We need to do better.
1 2020-07-17 by closedshop
Arr slash drama used to be a place of principles, of core values. Core values such as “don’t downvote the lolcow”, and “always upvote drama from inside the house”. So imagine my shock and disappointment when I find people downvoting the lolcows just because they don’t agree with them. If this continues, I’m afraid that we’ll soon go the way of the, and may Allah forgive me for saying this, srdines.
This is why I propose we remove the downvote button from our sub, so that neither leftoids nor rightoids can use it as a disagree button. I’m sick and fucking tired of people scaring away juicy drama because they got their little feelings hurt. What happened to being radical centrist? It’s seriously been amateur hour in here.
2 -M-o-X- 2020-07-17
"what happened to this sub"
6 BaeCaughtMePosting 2020-07-17
Also the problem is that for any hot-button issue, the Overton window is basically on wheels at this point. People keep trying to redefine radical centrism more and more to the left.
Zoomers won't remember this, but literally 10 years ago Obama publicly declared that marriage was between a man and a woman, but alphabet-americans could have civil unions instead. That was the center-left opinion back then. If you said that now, you and three generations of your family will be immediately fired.
1 804-929-4988 2020-07-17
Radical centrism isnt centrist politics, its voting for trump but donating a 10th of your income to biden, it's being pro abortion just so Hillary has ready access to fetuses so she can run again in 2022 but only white baby can be aborted etc
2 hardon_of_fukkad 2020-07-17
because its progressively getting worse and its obvious
1 closedshop 2020-07-17
4 Kodiak_Hypes 2020-07-17
3 Tzar-Romulo 2020-07-17
This but unironcally
2 ShitTornadoToOz 2020-07-17
I just miss having Steve_French (aka YaBoyStevieF) around. He was a master lolcow wrangler.
1 JeanPeuplu 2020-07-17
Was he banned? I thought I saw his name not so long ago
2 a_few 2020-07-17
I don’t think the r slurs know how hard it is to wrangle up lolcows, let alone ones that will provide a steady supply of milk. I think the problem is people treat this sub like the rest of reddit; if you say something stupid, or not funny, or that I disagree with, you get a downvote. We need to be a leading force in starting a conversation about excessive downvoting. I hate to say it, but even pizzashills slowly becoming slightly based; what are we going to do when he inevitably celebrates his 18th birthday and grows out of cómmyism, becoming just another based centrist?
2 guycalledpari 2020-07-17
2 zlfpn 2020-07-17
I don't get the whole "don’t downvote the lolcow" thing when the person getting downvoted is an unfunny r-slur. I would get it if it's ever actually funny but really the jannies just want "don't downvote". Like watermark just sucks. He's not an LOL cow, he's just a string of comments I have to mentally filter. If I wanted to see his takes I would just visit r/popular
1 Habahz 2020-07-17
Unfortunately by removing the downvote button, you're only taking power away from megachad desktop posters, who, as I'm sure you would agree, should be the only ones allowed to have an opinion here in the first place.
3 a_few 2020-07-17
Imagine using the internet sitting up at a desk lmao
3 Habahz 2020-07-17
> not using desktop mode on your mobile communication device
why even live?
1 Lehk 2020-07-17
Frees up hands for cooming when you don't have to hold a phone.
2 MikealaHunt 2020-07-17
Git gud skrub
2 godsrmay 2020-07-17
Imagine letting jannies dictate what you can and can't do through css 😂😂
4 Habahz 2020-07-17
Imagine not respecting their uncompensated work in uploading shitty sidebar images, dumb flairs and willingly choosing vanilla reddit 🤢
1 _Suprememe_ 2020-07-17
I haven't had CSS enabled on this shithole since the days of le funny rotating webpage animation.
1 Toitwo 2020-07-17
only sub worthy of keeping css on in is /r/ooer
1 BroughtToYouBySprite 2020-07-17
t. css-cel
1 chocolatecrumbs 2020-07-17
1 fuckedupridiculant 2020-07-17
In my experience it's mostly gentle seethe from rightoids who think that political internet humour is only allowed to be aimed at liberals.
