Redditors defending cucks

1  2020-07-17 by escargott


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Hey, it's fine to be a cuckold if that's what you're into. No need to start hurting innocent perverts here.

oh shit, sorry. He is a incel. thats what i meant.

Reddit Moment™

Good morning, I hate redditors

Like, what's the difference, really?

A cuck is an incel with a good job.

cuck! oops, I meant incel



There was a thread the other day were redditors were claiming it was completely normal for adults to go to Disneyworld. As in them going because they want to, not because of their kids. This site is cancer

Also why do so many retards spell it cuckhold

The guy you linked to is a walking stereotype. Posts in GCJ, Breadtube, Leopardsatemyface and SAS

Tf is leapordatemyface

A sub that could be fun if the users had self-awareness

See: r/selfawarewolves, r/justneckbeardthings, r/insanepeoplefacebook, r/bestofoutrageculture, r/panichistory... so many great concepts ruined by needless handwringing

It's amazing how many subs with good concepts are completely ruined by retarded redditors, either leftoid or rightoid. Enlightenedcenteism, topminds, consumeproduct. Redditors shit up everything, and I mean EVERYTHING

Yet another Trump/Rightoid bashing sub

Oh good we needed another one this site only has about 100 of them.

Lots of chapoids migrated there too

I blame the sudden wave of cucks on people watching porn wrong. When I first started watching porn, it seemed obviously I was meant to self insert into the scene and imagine I was the man doing the business. But later I found out many creeps like to imagine themselves as just a fly on the wall, observing a couple shag. Now these porn addicted men of today can't get off to actually fucking a women, because they've trained their brain to erupt at the idea of him watching sex, not engaging in it. And in this progressive modern world, we have pushed these poor men to embrace and fetishes this ineptitude, rather than overcome it. I can see a push for accepting erectile dysfunction fetish quite soon.

Moid sexuality was a mistake

Terry Crews will save us from porn addiction when he becomes president.

Dude that is a very interesting way to put it.

Yknow I never thought about it like that but looking at it now that actually makes a lot of sense

I can see a push for accepting erectile dysfunction fetish quite soon.

Please validate my floppy pecker!

Stonetoss is a cuckold. Yes. Then what libtard? He makes funny comics that's what matters. There is nothing wrong with being a cuckold anyways.


*Redditors defending themselves

99% percent of reddit would let black men have sex with their wives, thankfully 98% percent of them don’t have wives

🤦‍♂️ We will never achieve mayocide this way

r/whiteboyextinction will never be achieved

It’s already in progress whether you like it or not

Pebble throw is a nazi

This is what gets you hundreds of upvotes on this piece of shit website.