
89  2020-07-19 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat


sidenote: chasing ambulances to take pictures should be a capital offense.

Paparazzi should unironically be shot on sight. It should not only be allowed, but strongly encouraged

Like a mini Purge preview

Getting break checked will not be considered assault.

Kanye - Britney 2020

Is this like pizzag##e except for celebritycels ?

Nah. Britney’s family particularly her dad really is abusing her. They used her mental break to get conservatorship twelve years ago. They’ve maintained control of her finances in such a way she can’t even use her own money to hire a lawyer for herself that her dad doesn’t have control over and actually represents her own interests. She’s apparently mentally healthy enough to do Vegas shows and other events to make her dad more money to have control over but can’t buy a cup of coffee without his permission.

That's actually pretty sad, woman of her age should be controlled by no one but her husband.

Sad fact: Her dad approved “boyfriend” is her actually just a body bodyguard who seems to be abusing her and she’s regularly seen looking scared and pulling away from him in public.

You seem to know a bit about this. Is she just super drugged up or is there some actual mental deficiency at play here? I read through the whole thread and she definitely seems rarted in some way or another.

All of her medical records are confidential because that's how it works in the US. The judges and medical team that are privy to her files agree that she needs the intensive care ordered in the conservatorship. The FreeBritney dipshits would have you believe either (A) that Britney's bumpkin father is secretly drugging her and has for over a decade now fooled the LA medical and legal establishments into believing she's chronically mentally ill in order to siphon her wealth away from her, something that he's also managed to keep from the judge, or (B) that dozens of legal and mental health professional are all colluding with Britney's father in order to imprison one of the most famous women in the world, risking their professional reputations and livelihoods for....some reason.

Seriouspost, we don't know what's in there but it's obviously major given that the conservatorship keeps getting renewed. People have speculated some combination of bipolar and schizophrenia but obviously no one but Britney and her people know, and they aren't talking. She is almost certainly on major medication and likely has a team of nurses and security people living with her 24/7. The "boyfriend" Sam Asghari has long been speculated to be a part of her care team.

I'd guess that she has BPD, which is most often is developed by sufferers of childhood abuse. Adding that up, it makes sense.

which is most often is developed by sufferers of childhood abuse

Female bipolar sufferers do report higher rates of abuse than the general population, but to suggest that one implies the other is fabulously wrongheaded.

Not according to the DSM-5, but a lot has been learned since 5 came out. When the DSM-6 comes out, it will most likely (1) rename the condition and (2) acknowledge to that childhood abuse is a major risk factor, which makes it highly similar to C-PTSD.

See: this https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5472954/


Up to now, neither a specific gene variant or biological mechanism has been exclusively associated with BPD, but the onset of this disorder has been suggested to depend on the combination of a vulnerable genetic background with adverse environmental factors during childhood.

Among the biological systems found involved in BPD pathogenesis and particularly affected by childhood trauma events, there are: the HPA axis, the neurotransmission mechanisms, the endogenous opioid system and the neuroplasticity. In line with the involvement of these processes, neuroimaging studies in BPD patients have shown volume reductions in the hippocampus and amygdala, both brain regions mainly involved in stress responses, cognition, memory and emotion regulation and an increase in the μ-opioid receptors in the same areas.

Among the environmental factors, early life stressful events, in particular childhood trauma, have been proposed to negatively impact brain development through epigenetic mechanisms. Although a complex interplay between BPD, early-life stressful adversities and epigenetic signatures has been suggested, further investigations are needed in order to better understand the role of genetic background and traumatic events during childhood in the onset of BPD. A better comprehension of these interactions could allow to identify at risk subjects, who could be treated with preventive therapies, such as psychotherapy, and to prevent or minimize the development of the disease later in life.

Don't ask my why I know this much about personality disorders.

Mommy is soooo proud of you, sweaty. Let's put this sperg out up on the fridge with all your other failures.

I am a bot.


That's not what you said. You said

[BD] is most often is developed by sufferers of childhood abuse

Which is some vague-ass phrasing, but regardless of how you take it -- people who suffered abuse as children more often than not develop it? most sufferers of BD were abused as children? -- that is not what the research is saying. "Risk factor" does not mean "this person will definitely get [thing]."

BPD = Borderline Personality Disorder, not bipolar, just to clarify

Oh so then you really don't know what you're talking about. BPD is the hot white woman diagnosis du jour but it is very much not something you need a conservator for.


Based and OldTestamentpilled.

Yup. Kinda found it fishy she dropped from the face of the earth when her what, like third album dropped and that was it. Only hear from her when she went to the crazy house.

I believe it shes against her will and probably got mentally fucked up by them.


First couple of minutes is pertinent I think.

The FreeBritney thing is one of the more pinheaded conspiracy theories out there because it requires you to be stupid about basically everything. Bitch is crazy, everyone who is privy to her case agrees that bitch is crazy, and the conservatorship/financial management are the reasons she's living in a mansion posting Insta videos all day and not pushing a shopping cart along the side of a freeway somewhere.

If only she'd gone into gospel, things wouldn't have turn out so bad :[

I did laugh at the mysterious death of the therapist being mentioned.

Like this dude who's only achievement is being Britney Spear's Dad is running some CIA hit.

Bunch of dumb twitter slacktivist twats making a fuss about some multi-millionaire who doesnt even know that they exist lol

Yeah she apparently has a boyfriend. If she was actually a slave or whatever wouldn't she not have a boyfriend? That situation wouldn't work.