1 AlphaMale3625 2020-07-17
There’s too many rightoids and borderline MDEgenerates 🤢
2 smaltur 2020-07-17
They just concern troll any place with even a single rightoid such that it becomes another leftoid SRD knockoff
1 UncleSamuel 2020-07-17
Concern trolling is a family tradition. My entirely black family, so what you said is kind of problematic.
1 Chuck-Brown 2020-07-17
Officer Maggot was pretty funny I don't get why you guys don't seem to like MDE
It's not like Tolstoy but it's not bad
1 Pewkie 2020-07-17
Because MDEgenerates get literally every sub they exist in banned. There are plenty of subs that were fine until MDE drooled all over it and then it got the axe.
1 Chuck-Brown 2020-07-17
Oh no, I get why you don't like the people I just don't get why you conflate that to the actual product.
You have to know how cowardly and, I hate to say it, but outright cucked(by MDE no less) this makes you sound, right?
2 Pewkie 2020-07-17
Oh is that what the troglodytes of MDE do? They just cuck over a hundred subs into getting banned?
1 Chuck-Brown 2020-07-17
It sounds like that's what you're literally describing them doing. If there's some layer I'm missing here...
1 godsrmay 2020-07-17
They are a cancer on par with t-slurs
Once they invade a sub, they will ruin it completely unless they are pruned with extreme prejudice
1 Prince-Klonopin 2020-07-17
MDE has very little to do with the show or even the subreddit, it's just a catchall term for internet rightoids in the same way that "chapo" is a catchall term for leftoids even if they don't listen to the podcast. The vast majority of reddit rightoids today are iFunny zoomers who weren't around when /r/MDE got banned, and yet they're still MDEgenerates one and all
1 Chuck-Brown 2020-07-17
Well, ok. You sound right so I choose to believe that
So f'real, I just saw my first MDE bit like last week and I want Drama to tell me -- is Sam Hyde cool or uncool or a victim in all this or what?
4 Lehk 2020-07-17
Sam Hyde is personally involved with every known act of terrorism, how he evades the feds is a mystery.
1 Chuck-Brown 2020-07-17
so i hear
3 MikealaHunt 2020-07-17
Hes a man who saw into the future and it broke his mind. Now hes the equivalent of the homeless guy who asks to wash your car windows with a bucket full of his own spit but somehow has money still.
2 twinkslayer12345 2020-07-17
2 MikealaHunt 2020-07-17
That's true of most people tho stinky
2 twinkslayer12345 2020-07-17
maybe you should listen to his excellent financial advice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oD2gXY4piF4&t=170s
1 MikealaHunt 2020-07-17
I can attest to this advice as I've done it myself lmao. Bullshit Medical Bill's got sent to the bill collectors, made minuscule payments here and there for years, finally they ask to settle and I paid about a 5th of what I owed them 🤣
1 CriticalAttempt2 2020-07-17
Lots of lefties here these days actually, compared to their historical population figures
1 watermark1917 2020-07-17
I was a libtard Pioneer, I helped settle this untamed land and tame its savage MDEgenerate natives for the libtards
2 ShitTornadoToOz 2020-07-17
You always were the canary in the rightoid cuck mine. Seeing your comments downvoted is our MDEgenerate silent alarm.
2 MagicHoudini 2020-07-17
Thanks for your service fam o7
1 CriticalAttempt2 2020-07-17
No one doubts that.
1 804-929-4988 2020-07-17
I'm convinced you're just a mukumukum alt
1 CommissarCletus 2020-07-17
They come out in force whenever this sub goes private
1 chanbr 2020-07-17
You need to kick them out. Banwave when
1 pewkiemuffinboo 2020-07-17
Not only can you not make fun of the rightoids without them downvoting you to oblivion, what they do think is funny (and upvote) is basically "lol tranny nigger 41% lolocaust" and it's so fucking boring and low effort.
