Gaymer goes into the pasta business to show everyone that he's not mad. BUT WHAT IF HE WAS, HUH?!

1  2020-07-17 by ItsSugar


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Can you just explain why being mad is such a big deal? All you shitkids are saying 'LOOOOOOOOOOOOL HE MAD THO 😂😂😂' without actually telling me why that's a problem?


God I fucking hate this community so so much. Now that's one thing I don't mind admitting that I hate.

this is some extremely powerful levels of autism

ok lmao yeah this user is a complete sperg, his comment history is years of spilling spaghetti

One thing I don't understand is, why are Americans so into each others business? Why do they care so fucking much about what random strangers on the street are doing?? People you'll probably never see again in your life.

Like if they see someone doing something they don't agree with, why do they ALWAYS feel they have to say something to them? Why can't they just get on with their day? It's fucking weird behaviour.

and hes a seething europoor too lmao

another comment of his, from an rLivestreamFail thread titled xqc on #BlackoutTuesday:

I am almost 100% certain the origins of this hashtag is government/ ruling-order bots. The first time this happened was less than 24 hours after the first day of police brutality on protesters, almost as an an attempt to stop the momentum that was building on social media.

People are so stupid though that they follow these trends without thinking for one fucking second the implications of it or where it came about. Ontop of that, you've got Cancel Culture cocked-and-loaded ready to pull the trigger on anyone that doesn't immediately follow their commands and go along with it. The government is playing them like a fucking fiddle.

lmao at unironic "wake up sheeple" posting

His comment history is almost as retarded as replying to yourself twice ♿

yeah im retarded whatre u gonna do about it

Suck my own dick


imagine unironicaly playing blizzards tf2 clone

What’s the issue? It’s a spray that a lot of people in the US would find offensive because of the ugly history.

Can't believe overwatch finally got released outside of china

Imagine getting offended at the sight of a noose lol


Hes not wrong, just autistic.

If he had posted this as a sticky to rdrama we would all be praising him.

We need more mayo representation in hangings, for some reason people think only melanin Americans are capable of asphyxiation

Who even plays OW anymore

My niggа just described something as milktoast.

Fucking milktoast, man.

Like, does he think that that's a bad thing to call something, cos who would want milky toast?

Some guy said “haha you misspelled milquetoast” unironically. It’s really one of the best trap cards for elitist snobs ever played

Well I'm telling you I'm not, I couldn't give a single fuck if you believe me or not. Your opinion means literally less than nothing to me lol. But, so what what if I was mad? So fucking what? Aren't people allowed to be mad about shit?

You're probably some shit-kid that thinks they're 'too cool' to show emotions, so you just go through life expressing 'neutral' reactions to shit you love or hate.

Snappy quote NOW

When was the last time a black person was lynched and hanged?