FunkoPopsicles mad

1  2020-07-18 by CNOChandler


Lmao at the guy claiming people wo don't collect Funko shit have no understanding of aesthetics, aesthetics in room design is like the opposite of stuffing a cupboard full of plastic capeshit models that are kept in boxes because they are "rare" and claiming you actually understand room design

Saw #FunkoPop trending. Saw so many tweets bashing those that like to buy them.

Seriously? You can't just let people buy stuff that makes them happy? It's not hurting you.

Also, I don't want to come to your house if you don't understand aesthetics and personal taste.

Gay, Writer, Blogger, ‪#MentalHealth‬ Advocate, Boy Band and Country Music Lover, living with severe Depression. He/Him.

the Internet is lost from any semblance of sanity because these people have way too much free time and a*tism for people to normalize shit again. Gonna go a step further and say it’s why communism is so big online, why get a job when you can just find other mentally ill dudes online to support your shitty habits

Buy anime figurines instead at least some poor fucking artist got paid pennies to make an actual model instead of just slapping a different hat on a pre-made doll.

Being a funkocel is worse than being a weeb, yes.

Good morning, I fucking hate wh*te """"people""""

Seriously? You can't just let people buy stuff that makes them happy? It's not hurting you.

Absolute state of manchildren

The profile pics of these angry people lmao

They look exactly like you'd expect.


Been collecting #FunkoPop now for 3 years or so and have a collection over nearly 400! Helps me battle my mental health problems and it’s a good hobby! I love the pop culture game!

This shit looks like something out of a LoveforLandords post. But it's real.

Jesus. 400. They're like $10 each. That's $4,000 before tax.

Things you can buy that cost about $4,000:

A used car

A very powerful computer

4 months rent in a studio in Seattle

Months worth of food

A nice vacation in Canada

An 8k TV

Furnishings for an entire apartment

Your utilities for like 3 years

Literally anything that isn't funko pops

You could also invest that $4k or at the very least put it in a savings account but fuck that amirite I gotta consooooooooom aaaaaaaah

4 months rent in a studio in Seattle

I don't live in that shithole thank God, but you're about 2000 bucks off

Damn that girl looks similar to a pornstar, it wasn't her tho

have a collection over nearly 400!

This is bothering me more than it probably should. Is it over 400 or nearly 400? Bitch it can't be both.

I need to up the rent for my rentoids by a $100 after seeing this

producing literal tons of waste plastic because it makes losers "happy"

They probably go on about global warming and attend Extinction Rebellion marches as well.

If you're "collecting" shit with zero historical or artistic value well into adulthood, you deserve a midnight visit from the gestapo tbh

It's not hurting you

Imagine pretending a society of arrested development doesn't eventually affect the well-being of everyone within it

I just do not get the popularity of Funko Pops. I understand collecting figurines, insofar as I understand collecting anything. But Funko Pops are just so ugly.

Why in the world does anyone like those horrid little things?

Yikes... Oh my sweet summer child. That's terrible, why he hateful, they aren't hurting other people.


Probably because they've got every character under the sun in one matching theme that you can claim to be a collector of. I can't imagine they're so popular because anyone actually likes them.

I've noticed that there's like 10+ different versions of every mildly popular comic book character. Spiderman and batman probably have dozens if not over 100 alone. It's genius marketing. If you consider yourself a big Spiderman fan, you can't settle for just one funko pop figure, you need at least 15-20.

Pretty much, I think there’s some level of manufactured rarity to some of them as well. Even as a kid I wouldn’t have seen a point. Obscure expensive action figures and models I can kinda understand, these are just so soulless.

they're soulless as fuck, if i were to collect plastic shit. i'd at least buy nendoroids.

Yeah but pops are like 10 bucks each and nendoroids are typically at least 50-70 bucks each if not more.

Yep it's harder to fill a whole wall up with more expensive figures like that. That seems to be a common thing with these pop vinyl collectors, they have to have whole walls or bookshelves dedicated to their collection, because the other collectors have those so I need one too. Wouldn't be surprised if the company posts some staged pop collections on Reddit and Twitter under disguised marketing accounts to make the nerds that only have 30 funko pops feel bad.

Funko's Marvel stuff is okay, but that is because both of them sucks anyway.

Marvel stuff just doesn't work on Nendos.

Nendoroid also has a better selection of characters such as Kokonoe Rin and Kagami Kuro.

based lolif*g

Those eyes...

Rarted adult children

Popular brand spotted. Activate Consoom.exe

I bought a few figurines, got made fun of because that was par for the course for buying figurines, and we just went on about our days cause it was just banter.

Don't understand why people are so defensive about their Funko Pops. Yes, people mock other people for their hobbies; don't let your fragile ego's crumple under it.

I bet at least half of these let-people-enjoy-things-posters have made fun of dudebros driving around in lifted brodozers

Probably. Let me enjoy my things but your things are r-slurred manbaby compensating much?

Buying packaged goods isn't a hobby lmao

Don't understand why people are so defensive about their Funko Pops. Yes, people mock other people for their hobbies; don't let your fragile ego's crumple under it. All hobbies and collections get mocked.

This is what funkocel fragility looks like.

I busted in seconds during sex, got made fun of because that was par for the course for being a premature ejaculator, and we just went on about our days cause it was just banter. Now none of us give a shit.

