Twitter witches get mad at other witches for hexing the moon

651  2020-07-19 by bc12392


I'm convinced that something is causing mass brain damage. Worse than lead paint.

Social media is the 21st century asbestos

One look at r/witchesvspatriarchy at least alleviates any worry that this will last longer than a generation. It's the one true fem-cel sub if I've ever seen one


These people are already prone to self destruction. The good news is that it only takes a small push.

Ya, she went off on me and started commenting on every post Ive ever made and stalking me in other conversations trying to *warn* them. The whole time Im just laughing my ass off at the seethe. I played it pretty well by not pushing, just standing my ground because I could sense she was breaking.

Lolcows in the wild are a rare thing these days, consider yourself lucky

Oh I did, I just hoped she was going to leave the trail and just delete her username but she deleted all her comments.


I pissed off some girl so much that she tried to call me a sexist on that sub and on 2X. She had the post removed from both of them.

You didn't make a post about this and now I'm really considering banning you 🤔

Dude I posted about it on here as it was ongoing but I didnt know you could go back and delete all your comment history. I was planning on making a thread, dying for it. Im sorry I failed.

Take any thread URL and change to Like magic

But I didnt memorize her username, how would that work?

If you can find one of your comments she responded to, do it on that one. Pushshift (removeddit) should have archived the username as well.

If you really wanted to make a post once you have the username, this tool is useful

I found her username but the tool only showed my profile where I called her out on her BS. Im going to post her insanity., will tag you.

The UI of that tool might have been revamped to discourage doxxing in the last couple months, I forgot about that lol


Looks like it, probably fair as she easily could have been easily doxxed. I asked the mods to lock the post and then will post it here.

FYI, change it yo ceddit instead if this happens



Fight! Patriarchy wins.

Flawless Victority

We could put them all into a rocket and send it straight to the sun, just to make the problem go away faster.

It would be comforting to believe that, but these types tend to marry, have kids named Kayla, and Hunter, and do religious 180s.

This has to be satire, like a /v/ thread where everyone pretends that a certain game exists? Like we are just not in on the joke?

well, for witches, the moon is integral to our work. most notably, it fuels spells and provides power. obviously you shouldnt ???? disrespect the moon??

This is not a real sentence she typed sincerely.

And you guys made fun of the inquisition 🙄

Nah witches are cool let's just let em live and let live! 😘

Look what happened, look what you did 🤢🤮😤

July 15, 1834 worst day of my LIFE

186 years old

Fuckin boomer

Bring. 🙏 Them. 🙏 Back. 🙏

The inquisition was targeted at Christians who were suspected of not truly believing, not witches, or jews. It wasn't illegal to not be Christian, but you missed out on certain privileges if you weren't. This lead Torquemada to believe the church was full of fake-Christians. Being a former jew himself, it makes me wonder if the friar was projecting.

It's a rock that reflects the light of the sun.

Smh, the cold logic of a serial killer.

like a /v/ thread where everyone pretends that a certain game exists

thats funny as fuck lmao

Yeah, it really is, the meme is for an Ed, Edd & Eddy MMORPG, the threads used to be more common a few years ago, but every now and then I see one pop up. They share tier lists, patch notes, complain about OP characters, etc.

Very few people actually get tricked, but some angry individuals feel the need to let everyone know that it isn't funny and that it's unoriginal.

>not maining the son of a shepherd boy

Twitter is just the place where mentally stunted white women inhabit.

Whats with all the redundancy?


No shit the moon is fucked


That’s what happens when you legalize marijuana smh my head 😤😤😤

This is what happens when you let women speak without their husbands permission astagfurallah

You’re retarded, even for arrdrama

imagine going against the word of Allah on an Islamic subreddit lmao

Fuck lmao, I was trying to reply to watermark


Maybe it’s the same chemical that are turning the friggin frogs gay(hermaphrod*tic)? Everyone just LOVES to make fun of daddy Jones for generally being wrong about everything, but seriously, have we as a country ever seen this level of absolute r-slurdation, in even the slightest, in the past 100 years? I’d honestly go back to a time where I had to either pan gold or rob ‘banks’ to survive, as opposed to whatever capeshit lunacy we’re living through now.

we are definitely being subjected to heavy chemical warfare fucking with peoples' hormones and brain function. and causing cancer

MK Ultra.

sort of. all part of the same greater agenda

Mortal Kombat?? Wtf are you on?