They have absolutely no substance whatsoever.
1 TaysSecondGussy 2020-07-17
Glad to see you are okay after you were put down in the fatty thread. I didn’t know how you would ever recover from the downboats.
I’d be interested to see if we got cross posted somewhere. It’s never a trickle of new people and voting, it’s always a sudden influx.
0 pewkiemuffinboo 2020-07-17
I called my mom and cried and then spoke to my therapist about it and she told me that the internet is just jelly of me so it's okay.
Since the last banwave we've had about 500 more active users at any given time. At peak we're sitting at about 2100 people which is a pretty dramatic increase.
Not a tonne has changed though. We have a lot more random posts from PCM and the weird fatty threads, which wouldn't normally be something to "look for" but there are so many recently and it's weird. We have no idea why this topic is all of a sudden so popular.
2 TaysSecondGussy 2020-07-17
Can’t keep a good gay down.
I’m guessing a portion of the people that crashed Deux figured out this wasn’t a 100% MtF furry sub.
1 pewkiemuffinboo 2020-07-17
Deux still has Dos, which still hasn't been banned despite being one of the most blatant ban-evasion subreddits in existence (I think the admins like them just like they like us).
1 Woolgun 2020-07-17
While it clearly is ban evasion, I think it's low profile enough, and I can't say I really see many rulebreaking posts or comments. Posting anti-trans and anti-black shit was what killed Deux at the end.
1 RusIsrCanShill 2020-07-17
Dos doesn't have MDEfugees that deux was swarmed with.
1 TaysSecondGussy 2020-07-17
Too small to warrant much attention. I think with Deux it was the edge posters following people to other subs and fighting with them, I’m sure that triggered tons of reports.
1 [deleted] 2020-07-17
1 AutoModerator 2020-07-17
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1 [deleted] 2020-07-17
1 AutoModerator 2020-07-17
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1 helegad 2020-07-17
How about you fuck off? 👏
1 [deleted] 2020-07-17
1 AutoModerator 2020-07-17
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1 [deleted] 2020-07-17
1 AutoModerator 2020-07-17
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1 MikealaHunt 2020-07-17
Current state of the sub y'all 😞
2 godsrmay 2020-07-17
1 [deleted] 2020-07-17
1 AutoModerator 2020-07-17
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1 meangenehackman 2020-07-17
This sub has fallen so far in quality that people generally don't complain anymore because all that's left is the dregs and they think this is good.
2 MikealaHunt 2020-07-17
It's a shame to compare the sub now to what it was even just 2 years ago. Then again, fagmins keep kneecapping the jannies to keep us around. So I guess it's a question of die on your feet or live on your knees...
1 The_Homocracy 2020-07-17
I already spend a lot of time on my knees so I'm used to it
1 MikealaHunt 2020-07-17
Stop bragging 🤫
1 804-929-4988 2020-07-17
On our knees daddy!!
2 Kellere31 2020-07-17
Shut the fuck up. You need to shut the fuck up right now. Why? Because you need to shut the fuck up alright? IT'S WEEE WOOO WEEEEE against BLAAAAA BLOOOOO BLUUU and honestly, I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE EVERONE SHUT THE FUCK UP AND BE FUNNY I WANT TO SEE THE FUNNY JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!
1 pewkiemuffinboo 2020-07-17
Assuming this subreddit was ever good.
1 Ill1lllII 2020-07-17
It's like banning the old crowd had a negative effect on the population of the sub or something.
1 meangenehackman 2020-07-17
If they didn't ban the cool kids then how could they become cool?
1 Habahz 2020-07-17
Hey all the pink makes me feel at home, okay?
1 MikeStoklasa-cel 2020-07-17
I just want to kiss Snally's butthole
3 ason 2020-07-17
Just don't come crying to me when it kisses you back, hombre.
