Tankies mad (x1917)

1  2020-07-18 by Matues49


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Removed: (R 4) Related To Politics

Correction: Related To The Wrong Kind of Politics

Why do reddit mods always lock threads where people are having heavy disagreement? What's the point of that? Its not like it hurts anything.

Because those are the threads with a lot of stupid reports

i will never understand how someone can convince themselves that communism is the answer to america’s issues.

It's definitely not whatever we're doing now

do we have our own resident tankie???

Watermark is a meme account

This is why I lowkey love him. (no homo)

My history teacher in sophomore year deviated from the curriculum for a day to teach us about the Holodomor. He really, really hated commies. He wasn't even Ukrainian or anything he just hated commies.

How did the class react?

Our resident tankie quietly seethed and talked shit behind the teachers back about how it's "imperialist propaganda" but for the most part everyone reacted the same as learning about any other genocide: somber silence and quiet horror.

There's so many good examples of communism not working, but using slavs is just dishonest. They are incapable of building a functional society of any ideology, let alone one that requires that much trust and cooperation.

Having a society based on trust always fails, look at France, Sweden or Burgerland where people thought they can trust an average person to not be clinically retarded and how did it work for them?

Communism is the blight of humanity.

Humanity is a blight, and communism is humanity

Humanity is a blight

Is that why chapos are pro starving?

Armageddon can't come soon enough.


Reddit is a pretty stupid place, but its toleration of Marxism is something that I don't understand at all.

Marxists by every metric (kills, dysfunction, backwardness, bootlicking) are just as bad as fascism.


muh 20 million a year die from capitalism

Holy shit, i didn’t know people could be anticommunist on reddit withoit getting canceled 😂

The most real genocides are those that come into existence like 50 years after they happened as part of a propaganda campaign by a world power attempting to enforce a new world order

Capitalism has killed hundreds of millions in the 20th century, nationalism has killed billions throughout its history. Why don't we ban capitalism and nationalism as genocidal and extremist ideologies? Because genocide and totalitarianism, work, the side that did the most genocide won the war. That's nationalist capitalism, the definition of the united states, the most evil ideology to ever exist, that has killed more human beings than any other ideology.


I hate commies. No funny comment i just hate commies.

This. Commies are a bunch of losers.

Communism will win

Lol no.

Chapos out out out


downvoting watermark

Rightoidfugee out out out 🤢🤢🤢

he's lost his touch

Miss when he posted good bait instead of just posing as a /r/politics or chapo poster under every single slightly rightoid comment.


Was going to ask why we keep downvoting you when you’re such a great lolcow. However, after reading this thread I’ve concluded you’ve got a severe case of autism and the only way out is the rope.

It’s like the great Rafał Gan-Ganowicz said when someone asked him how it felt to a kill a person, “I wouldn’t know, I’ve only killed communists”

Yes because he fought for the Nazis like all right wing Polacks

The United States is a continuation of the third reich, Polacks are Nazi bootlickers

The Nazis killed his mother and then he fought for them his entire life, imagine being such a blood traitor, only a Polack could comprehend that

Yes because he fought for the Nazis like all right wing Polacks

He was 13 in 1945. Doubt he was fighting for anyone at that point.

Oh wait, you're doing that thing where anyone who isn't a commie like you is a Nazi, aren't you.


Better dead than red

arent republicans also red?

Rightoids out out out

Them too.

Yes. Statement stands.

Did they stutter?


Based and anti-redpilled.


I'm a communist

This is bad /r/drama trolling even for you

Ease up on the smack

No, you’re a state capitalist

Oh, shit i was joking around....hey comrade.....haha, i was fucking with you. Please dont hit me.

Then put your money where your mouth is and collectivize your bussy 😤

Good morning, i hate commies

You hate what will win

When it finally does win, how do all of the fat communists plan to stand in the bread line?? Or will bread be delivered to basements? Because frankly, breadlines are fatphobic and problematic. This is a serious issue that I think should be ironed out waterdaddy.

tribalism around economical systems is somehow even worse than nationalism or religious fanaticism

Nationalism is a murderous ideology that has killed hundreds of millions of people, yet the United States is still openly a nationalist country and follows that ideology. Why is this allowed? Why is it OK to be a nationalist, but not a communist, when nationalism has killed hundreds of millions more people than communism?

At least religiouscels cannot be proven wrong about their beliefs. Commies however choose to deny that communism will never work no Metter how hard you smugpost yourself into believing real communism has not yet been tried

No listen it can, but first the whole world needs to be socialist.

Even if you could make it work under the right circumstances, it will still fail because it inevitably attracts a huge number of worthless layabouts who think communism will give them a cushy middle class western European lifestyle without having to contribute to society in any meaningful way.