We have chemicals in the water supply.

We have big pharma pushing artifical hormones on people that don't need them, but are convinced they need them to cure their pornography induced 'dysphoria.'

More people are staying indoors, too many people live too far away from trees. Nobody is getting enough sun or exercise.

They spend all day watching streaming programs and scrolling newsfeeds that are managed by companies that carefully curate them to put a reader in a certain emotional state for topical reasons or to induce anxiety so the next targeted ad you get will make you more inclined to by something.

And we're here to laugh at other peoples fallouts.

It's fun tho 🥰

You think months of social isolation with no end in sight doesn't cause people to go insane?

no retard, this shit was happening before that

Witch stuff was happening before, a bunch'a covens even tried to place a curse on Drumpf. But hexing the moon? This is new to me! C:

No it wasn't double retard

staying at home for too long makes you a retard that believes in witchcraft

ok retard

stfu triple retard

n-no u

retard cope

at least I'm not a triple retard



Don’t shit on lead. It built the western civilization by being ingested by Romans

Big Sugar is responsible for giving lead a bad name. Romans developed the first sugar-free, lead-based sweetener, which threatened to drive them out of business.

Wow this shit I made from lead tastes sweet 🤔

I'm going to put this in my wine and drink this, this is a good idea 👌😎👌

Hey why does my sister look so sexy all of a sudden 🤪

Wow this shit I made from lead tastes sweet 🤔

I'm going to put this in my wine and drink this, this is a good idea 👌😎👌

Hey why does my sister look so sexy all of a sudden 🤪

Hey when did making slaves fight to the death become so entertaining? 🤪

Someone hexed the earth!

Hack Hex the planet!


alternative theory: ppl were always this dumb but now they can post it in public for the world to see

Illiterate peasants would probably say some dumb shit.

Those dumb people can also reinforce and embiggen each others stupidity.

My theory is that once a wine aunt reaches the age of 35 and realizes she’s childless and alone, she decides to join a Harry Potter-based support group to rationalize her own schizo character flaws.

Worse then lead


they've been doing this shit since the 80s at the very least, they just didn't have the internet so we could all see them do it

What if we've always been like this and previously had enough shame to hide it 🤔

Institutionalization: leftists don’t want to do it, rightists don’t want to pay for it, but it’s the real solution to these ills

I wonder if the Christcucks and Muzzies were right and we fucked up Gen z with all the gay stuff 🤔

Maybe God actually is a homophobe and he's punishing us 🙄

Oh well only way to find out is to get to the end 😉

G-d hates homosexuals, IV drug users and haemophiliacs its pretty fucking clear


There are reports of people having a marked decrease in cognitive function.

We just don’t know if it’s due to becoming stir crazy in quarantine or the virus fucking with internal organs in a way we aren’t paying attention to atm.

stfu I wanna go to the beach.

Won’t do any more harm to the average redditor so you’re good to go.

thank you.

You’re welcome, fucker.

how did you know?

I really do fuck a lot.

are you a witch?

No I’m a fairy.


Brain damage is good cmv

Core demographic really

I really don't understand. What is happening?!

the moon will cease to exist in 24 hours . HOWEVER! through bussy power and discussing scripture with your local imam ARR DRAMA will be able to stop these haram wxite fxids!!!

we dont have scripture ...

we have lawlz’s stickyposts

78k likes for that shit. Twitter is a brain parasite.


people are unironically retarded on twitter

I'm convinced that something is causing mass brain damage

The internet!

in the past few days, a group of FRESH baby witches* decided to band together, and hex the fae. and then the moon. and they did!

these baby witches specifically stemmed from witch tiktok “witchtok”

inexperienced witches who should only be researching and doing protection work

Grown woman is mad at zoomers on tiktok for casting a spell on the moon.

