Bald & Bankrupt goes to Chechnya

161  2020-07-19 by GeminiRocket

eh, let's have a nice trip to Chechnya

call a woman on the train a "chick" to describe her 💅

make the mistake to post the video on social medias while still being in Chechnya

angry chechens on Facebook are not happy

start looking for him in Grozny

they finally find him

make him apologize on video who look like a hostage video

doesn't loose any fingers and his head, let him go

That's what male feminism look like emasculated western c.ucks 💅 😎


Every Chechen man views Chechen women as if their were their own sister

Yeah the lines are blurred in that regard in that region of the world, aren't they

Every Chechen man views Chechen women as if their were their own sister

Based and Akhenatenpilled.

based and amarnapilled

not really. Learn the correct stereotype, sweaty. That region is more into sheep and white women.

Are you calling Chechens “white” or are you trying to say they are thirsty for white women. Because either is wrong, they are more likely to fuck each other during wrestling practice

Gay is a big nono to them. What is acceptable is doing white women cause they’re kafir and promiscuous, or topping gay Muscovites or Saint Petersburg pasty twinks

I’ve interacted with enough Chechens to know otherwise

Here is the UFC champ Khabib in the tub with the boys

I mean, they’re socializing. No fucking

Wait Chechens aren't white?? lmaoo they are literally Caucasian

You know Europeans didn’t literally come from the mountains of the Caucasus. White is a very loose term but Caucasian just came from some pseudoscience that believed that’s were Europeans originated from because Noah’s ark landed there

White is a very loose term

to literally describe anyone with a white skin. Pretty sure Chechens have white skin.

The entire concept of "race" is pseudoscience. It was made up because tobacco farming was so labor intensive and the ruling class needed one part of the population permanently enslaved for cheap free labor.

I’m black now neega

The real black was inside you all along.

trans n-slur?


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They aren’t white per euro standards. What you mutts consider white in burgerlandt would be called a respective derogatory term in europe

I'm German my guy. The concept of "white" people was made up in the American southern colonies in the 17th century to describe anyone with a white skin. Before that, there was no concept of a "white" or "black" "race".

So, please tell me, what the fuck is a "euro standard" in regards to being "white"?

It's anywhere outside your denazified wonderland, and I am saying this only partially sarcastically. Bongs, slavs, balkanoids, even some of your Bavarian and Sachsen countrymen are not as colorblind as the Berlin hipsters are.


Imagine I had no idea what's going on here or why anyone would visit Chechnyia for any reason, least of all their hairy-legged women.

Start there.

Well you are commenting on a post about him so that alone vindicates his choice... he gets a shit ton of views and money by visiting shit holes no one else vlogs in.

I thought maybe "bald and bankrupt" was a comedy reference to someone... DarkSydePhil maybe.

oh that would make sense. I'll tell you though - Phil is bald-ING, not bald! Big difference.

Bugged follicle mechanics. He didn't do anything wrong!

there really was nothing he could do

Everything I know about Chechnya sort of ends at “you’re hurting me baby” tbh.


The only chechen woman i ever saw was your mom and her legs were hairy as fuck.


So these lovely folks have made a habit of making Russian liberals apologize. It went as far as random prankers making people post videos with apologies and daddy Kadyrov laughing his ass off in the morning.

the guy was a huge rooshv user and is just a sex tourist. lots of good drama content

Amazing. This rando tuber inadvertently created a forum of screeching incels who are endlessly triggered by the fact that he used to have sex.

yes that is hilarious on its own but the dude also talks about purposefully targetting poor impressionable women in "shitty countries" by pretending showing their brothers / parents pictures of him in nice cars. a creep and a shitty person but yeah the idiots freaking out about it are pretty hilarious too

Shut up cucknoob

imagine thinking it's alpha to go to third world countries to get pussy

I think its cool to laugh at you defending foids

imagine thinking it's alpha to go to third world countries to get pussy

Please come to my country to fuck our women incel ☺️

Sounds pretty based ngl, gold diggers deserve pump and dumps.

Being white and not being in America or Europe is highly suspect.

I include the entire crummy contents of Australia and its wart as suspect.

Defo a sex tourist but a sex tourist that makes good content

the fuck is rooshv

Yeah, that was last year, this year he almost died in Covid-19 in Serbia.

I get the whole 'brave explorer go out and explore' schtick that he goes for, but sometimes he just seems really r-slurred sometimes. Like this is a guy who on top of the Chechnya thing and the bug-catching:

  • Left his date in the passenger seat of a running car in one of the worst human-trafficking countries in Africa

  • Filmed himself breaking the law in Russia

  • Filmed himself on the run from police in India

  • Casually strolled into a Bolivian village where the local say they chop people up

And probably a ton of other things

He was in Brazil and basically asked "where is the worst neighborhood in this city" and basically pushed past people who desperately tried to get him to not go down murder hobo alley lmao

pretty based tbh

/uj /s /uj /rj

its actually fucking insane he hasnt been found in a barrel yet. crazy mofo

Wow no beheading, Chechens really have grown more civilized. They're almost in like the 14th century by now.

How long until apology baiting is a recognized olympic sport.

doesn't loose any fingers


8 months ago



