Dua Lipa posts support for Greater Albania, pisses off Balkancels and white women

50  2020-07-20 by Stransserite


Balkans drama is the greatest thing to ever watch

There isn’t even any high level discourse, Balkan drama is pure distilled seethe at its finest. They just scream at each other through the internet, it’s glorious.

The best part is that it seems they're unaware that the rest of the world doesn't care about their petty squabbles.

I remember back in the day on total war centre there was this die hard contingent that wanted a Balkans total war game and they got extremely angry when anyone tried to explain that nobody outside of the region knows or cares about what happened in the Balkans in the 1300s.

They dont realize no one considers them european, is which is already the lowest value on the “am i considered human” scale

Damn that’s some racist thing to say

Whites arent even people lol

I'm not educated on this sphere, tell me some words to google

"Remove kebab"

Kosovo is/isn’t Serbian

Monkeys fighting


While there are some bad takes regarding these tipes of topics, don't you think flagging her tweet and and the discourse regarding it as "pointless balkan drama" is kind of just laughing off a potentialy dangerously claim?

America than for the people of Serbia and helps his wife to make soaps from her breast milk.

that hit hard

Great translations, also why do eastern europeans hate each other more than Asians hate one another. Isn’t their history just being attacked by outsiders and having plagues? You’d think they’d have some brotherhood after that

Balkans? Brotherhood? Fucking lol.

They've been fighting and massacring each other for so long, and none of them managed to come out on top, so they all ended up as miserable shitholes. That's why they're in a constant state of SEETHING.

Albanians up to their old “we wuz the real slavs” tricks again.


You mean illyrians? We have slavs and slavs arent natives in balkan anyway

Stfu Albanian scum

Shut up walmart russian

reminder that albanians are disliked literally wherever they go. UK, Germany, Austria, France, Switzerland

this the only group I can think of that this applies to besides gypsies.

they're like turks but without the sense of humor

Ya but like some Albanian girls are cute and not pregnant before the age of 12

correct, wrong


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The fuck? That’s some misogynoir




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