Grown woman is mad at zoomers on tiktok for casting a spell on the moon

$20 says this sentence has never been said before, and never will be said again

Grown woman is mad at zoomers on tiktok for casting a spell on the moon.

Pay up



"After I cut my dick off, I'm gonna shove that hot fire poker up my ass."

-George Carlin

He had a way with words that George

Shit, piss, fuck, cunt, cocksucker, motherfucker and tits.



dude, the sun is next!!!

finally, fuck the sun.

Daylight sucks

Ruins my buzz every time.




Stir it all up and when you're done, Allah Allah Allah end my cursed existence 🎵💣

Hope so, it's been blazing fucking hot this week for me

slippery slope

It’s okay the moon knows who’s responsible for all this and it’ll tell the fairies who to go after.

🌚👉🏿 🇨🇳

👏 All 👏 witches 👏 are 👏 valid 👏

americans were a mistake

don't @ me

Maybe so, but they took witchcraft with them from Europe.

europeans were the original mistake that rapidly snowballed into the bigger mistake i.e. americans

don't you DARE @ me


Do Joos have witches?

I'm going to make jew wiccanism

No, Jews are successful and have lives. This is femcel shit.

But now I WANT to @ you! xD

specifically stemmed from witch tiktok “witchtok”

can we get tiktok banned immediately?


grown woman



Doesn’t female mental development finish at 18?

This "Jupiter" person is 19 according to their profile


Good, now there will be no more songs about the moon.

I get believing in spirituality and other pagan(or monotheistic) divine shit because you're an untermensch who can't deal with pointlessness of existence, but how do you get so deluded in life that you believe that your spells have real and immediate impact?

Do these people not have any sane person in their life that tells them they're acting like a retard? or a parent to hit them while they were still young?

Do these people not have any sane person in their life that tells them they're acting like a retard?

Any person that does is deemed negative and a bigot by them, so they cut them from their lives and/or are terminally online and feel like their online friends are realer than the sane irl people who shit talk them.

Their parents probably told them that praying would solve all their problems. Not much of a leap to get from there to witchcraft.

Their parents probably told them that praying would solve all their problems. Not much of a leap to get from there to witchcraft.

Yes, other Neo-Pagan larpers such as Ásatrucels tend to whine about how the majority of their members only pay attention to Odin and Thor instead of other Gods, as this is a carry over from the Father and Son theme of (((Christianity))) that they grew up used with, modern folx still aren't comfortable being polytheistcels, so just replace (((YHWH))) with Odin or other name and call it a different religion.

Even if they become Atheists or larpers later on, the religion that people grow up with shapes the views of their other religions they later convert to, Rightoid Evangelicucks converting to Catholicism/Eastern Orthodoxy and shitting on everything the way they want with their Protestant mindset is another example of this.

מילים מילים מילים 😎

Big true, just talk to protestantcels that convert to "traditional" eastern orthodoxy about russian folk rituals and the beliefs of the average russian peasant and watch them cope and seethe because they thought orthodoxy was like protestantism without the evil liberal people instead of an ancient syncretic faith that involved old russian pagan folk beliefs.

Trad Orthodox/Tradcath Zoomers, Pagan Larpers, and Leftoid Witches are not interested in religion to start with, they want something that gives them meaning in life, supports their politicope, and prohibits them from committing suicide in their difficult teenage brain phase.

Damn too bad the pagan larpers and witches I know are all in their mid/early 20s lmao

All the real Christians I know are fellow ex drug addicts with fried brains clinging to a religion that makes them feel good about themselves

big brain


Varg moment

Moids become Richard Dawkins inpersonators, the dog-lovers become neo-pagans.

