[Dramatic Happening] Guy dresses as a delivery guy gains access to federal judges building and kills her whole family.

219  2020-07-20 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat


In my personal opinion, he should not have done that.

This but unironically.

You guys think she's gonna pissed come Monday?

What happened to /u/ MasterLawlzFan?

/r/bestof "Redditor CONDEMNS murderer"

Gold x15

This is so not dramatic that it's almost dramatic.

So brave

Salas is the judge on the case against Deutsche Bank in regards to Jeffrey Epstein, Karimi v. Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft et al.[11] [12]


Wait so this is a suicide? Damn that sucks... wonder why they all killed themselves at the same time 🤔

suicide is really contagious, see cluster suicides, and those two black streamers

Are you kidding me

It's real, here's the case summary of Ali Karimi, et al. v. Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft, et al., via Stanford's Securities Class Action Clearinghouse. Filed last week.

But what does this mean for mommy?

Oh fuck

That's very antisemetic


No fucking way


I didn't know you can order assassinations with uber eats.

Dressed as a Fedexcel apparently.

Did they ever find the crossbow delivery man assassin?

Need their premium package

Salas has presided over a number of high-profile trials in her tenure, including the trial of former "Real Housewife" Teresa Giudice.

Goddamn Teresa probably sent out her mafia goons to do it.

One of the possibilities. She also sentences a local dem party leader to prison in 2015 for recommending a company he was getting kickbacks from to other officials in NJ like in Bergen. So former grudges by rich people.

Then there’s this she’s on currently:

Salas is the judge on the case against Deutsche Bank in regards to Jeffrey Epstein, Karimi v. Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft et al.

So multiple people and a whole bank that would want to kill her over that if they want a different judge.

I doubt anyone important is involved. Sounds more like it was just some nutjob since he put apparently put zero effort into planning it. A professional would have known her schedule and got her at some predictable time when she's outside, like when she leaves for work.

Nah that only happens in the movies.

Nah this is some textbook MKULTRA shit and the dude just got activated. You can't plan or think clearly once those CIA memory engrams start to assert themselves over your own consciousness.

just look at what they made my boy ted do

They made him do nothing wrong?

You’re probably right I just like the big case conspiracies. Her being a federal judge she dealt with non publicized cases that were at least big deals to the people involved. Plus all her past legal work as a lesser judge or attorney could have pissed someone off to.

Or it could have nothing to do with her since her husband was apparently a criminal defense attorney himself.

Yeah, it's hard to imagine the level of rage of someone who feels that a lawyer has fucked them over. I think it's entirely possible that either her or her husband pissed off some nobody to the extent that they would do this.

Why hire professional if angry/loony/lonely/stupid crackhead do it cheap?

Believe it or not, crackheads can sometimes be unreliable.

In Cook County, a judge's husband and mother was killed a decade or more ago. It was a disgruntled civil litigant, someone who was unhappy their pro-se case was dismissed.

Yeah they should make it as obvious as possible that it was a professional hitjob

Not saying you’re wrong but they did know she was there, just not where in the house. After opening up on two people they had like 10 seconds to find her and bounce and she wasn’t around.

I think it’s as likely they were going for the husband and she had a higher profile so they assume it was her.

Not if you specifically wanted to put as much of her family in danger as possible

A professional would have known her schedule

I almosted argued with you before I saw your username and remembered that you're a neoliberal living in the Jason Born universe.

I saw your username

Thanks for remembering me bb. 🤗

you're a neoliberal

I would need to know and care more about economics to decide if was a neoliberal.

living in the Jason Born universe

Actually I have studied how this stuff works in the real world a bit. 🙄 Assassinations by professional terrorists/intelligence agencies/hit men very often happen on the way to and from work, like when someone is getting in their car. It's done that way so that the killer knows what the situation is and that there won't be any surprises.

Or they were sending a message Mexico style

I remember when I was younger I used to like watching cop shows and at the time I thought some of the stuff was so unrealistic, like people killing over a $500 debt, people poisoning their spouses over the course of months, rich Jewish guys having their own molestation islands they bought with money they didn’t earn or inherit

Then I started watching Forensic Files and reading the news....

People kill for far less. People just seem to like killing, as sad as it is.

Basically some shadow goon hires a hitman to kill a judge that is on some very important cases.

But nobody will care.

An assassination attempt on a federal judge? Of course people will care. The home is swarming with feds right now and there are going to be dozens of agents investigating.

Ngl I would love to be a fed on that case. If you catch the perp and the person who hired him you get a big promotion. If you don't it is no big deal, someone else will get it.



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BEEN saying that fedex has the worst customer service 🙄

They've stepped up their game tho, who else remembers when fedex just yeeted your package into crushed oblivion instead of shooting your whole family

Maybe shooting families is the response to Karens complaining about yeeted packages? Big if true

This is actually pretty awful

You're not even trying to be witty or anything, you're just circlejerking. How does it feel literally karma whoring, like, actually just being a human who cares enough to type multiple comments for no purpose except to draw a nearby majority's attention to the fact that you agree with them?


  1. [Dramatic Happening] Guy dresses as... - archive.org, archive.today*

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Even La Cosa Nostra knew not to go after judges or their families.

Americans were scared to. Mustache Petes coming over from Sicily didn't give a fuck whether they were blowing up cops, judges or retired grandmas, it's that fiery Moorish blood.

Conspiracy american twitter is pretty funny, it's 50:50 between "troomp did it" and "hillary did it"

Also apparently they caught a suspected not-a-delivery-guy and he "suicided"

Holy shit, based mafia movie scenario.





But he can't do that, it's illegal

It's just a coincidence. There's literally nothing interesting about this. You are conspiracy theorists, and conspiracy theorists are all linked to QAnon, who is a white supremacist, making you a white supremacist.

Again, there is literally nothing interesting here. Why are you even sharing this story? It's such a non-issue, anyways the source is a right wing tabloid, are you a right winger? Are you a nazi? you wouldn't want to be that would you? After all global pedophilia rings are a right wing conspiracy theory.

Why are you still here? Why are you reading this nonsense? It's literally just a random coincidence.

He commited suicide already lmao