weird question: how to sound “less californian” lol

72  2020-07-19 by ballrot


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Typical urbanite mayo trying to stay “hip” with the basketball Americans and their AAVE

I think this is some kind of new age femcel sub going off the side bar, so that's probably not it, anyone can talk like a black chick, just most people actively try not to.

Transatlantic accent or bust

the smart move is to play up the annoying valley girl shit to pick up some orbiters with a bimbo fetish and then findom them

Remove buttplug

Just don't caught/cot merger haha

As someone who isn't a burger what's a Californian accent even like? due to Hollywood the only English that I grew up used with was the Los Angeles/NYC accent, but save for obviously the South, all Burger accents look the same for me.

Lots of vocal fry, and frequent up-talk. There's also a few word mergers, but those are harder to notice.

Listen to Ryan’s Roses (a bunch on YouTube). The hosts are the perfect example and whether fake radio drama or not, the callers all have the socal accent

Californians pronounce Mary, marry, and merry the same.

Our -ings are soft and effemimate -een.

We also use like as a crutch word.

Aren’t those 3 words pronounced the same?

Am I just an inbred?

Am I just an inbred?


You have the Californian brain rot. Years of Hollywood has damaged your brain.

I’m a rural PAcel though

The first two are pronounced almost the same. I can't imagine what brainlet pronounces Mary as "Mah-ry".

the point of looksmaxxing could be anything- to help you get ahead in society (pretty people get more job opportunities), to help with dating, or to become an e-girl and scam moids out of their money this is about playing the game to win.

what the?!