Praying is based on confirmation bias. You pray for something, it or something close to it happens, your answer from God was obviously a yes. If nothing happens, it was a no.

Spells would have immediate impact if they were real. I could preform a ritual right here in my living room and see that nothing happened beyond making a mess. You have to be a schizo to believe in this shit.

WHAT’S A HEX? a hex is essentially spellwork that is a collection of negative energy and is directed to someone, something, or a group of someones/somethings. these are intended to have negative effects and cause HARM to them and their lives.

Literally the same thing. They say the magic words and then wait for something vaguely bad to happen to their “victim.” Or in this case they say the magic words at a giant rock to provoke some reaction from the giant rock god.


Imagine every time you turned on your tv or laptop or phone everyone is always telling how good you are and how all your desires are valid and nothing should ever get in the way of your goals and wants and anyone who ever contradicts you is evil and motivated only by malice.

Imagine that happens for 20 years.

Congratulations you now understand white women in America.

That’s why they are so mentally stunted.

I blame this squarely on the hippy wine aunts from the 70s who never had kids

I know people who believe in "magic", "curses", etc. They have no power in their lives and think that something that gives them a (fake) power is real because they want it to be. The fact that it never works doesn't phase them for some reason.

How the hell can you be raised in America where you're taught science in school and believe in this shit?

Christianity has the advantage of being entirely faith based. If nothing happens you can write it off easily as God telling you "no". But magic? You'd think they could see that grinding up cat guts and thyme or some shit ain't gonna make your ex grow warts, or darken the sky.


Sprenger, Hopkins, and Kramer did nothing wrong

God, whatever happened to people just saying, “No, you aren’t a witch, stop being fucking stupid. Grow up.”

I would, but I don't want to get cursed...

The internet makes it really easy to find someone who shares your psychosis.


Baste Spaniards were right 😤😤😤

jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk

You're not a Hufflepuff, Becky, you're 30.

"Who cares. Pick up a football"

"Witchtok" bro...

Day of the Scimitar when

Alhamdulillah brother

Mayo f*ids. Not even once.


Witches fuck dogs?

The real meaning of animagus

Now I'm wondering what happens if an animagus gets pregnant as an animal, and turns back into a human, or vice versa. This is the pointless shit I wish Rowling would clarify.

It’s not just mayos this time.

Those baby witches need to leave hexing to the professional, real witches

I am amused that these people have already developed a hierarchy whereby "baby witches" aka newbies aren't allowed to participate in the real cool shit until they have basically put time in walking the beat doing menial shit.

These ridiculous fucks have managed to recreate social ranking systems of oppression that they were trying to escape by being witches. Almost like this shit is innate in humans. Guess Daddy Lobster was right.

I’ll take Christianity back if this is the alternative.

the witch hunters did nothing wrong

"As part of the infamous “swimming test,” accused witches were dragged to the nearest body of water, stripped to their undergarments, bound and then tossed in to to see if they would sink or float. Since witches were believed to have spurned the sacrament of baptism, it was thought that the water would reject their body and prevent them from submerging. According to this logic, an innocent person would sink like a stone, but a witch would simply bob on the surface. The victim potential witch typically had a rope tied around their waist so they could be pulled from the water if they sank, but it wasn’t unusual for accidental drowning deaths to occur."

I would be ok with this.

This is just a filter based on body fat percentage. Fat floats, muscle sinks.

Medieval people confirmed fatphobes

It's true. Religions might be declining in the west.

But stuff like witchcraft, tarot readings and Qanon are replacing it.

Honestly if magic were real it'd fucking suck. Imagine calling some kid a r*tard online and then suddenly your dick grows warts cuz he ground up basil and cat shit and said "eat my ass" in old gaelic or some shit

That's why you don't engage in mockery without applying proper WIZSEC. Keep yourself safe with basic charms and whatnot.