It only ever works in the small scale. Native americans were pseudo-commies but they actually had the dedication to work and the balls to make sure there were no leeches.

Yes nobody worked in the Soviet Union

It was a place where there were literally no rules and you could do whatever


You have to work under Communism, it doesn't allow parasites like in Capitalism that just subsist off of rent while not working.

why are there landphobes in r/drama

Communism is a religion to commies.

It's a better religion that yours


Accept Christ.

Communism created the most powerful nation that's ever existed, it worked. The state only failed because the leadership was corrupted and became capitalist.

Gimmick posting doesn’t work if you reply to every single comment.

I get the idea of gimmick posting, I really do. But you're just pathetic

this is an absolutely blatant agenda post, but its still funny


ideologies are for losers

based and zizekpilled

Unironically true. Imagine taking everything a m*yo 100 years ago said in some ""theory"" book seriously.

Cope. Seethe. Dilate. etc.

"but capitalism which has been a part of nearly every nation for centuries has had some bad things to"

Yeah ok just get a job already

Capitalism has had all the bad things, it won because it was more evil

Sounds based to me

Your trolling is going downhill, dude. Try harder.

But I thought this was like capeshit where the good guys always win :'(

Get back to drugs, your sober baits are Chapo-tier

Daily reminder that commies are not actual people

"I wouldn't know, I've only killed communists.” - when asked what it was like to kill people

saved you three seconds of googling, I know, repost, effortpost, yes Im gay

Based and Ganowicz-pilled

I sure see a lot of pro-polack sentiment on this sub these days. Is this illegal immigration or are dramatards getting

Polacks have been fucked over by both fascists and commies and subsequently appeal to radical centrists.

I'd take umbrage with their anti-LGBT attitudes, but watching how greased that slippery slope became post-2015 I'm a little more skeptical.

Careful m8, /pol/acks are creepin'!

Slippery slope is probably just the death wail of a group that is no longer special. Booty-gig is proof that homos can be really boring, milquetoast CIA plants.

Nah fuck poles 🤢

Yes please 😍😍😍

It's not just this sub, the whole internet is getting borschpilled

Was Ganowicz the biggest Chad ever?


It's funny how Tankies assume that the Holodomor is Bourgeois (((Nazi))) Propaganda to discredit the Soviet Union and Communism, but Far-Right Russian Nationalists also deny that the Holodomor happened (or if it did it then it was something else), because it would justify Ukrainians being a separate ethnic group from Russians.

Seriously the (((Russki))) Neo-Nazis in Stormfront and other Neo-Nazi forums always caused massive spergouts in there among its Ukrainian and other Slavic users, there were repeated calls for Russkies to be banned or secluded because they only caused division among r-slurs in there.

Neither Holodomor nor the Holocaust ever happened, but they should have.

How centrist of you.

All slavs are r-slurs, it is known. But that argument doesn't even makes sense.

Goddamn, the famines aren't even that complicated, it's insane how people persist in being retards about what happened.

As much as I hate the CCP, China has been able to raise millions of their own people out of poverty because you do not need capitalism to raise people out of poverty. In fact capitalism keeps people in poverty, because most people in poverty stay in poverty.

these r-slurs really don't know who Deng Xiaoping is or what his market reforms were

Some people should be jailed for making such bad takes smh

Unironically they would be jailed in the PRC.

And apparently living in a bamboo hut with no running water isnt poverty

And yet the Chinese Communist party immediately becomes communist again when you want to genocide your containment war because your angry and jealous of the Chinese people for being more successful than you

Capitalists are just jealous, fact

your angry and jealous of the Chinese people for being more successful than you

I don’t think I know anyone who would rather live in rural Sichuan than in rural Montana.


I became a communist ever since I read about Stalin’s policy towards LGBT.

Muh Churchill


Pat Buchanan is a tankie confirmed.

It's the first trick they teach in tankie school.

When someone brings up the Holodomor you start mumbling about some famine that occurred 10 years later on another continent as if that makes Stalin a great guy

Stalin a great guy


You guys never do this, when I start criticizing Hitler or Churchill you never bring up muh communists and their hundred trillion

OP, ya post should have been titled

Tankies mad (x1991)



Tankies are worse, but the omg genocide crowd is so goddamn smoothbrained.

Who cares what happened to a bunch of Ukrainians lol

Chapo check

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Lol I know for a fact I made a couple of comments there. RIP chapo checking.

Chapo check

Thank you for the request, Godsdj. 0 of Neon-Noir's last 816 comments (0.0%) are in /r/ChapoTrapHouse.

Good bot. I was just checking for funsies. :)