughing at deranged leftists cannibalizing each other to care about your problems.

Pretty much this. When the rightoids begin doing stupid shit again, I'll laugh and jeer at them. For now, the left seems content to be entirely retarded. Besides, who else will I laugh at, lolbertarians. . . .

On second thought.

A very reasonable and eloquent response.

When 90% of reddit is to the left of the DNC, and this place is about making fun of spergs on reddit, what do you think you're gonna get?

I guess ya

I know right! Why don't we have posts from the_donald or consumeproduct anymore??

Head looking like a ufc fight card

Twitter lefties seething, rightoid bluechecks piling in to call it based. Embarrassing all around.

Especially considering James harden has absolutely no idea what that mask means, and probably only wears it because he is being forced to. Dude really only cares about strippers and hoops.

correction, he only cares about playing offense and strippers

Harden not playing D is a dead meme


Wow, so Blacks maintain no agency at all? I always knew you were in the closet, just not as a racist 😡

You really think the nba, the most woke sport in the world, would knowingly put up blue lives matter imagery right before a historic season resumes with all the blm stuff going on?

No, but do you think thats gonna stop me from bullying gayhouston?

Good point, fuck that guy

Rightoids are so goddamn desperate for a "based black man." It's telling that basically any black person in this country can earn a living on the sole virtue of supporting Trump. It's a pretty great grift.

Aren't there a few of them? Terry crews, zuby there was some black chick too.

Terry Crews isn't a rightoid, he's at most a radical centrist. Literally all he said was "white supremacy is terrible, black supremacy is terrible too" and that made woke Twitter lose their shit.

The quintessential black Rightoid grifter is Candace Owens, but my personal favorite is Malik Obama.

The left gifted Terry to the right. They didn't even need to ask.

Terry follows quite a few right wingers like Shapiro and retweets their stuff though.

He isnt a die hard trump supporter but he definitely seems to lean more right than left.

The fact that you know this is not good.

Lol, because it takes so much effort to click follow on twitter and see someone retweet something?

They jizzed themselves over that black gun guy. What's his name something Noir.

Colon Noir I think

Yeah him