Fucking lol

Spengler predicted this smh

Have you noticed that some of our so-called "sciences" (like sociology or economics) lack the scientific traits of replicability or predictability? Like, basically they're just made-up bullshit that serves no other purpose than allowing useless societal elites to justify their high salaries. This is not new: plenty of previous cultures believed in made-up bullshit "sciences" (such as astrology, phrenology, or alchemy) and even used those imaginary sciences to set public policy, much as we do today with economics and sociology. So in some ways, its unsurprising to see superstition reassert itself. When science itself has devolved into nothing more than made-up nonsense, why not just create your own made-up nonsense to compete with it? After all, any randomly generated idea is equally as useless as economics or sociology, but with the advantage that you don't have to subsidize a parasitic upper class pretending to be smarter than you. That explains why these alternative "fringe" narratives are starting to become more popular - because they offer a superior product than the delusional narrative that our globalist elite are peddling.

In fact, I suspect that if you created a brand new religion (or resurrected an old one) and snuck some real science in there, like game theory or memetics, it could replicate really fast, because now you're offering a far superior product to a thirsty marketplace that is oversaturated with shitty knock-offs. While morons place their faith in these shitty "scientism" religions that pretend to be sciences, you can outcompete them by creating a useful science that pretends to be a religion. 🤣

or economics


Can't tell if mdefugee or idw brainlet.

Don’t tell me what to do just because I’m a new witch. I’m not a “baby” I’m more powerful than you’ll ever be because of my strong bloodline( like Rey skywalker) If I want to hex the moon, I’m going to hex the moon!


The replies are fucking amazing.

“This is why we needed to bully Harry Potter fans way more.”

I’m just shocked people are still playing pretend and burning plants to call themselves witches and feel special

For once I'm glad I was raised Protestant. God's light protected me from becoming a schizo, apparently.

say youre sorry to the moon rn idc if u werent one the ones who hexed her she’s sad

You assholes made the moon sad.

If the moon is a femoid, then she was probably already pretty sad about being a useless barren crater-face.

This is basically bullying what you're doing right now. Everyone in this thread needs to apologise to the moon.

i love u Artemis, im sorry the moon got cursed. praying for u and ur brother, Apollo. :((((



What? What’s this a reference to?

Mayo f*ids eat dogs with their gussy.

This community has been banned

I just made it and it got banned for ban evasion lol. Wish the chadmins would tell me what sub i was ban evading cause I have no clue.

Subs get auto banned when janny bot sees too many mdecels joining them at once

Lol, imagine being an MDEfugee 👌😂

Couldn’t be me 😂😂😅

Can these mdefugees just delete their accounts already 😡😡

Appeal it on r/modhelp.

it was hexed


We all know its the Mages you are more powerful

I put on my robe and wizard hat.

Cock ring of magicka



Surely a better name would be /r/patriarchyvswitches

How did we get like this?

Estrogen in the water supply from birth control pills and lots of magnets in the cities

Same shit that's making the frogs gay

Personally I blame Harry Potter. Maybe the boomers were right for once

Lack of the next Great War that usually prunes the population

Quarantine is fucking crazy my guy

Nah dude witch schizos were around before this


Why can't these people ever do cool occult shit instead of basic bitch wicca "read another book" witchery. When I think of witches I think of horny women getting fucked by big-dicked horned devils on crossroads while they moan ecstatic verses to Satan or people torturing virgins to death to the sound of drums in a dark grove in the middle of the night. Western witchfuckery is so fucking lame when compared to the shit "real" sorcerers probably got up to back in the day, sacrificing so many bulls that the streets ran red with blood and rites like that. If wiccans would stop whining about men disrespecting astrology and instead turn into societies of pretty young women who have group orgies wearing flower garlands in the moonlight literally every dude on earth woudl join them asap.

If this isn’t a snappy quote yet 👏 it 👏 needs 👏 to 👏 be 👏

stan queen 💅💅💅💅💅💅💅💅

Witches were literally made for the BDC

White witches fuck werewolves

You mean to tell me you can piss mayo womxn off simply by waving an incense stick, burning goat's milk or whatever and dancing around wildly at midnight?