Don't understand why people are so defensive about how long they last in bed. Yes, people mock other people for shooting their load too soon; don't let your fragile ego's crumple under it. All sexual deficiencies get mocked.

Let a few guys fuck my fat wife, got made fun of because that was par for the course for being a doormat and we just went on about our days cause it was just banter. Now none of us give a shit.

Don't understand why people are so defensive about eating bull's cum. Yes, people mock other people for pink cuckie cages; don't let your fragile ego's crumple under it. All hobbies and collections get mocked.

Let a few fat bitches fuck me in the arse, got made fun of because that was par for the course for being in the closet and we just went on about our days cause it was banter. Now I can't stop shitting.

Don't understand why people are so defensive about getting plowed in the arse. Yes, people mock other people for being unable to walk straight due to being so weak; don't let your fragile ego's prevent a roight ass fuck. All pegs and cucks get mocked.


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Smooth move f-slurs. It was relavent to the situation.

I thought this shit was just a meme? Are people really buying this garbage?

Been collecting #FunkoPop now for 3 years or so and have a collection over nearly 400! Helps me battle my mental health problems and it’s a good hobby! I love the pop culture game!



That's the worst and least relaxing/calming bedroom I've ever seen.

It looks like a dystopian prison cell tbh

if i spent more than an hour in that room I think i'd gain a mental illness

Christ, my college dorm rooms were better

If this is his mental illness while managed, imagine what would happen without them.

Right? There was one in my basement that was some capeshit and threw it in the trash when I bought my house.

Memes and stereotypes exist for a reason

My girlfriend's sister has a couple hundred of them

Hahahahaha ohh boy, they aren't just buying them. These literal manchildren spend hundreds, sometimes thousands on that crap.

Typically the same people that defend cucks and get mad when you call them simps. Really makes you think

Also the same people who will be outed as libertarians/male feminists within 5 years

Absolutely pathetic. Can't believe they feel no embarrassment showing off their collections.

I'm a Carpenter. I renovate "people" 's homes. One 45 year old man asked me to put in a secret panel to get under his crawl space. After the door was on he was bragging he now had a place to play video games away from his family. I thought it was weird, but he paid on time. Had I seen his den (before the job) when he was paying me I would have told him to fuck off. IT WAS FULL OF FUNKO POPS DOLLS🤮

Seriously? You can't just let people buy stuff that makes them happy?

I wonder, after the novelty value of your new thing fades away, how many people look at their manchild toy collection and feel happiness.

Used to know a guy in college who’s entire personality was talking about the things he bought (with his dads money) took him a few years to realize that no one cares


This makes me want to collect more FNKO, because millennials are so so so fucking depressing and predictable.

Retard stonks only go up

Ashamed to have glasses

As you should. Dysgeniccels have no place I society

Looks like the bubble has burst.

"I'd much rather collect things then be a cunt that goes drinking every week."

LMAOOOOO, justify your lack of friends and basic social skills as much as you want.

Those things are seriously ugly as fuck, I'll never understand people's obsessions with them.

At least when I go to the bar and get drunk I meet people, socialize, and even network.

My hermit buddy asks how I just “know an HVAC guy”. Well dickhead, I don’t sit at home and feel sorry for myself. I go to the bar and do it.

The people you meet while out socializing are genuinely interesting. I don't know why people wouldn't want to do that.

i don't know how you can sit there and think "yeah that's good decor right there".

Drinking every week is probably cheaper lol.

For the amount they spend on those god awful things they could actually buy cool statues or figures that were handmade and can actually be called art

and with tiddies 🤤

Been collecting #FunkoPop now for 3 years or so and have a collection over nearly 400! Helps me battle my mental health problems and it’s a good hobby! I love the pop culture game!


He admitted to being mentally ill twice.

Sounds more like exacerbating rather than battling lol

That's exactly what it is. They call this "self care" and there's even therapists out there encouraging it.



I miss the days when the resident weirdo would have a wall covered in swords, nunchuks and throwing stars instead of these little plastic goblins

Fuck every that's slating us collectors, I'd much rather collect things, Then be a cunt who goes drinking every week

Lower then incels. At least they have an excuse this guy just wants more ugly plastic

All I see in that thread are people who could enjoy a rent increase.

For fucks sake sell the funkos and see a therapist

If I walked into this guys house and saw this I'd immediately think he's a serial killer or some other form of lunatic

And this one:

Whilst everybody be talking about #FunkoPop just gonna say they have literally been the background of my life for the past 4 years or something now and I think they make for some good decor so fuck y'all

tfw plastic figurines have been the background of your life for nearly half a decade


holy shit no wonder you have “mental health problems” dude. reminds me of this



r/loveforlandlords will hear about this

This is not just a meme?

Where do you think memes/stereotypes come from in the first place?

All stereotypes are unironically 100% true

Source: Florida man

I buy the ones for hobbies I actually like (comic, wrestling, sports, some odds and ends) and it gives my kids a cheap easy gift to buy dear ol Dad since they have their own shit to worry about. But to each their own, as I cant talk shit since I have 4 different versions of Marvel Comics Taskmaster in my home office.

Get out



Every single one of these reads like a deliberately obvious attempt to demonstrate Poe's law.