The Radically Centrist Hero the Burgers Need

1  2020-07-18 by PUBLIQclopAccountant


He had wrestling mats installed in most rooms of the whitehouse, and frequently challenged athletes, foreign dignitaries, Congressmen, and boxers, held a brown belt in judo, and lost sight in his left eye and said after “better the left than right I need that one to hunt”

ok ngl teddy roosevelt sounds based

Yeah the dude is basically a Wilbur Smith novel ( The old ones with ships and rape and mystical native guides who are slaves but they like it so its ok. Not the weird wanna be 24 bullshit.) come to life.

What I wouldn't give to shoot elephants with that dude.

And Obama and Trump can’t even get on top of their own wives.

Obama is a gigachad compared to Trump what drugs are you on


Who would you rather have to marry and raise kids with, a girl that genuinely loves you or a girl that you paid to bone you? Looks fade

You’re asking questions well beyond what any retard would comprehend in here.


But not compared to Michelle.

Relativity fuckhead.

what makes teds so incredible?

The transition from Theodore to Ted grants powers beyond our understanding. They remain ever vigilant against False Teds (Edwards) infiltrating their ranks. True Teds: Bundy Kaczynski Roosevelt Nugent

False Teds: Kennedy Turner Cruz Danson

nice breakdown

When the dramatards obsess over something, they do not let it go until it's completely torn apart. You're the pitbulls of people, but with less to contribute to society.


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Ruff ruff lil bihhhhh

back when progressives weren't degenerate twitter wokies in furry suits, but they hunted down bears with their bear hands

And throwing terrified nieces into lakes to teach them to swim

And challenged white house visitors to wrestling matches

The moment I learned about him in history class, I knew he was the best POTUS, bar none.