Where do I sign up?

Look up spells online and film yourself doing the ritual and send it to "witches" on Twitter. Or better yet post it to /r/witchesvspatriarchy

Great find, OP

The burning times didnt happen but they should happen again

“Could any of the Witches in this thread hex me up a hot milf gf?”

At least some people are still sane and able to take the piss out of these delusional dipshits.

Witches? More like dumb bitches

White + Bitches


How have I never noticed this before? It's beginning to all make sense now.

this retard thinks the moon is a planet

Wew lad, don't tell them about Pluto.

How is this shit becoming a thing. "Witchtok"???? Harry potter was a mistake. Literal gibberish

They can hex a moon but can't conquer patriarchy?

it's pure femcel cope lmao

yeah. the planet. the moon.


How the fuck does she go from posting inane bullshit about moon magic and fairies being totally real, to demanding donations for BLM affiliates, then right back to the moon bullshit without missing a beat?

Meth is a hell of a drug.

she also promoted a gay western anime on netflix.

Tweeting about BLM is how you hex the wh¡toids.


well, technically the fae are celtic-specific, so it’s more accuate to say fair folk, but essentially, they are non-human creatures that fairies are based on.

what the fuck convinces an adult that this is an okay way to speak?

Pretty sure these witches hexed my brain cells because they all left after reading that thread

If the moon is this weak from the witches, maybe they should worship something else.

Deez nuts are available.

Really though. How shitty of a god do you have to be that a bunch of "baby witches" can fuck your shit up?

Luther did nothing wrong

He made protestantism such imo started all this shit

Imagine thinking the unlearned common man could interpret the word of god. What a pompous and dangerous fool he was!

I kinda wanna go to my local Baptist Church with this shit. I'd love to see their reaction.

So do they actually think they’re witches or are they only pretending to fuck dogs?

good morning, I hate twitter thots

I saw this on tik tok and everyone who kept talking about it looked the same. Also theres like 24/7 drama with witches "hexing" other peoplr and everytime i see a post thats hexing someone the comments are like "your intent is so powerful" and i think its just the dramatic music that makes them feel it

You guys are all fucking incel-slurs for mocking witches. Who do you think gets freakier, Christian chicks, or witches when you pretend their beliefs are valid and totally not crazy? Seriously, find a local drum circle (when the hoax Chinavirus is gone, dont want to get doxxed by libcel shills) and go to a full moon party. Then when you pull a chick just absolutely ravage her but make sure you mention how your lupinus (means wolf-like, you handytards) features are exacerbated by her powerful connection to the moon spirit. You may have to drink some of her blood but youre not going to wear a condom anyway so who gives a shit?

I kinda wish I were joking but this hippy line is 100% legit. Also helps if you learn what planets will be rising that night. It doesnt even matter if you know what theyre supposed to mean, they wont outright contradict you. You can make up any bullshit and they say But I heard X and you tell them that you follow a different book/style/masculine vs feminine energy etc. I have used the line twice at full moon parties when I lived on a dirty hippy island and it worked both times. One of them got me to drink her blood but like... doesntmatterhadsex. And the next day my mates thought Id fought a fucking possum.

When is Zealandia due to sink back into the sea where it belongs

Continental uplift was a mistake

Not sure, but I cant really argue with you there.

Christian chicks, or witches

Speaking from experience, Christian chicks, because they're sexually repressed and once they get boned they're like a goddamn crack addict who can't live without it. They will do ridiculous shit other chicks won't do. "Witches" are just your standard Basic Becky with a Tim Burton Fan Club firmware update. Despite acting like they're all deep, mysterious, and down for anything crazy they are just like any other American woman. She believes her vagina is made of platinum and she's doing you a huge favor just allowing you to be in the same room with her. At least the Christian chick spent her formative years being told her gender is inferior and she's nothing without a man and knows her place.

