P*lice have found the guy who got the judge's kid and husband. But not before the Clintons did. 🤔🤔🤔

130  2020-07-20 by WarBoyPrimo

Son of Esther Salas Is Killed: Possible Suspect Is Identified in Case https://nyti.ms/2CWqeR1


Conspiracies were more fun when this was less obvious

oh look and he suicided just like epstein lol. oh dear.

It's funny because I was helping my father with some shit earlier this morning and we were making bets on how soon the shooter would end up being found dead somewhere.

Like goddamn that was just a few hours ago.

What a coincidence! The world is such an amazing place.

The Clintons were unhappy with his sloppy hit. You don’t piss them off and live.

Rip Bernie Sanders. Died in his bed at the age of 97. Fucking shillary.

Here is how his decomposing body can still win

You think the Clintons hire sloppy hitmen? Clearly a fall guy "suicided" by the real trigger man

Hilldo is the biggest loser in American history and we all rightfully despise her rapist-enabling cuck-ass, BUT Anthony Weener is still alive....

He was an MRA who was mad at the judge over losing a case against a nightclub for hosting a ladies drink free night.

Considering what the media's always done, and what they did to bestgunnit recently, I refuse to believe a smear campaign like this.

There's no fucking way that's true. It just glows too hard

lol k


This has been getting passed around.


On phone and refuse to do real research.

this is on par with the Qultist mob boss hit in terms of how random it is

Now I want you to link whatever it is you're talking about.

Oh, so he was another incel virgin loser neckbeard nazi drumpfth supporter? No wonder he killed those poor people.

This is why all glormptfhcq supporters should be put in jail and have all their rights taken away.


Ha ha men’s rights thought a feminist is was behind the first killing. Say what you will about foids their seething doesn’t often involve fire arms.

Perfect patsy.

when is the sub next going private? cause it should, in my shitty opinion


This doesn't make sense. Why would he go through all that and not finish the job if he was just going to kill himself?

He probably had beef with the Husband.

Apparently the suspect worked a case under this judge. So maybe the adrenaline got to his nerves or he just wanted her to suffer.

Or maybe he just wanted to mind fuck all of us, idonno.

Dude realized that the bitch he had beef with was just assigned to the Epstein case and decided he was going to fuck with everyone.

Killing people and then yourself to own the conspiratards.

Kill husband and son to scare her into giving a verdict that they want. The husband isn't dead either, so it's even more leverage for whoever is pulling strings.

Oh, interesting, didn't know the husband was alive.

Killing someone's kid is usually a good way to piss someone off and not cooperate though.

Yea, what do you have to lose at that point.

He took a gamble and got the wrong person. She was in the basement, so as far as he knew she wasn't home. He just shot two people so I doubt searching the house thoroughly was on his mind in that moment.

That's what I'm guessing

He intended to get her and anyone else there, in a nice complete murder situation, but fucked up and missed his main target

Didn't one of his partners die in a very similar way?

Apparently he was not a partner but another much less crazy MRA lawyer, but yeah.

Almost exactly the same way as the judges family

We have to revoke the 2nd or else such senseless random killings like this will continue. 🙇‍♀️🙇🕍

I believe he also had papers in his possession indicating he shot JFK, was the hamburglar, stole the Lindbergh baby and designed double YouTube ads.

Roy Den Hollander had openly seethed against the judge

funny drama word haha

this guy sounds so much like a cartoonish parody to the point where I am now suspecting that this is a hoax

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Bro I wanna suck that dick

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New York State Police found the lawyer’s body

Yep, yep yep.