3 Funkyduffy 2020-07-17
I want to eat its expulsions like a baby bird
1 BroughtToYouBySprite 2020-07-17
1 Aletherios 2020-07-17
The chapo ban really saw this place invaded by leftoids and centroids
1 watermark1917 2020-07-17
I'm going to have to pour one out for my Gen z autist tankies
1 Crook_and_Crank 2020-07-17
The downvoting is a big issue, especially because reddit by default hides and pushes down anything that gets downvotes. I've got to scroll all the way down to find pizzashill and that's just not okay.
Normally I shit on the leftoids for agendaposting on reddit but it's pretty clear from who gets downvoted that it's rightoids -- specifically burger rightoids -- shitting up the threads and hitting the redditor disagrees button at the moment.
I've said this before to pewkie though; no one is going to have any idea what the mods don't want or what the rules really are until they just explicitly state them. Right now the automod is more or less the only way new users have of clearly telling what isn't allowed. There's a list of drama that is wanted, but not what content specifically isn't wanted. I doubt new users even know political posting is frowned on because of layers on layers of dramatard jargon. Then the mods bitch that they aren't seeing good content and have to clean up bad content.
Edit: unless it's a nureddit formatting thing? Just occurred to me I might be viewing old rules. If so ignore me I'm special.
if you have all threads sorted by controversial by default then the best comments are at the top because they will have a combination of seethers downvoting and chads upvoting
1 804-929-4988 2020-07-17
This guy is a grade A bottom
1 I_Shah 2020-07-17
Wouldn’t downvoting a lolcow make them more defensive and sperg more than just upvoting them
1 Crook_and_Crank 2020-07-17
This is just my opinion, but I think that generally lolcows say their wackiest, funniest shit when they are at their most confident, or at least when they don't think the whole room is laughing at them.
Downvoting them makes them defensive and mad, sure, but that's usually just going to result in screeching, which isn't particularly novel, and they're not likely to come back again any time soon.
Not to mention that the lolcow is providing you with free content, it's only polite to thank them for it with fake internet points.
1 [deleted] 2020-07-17
1 wow___justwow 2020-07-17
I was going to upvote you but the post was at 69 points and that number makes me chuckle.
1 godsrmay 2020-07-17
Lmao imagine using css
1 Spysix 2020-07-17
u need 2 do better @ succin my cock lmao
1 EdgeRaker 2020-07-17
DramaPosting doesn't exist. What you call an arr slash drama slur is a crystal child.
The Crystal children began to appear on the planet from about 1990-2010, although a few scouts came earlier. Their main purpose is to take us to the next level in our evolution and reveal to us our inner and higher power. They function as a group consciousness rather than as individuals, and they live by the “Law of One” or global oneness. They are also advocates for love and peace on this planet.
They are mostly born into the Gold Ray of Incarnation and Evolution, which means they have access to gifts of clairvoyance and healing. They are born on the sixth dimension of consciousness, with the potential to open up rapidly to the ninth dimensional level of full Christ consciousness, and then from there to the thirteenth dimension, which represents universal consciousness.
Drama user’s auras aren’t specifically opalescent, but are octarine, which is a color that isn’t in the normal visual range of human eyes, but is the manifest color of high magic, and on another color octave entirely. They have beautiful pastel hues to them. To the untrained eye, it appears to be without color at all, therefore Crystal, but the extremely high frequency of the energy field is what gives it away.
The first thing you will recognize about drama users is their forgiving nature. They are very sensitive, warm, and caring. Don’t mistake these characteristics as a sign of weakness as Crystal children are also very powerful.
do not talk about this
1 Mayos_side 2020-07-17
Who is this? Why would I read any of this?
1 TonyDanzaClaus 2020-07-17
What could be better than racebaiting twitter posts?
1 DuckSosu 2020-07-17
Unfathomably based!
1 804-929-4988 2020-07-17
What's even worse is when you're milking one and some retsrd from the sub says "he's just trolling you" or some shit like that. It usually stops them in their tracks
1 iluvponies35 2020-07-17
1 Matthew1J 2020-07-17
That was never actually a thing. People downvoted lolcows here since the beginning of time.