We have vastly different experiences. Most witches are just converted Christian chicks.

Whereas only some Christians are converted witch chicks. owo


Abra kedabra n*gga

I'm pretty sure that witches are the f*id version of QAnons.

Awww shit they gone and stole the moon, can't have shit in the milky way

Bitches be memorizing all this shit about witchcraft, hexes, apollo, etc. but they can’t study enough to get an 80 on their physics test 🙄

What the fuck

Make the Inquisition Great Again.


Based and kinopilled


Everyone in-the-know knows that the order of mages and magistrates, in all their male wisdom, hex-proofed the moon in the early 60s to prepare for the Apollo mission. It's all in the documents, people.

White women were god's greatest mistake.

lmfao these witches really be using discord

I understand why they used to burn witches back in the day now

This girl looks at least 19-20. That's old enough to know better. Where did society fail?

Bruh Zeus is up there giving her career advice. I’m sure the God of all Gods has nothing better to do than to help her decide if she’s a furry artist or pot store clerk or whatever the fuck she does.

I’m very bullish on witch drama atm, gonna hodl my dramacoin and see where this all goes

I say we bring back bullying to show these “witches” how ridiculous they are.

Bring back the Salem trials

Does this person have a reddit account? Please make them a mod. 🎑✨🙏


I cannot believe this is not a joke. The absolute state of foids

“Zeus can shove a lighting bolt up my ass or he’s a coward” based

I'm genuinely curious what she thinks of the moon landing.


This is just Patrick Rothfuss's alt testing out new plot devices for the 3rd book of the Kingkiller Chornicles


fae folk are not human with human morals

Oh thank god, Germany rev up your gas chambers, this wont be a war crime or a human rights violation



these are the people that think santa exists

These LARPing cunts are truly insufferable

What is going on, why are "Witchcraft" and "astrology" so popular - as serious interests they believe - amongst white w*men and queers?

This sub is good for my self-esteem

Whenever I start to feel down or that I’m failing in school, I just come and gaze at the Harry Potter LARPers and feel good about myself.


Who cares. Pick up a football.

I legit thought i was in an alternate universe where witches exist and toxicly uses twitter, just for a minute.

ok time for a witch hunt. baby witches or not they're going down

This is what happens when you read Neil Gaiman without a filter in your amygdala. Probably explains most religion.

yeah. the planet. the moon.

Fuck me this bitch is so dumb 😂

I want drumpfo to ban twitter

we need mandatory bullying in schools

I would like to add as a witch who's currently working with Zeus that He is MAD. Artemis and Apollo are his children and by doing those hexes they showed enormous disrespect not only towards them but also towards the King. His anger feels colder, tho, and he ain't chatty rn.


Freedom of worship was a mistake. We didn’t anticipate wh*te people

Mayocide when?




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What in the ding dong diddly fuck is this

Grown women pretending to be witches scream at Zoomers for cursing the moon

Based Christcucks and fedoras creating unparalleled seethe

someone break this down for me cause i'm not reading all that garbage

Basically, on TikTok there is a sub culture of Zoomers who pretend to be witches. Understandable given corona and all making us bored. Well the Zoomers decided to “hex the moon” for the hell of it.

Now grown women of Twitter, pretending to be witches, are upset because the Zoomers have cursed the moon. Now they want us all to apologize to the moon, as well as the Greek Gods Apollo and Artemis, because we have “made them sad”.

If we don’t apologize and quell their newfound rage for humanity, they honestly think the Pandemic will get worse and more people will die.

Some people should not be allowed to vote.

I wonder if you were to just chime in on their twitter conversation and tell them all the greek gods are dead because Kratos murdered the fuck out of them.

They would probably pretend to hex me or some shit

Now grown women of Twitter, pretending to be witches, are upset because the Zoomers have cursed the moon.

Ah, so it's generational struggle? The young vs. the old, and all the crap around it is just hiding that core of the "issue".