Dua Lipa starts a balkancel s**the on twitter

71  2020-07-20 by EddingtonDidNothingW


You need a PHD in Balkanized Studies or w/e to have the slightest inkling of wtf is ever going on in that region, that said I have an online teacher in Serbia and Serbs are Christian Orthodox master race so I say Kosovo is Serbian.

It really isn't that complicated though. Turks have a long tradition of sibling genocide, every Turk ruler ascends the throne on the skulls of his father's other offspring. Balkans are all Turk rape babies. Ergo the Turkish instinct towards killing brothers is what drives Balkan conflicts.

Shit, you're right.

I'm sure I would be wheezing if I knew half of this stuff.

Freedom for Kosovo


Kosovo is Serbia tho.

He is even worse than a jew, he is - may Allah forgive me for uttering this word - an Alb*nian

I'd make a joke about Serbian seethe but most of the world has accepted that Daddy America fixed all your problems in the 90s.

I remeber all the Albanian kids in high school use to LOVE to start fires. Every single weekend like clockwork they would just go light shit on fire. Interesting group.

Balkan posting from celebrity pop stars, yes please. And she is Greater Albania posting omg, she a Real Albanian Hotep.

For anyone not in the know, that’s a map of Greater Albania, which plans to take over parts of Serbia, Montenegro, Greece, and Macedonia


Let’s be honest this is far too complicated for the average dramatard but that has never stopped us before

I grew up with nothing but Balkan drama on the news for years. The Dayton accords only buried that beehive of angry Europoors under a thin layer of a sand. Even a country like fucking Switzerland isn't immune to being pulled into that mess, 20 years after the latest conflict.

Good for dramacoin and all, but Balkanoids have pogromed for less than this tweet.

All the Serbs in the replies acting like victims lmfao

There's no drama like Balk*noid drama. Back in the 90s, it even escalated to localized warfare and genocide.


Look how far the descendants of Aurelian and Diocletian have fallen.

posting Balkan drama on this sub like Burgercels have the slightest idea of where on the map the Balkans even are

Imagine being able to get this many people to lose their minds with just a single picture combined with a dictionary quote. That's beautiful.

Have any of you noticed the sudden uptick in celebrity drama lately?
