Man suspected of murdering / attempting to murder federal judge taking on Epstein case as well as her entire family now found dead. A truly wacky coincidence.

137  2020-07-20 by Giulio-Cesare


So they are basically saying that the reason he murdered her family had nothing to do with her being recently assigned to the Jeffrey Epstein/Deutsche Bank case, rather it was because the hit man was an anti-feminist activist and had a problem with Esther Salas’ challenging the military’s male-only draft policy. Open and shut case, nothing to see here!

That’s actually a brilliant cover. Twittercels and mediacels absolutely would love to hear that a rightoid did it. And therefore less likely to probe further into the case.

The dead guy was challenging the male-only draft law, not Salas. Judges don't challenge the law. And MRAs generally want equal draft or no draft, because women ought to die too.

Putting them on the field will just lead to more men dying as incidents of white knightery skyrocket. The real solution is putting women in camps and shooting the same number as are dying on the field every day by random lottery. But only shoot the uggos and fatties, it'll have the same eugenic effect as morons getting shot on the field.

It has far less to do with white knightery and far more to do with the fact that they just can't keep the fuck up. Anyone who had to deal with a FET in Afghanistan can attest to the fact that women do not belong in rifle companies.

My logic was that an “anti-feminist” would be more along the lines of a woman’s place is in the kitchen, and they should be raising children, working as a nurse or something, more traditional gender roles.


Not really, I suspect most of them don't support the draft at all, but since feminism is about advocating women's rights and the draft isn't a right, it wouldn't be one of the issues they'd be focusing on.

Anecdotally, I've never met a self proclaimed feminist who was in favor of the draft. I've met many who think women should have to participate if men do though.




Seriously, what is your alternative scenario here? Some Deep State conspiracy to kill the judge by... sending the most incompetent assassin in the world to knock on her door, shoot two people, get scared, and run away? And then they killed this random nutjob and planted evidence to make him appear to be the shooter?

How are the conspirators so incompetent but so powerful at the same time?

I don't think you need to be particularly powerful to convince(intimidate) one man to go knock on a door and shoot who ever answers it before running away. There are local gangs that could manage that.

You don't even need to ensure that the judge dies if the intent is purely to send a message that moving against your interests lands people in your cross hairs along with their families. It also has the added benefit of being both deniable enough to make prosecution difficult but also look like a blatant hit and cover up, which makes you seem more powerful and able to flaunt the law.

It could also all be a massive coincidence and maybe the guy was just off his rocker but with the evidence currently available I'm sceptical to say the least.

Fall guy, scapegoat, pawn.. I don't have many synonyms for this.

Like Jack Ruby!

Maybe the target wasn’t the judge and it was an act of intimidation over the case. If they had killed the judge then a new judge would be assigned to the case so they would have to use a different intimidation tactic over a new judge, but if they shot and killed/injured her family then it would influence the judge’s decision in ruling over the case itself, you know steer them. They’re saying “this is going to happen to you now”.

sending the most incompetent assassin in the world to knock on her door

tbh that's what i'd do

Seriously, what is your alternative scenario here? Some Deep State conspiracy to kill the judge by... sending the most incompetent assassin in the world to knock on her door, shoot two people, get scared, and run away?

Um, that's actually exactly how you would do it.

Let's say you were a spook and you wanted to murder someone without getting caught. A perfectly fine way to do this would be to cultivate a crazy person by feeding their paranoia and then pointing them at the direction you want them to explode at.

I'm pretty sure this is actually the plot of a few books and a couple of movies, so it's not like it's unheard of.

Just trying to piece together the conspiracy, who is they? Why have they waited for Epstein to get arrested and charged twice before killing him and people attached to the case?

I have no clue why anyone would do this, I'm just saying that if you were this is a good way to do it.

Some Deep State conspiracy to kill the judge by... sending the most incompetent assassin in the world to knock on her door, shoot two people, get scared, and run away? And then they killed this random nutjob and planted evidence to make him appear to be the shooter?


Or a false flag attack directly by the Drumpf campaign to take the Epstein heat off him.

The man was found on Monday in Rockland, New York with apparently a self-inflicted gunshot wound, sources said.

Going with the old JFK by assassinating the assassin. Gotta stick with the classics.

He had to be an idiot if he thought they wouldn't tidy up.

Except that nobody assassinated Jack Ruby and he had every opportunity to reveal if he had been in a conspiracy. Kinda makes you 🤔.

I believe the term is useful idiot.

Hollander, a self-avowed anti-feminist lawyer, had a case pending before Salas challenging the military’s male-only draft policy, The Daily Beast reported.

Another act of incel terrorism 😭

The Daily Beast



Hasids aren’t even trying

Naw they just get bused in from Westchester to vote on school board elections...

Only half joking

Oh I am aware. Are they still doing the thread thing to trick Yahweh into thinking they are not leaving the house?

Holy shit that fight in the Hamptons was hilarious, frankly.

Like I don't care myself let them put some string on the poles, but the fact the all-knowing would be tricked that easily and the utter seething of reform congregations was a double punch of juicy.

Let it to the jews to outjew the jewish god. If I were they god, I’d be proud

she a pretty cute milf and potential widow call me up 🤙 if ur husband don't recover 😉

dont even haf 2 be a stepdad anymore 🙃

i already slid into her twitter dm's earlier this afternoon you're gonna have to hurry if you want to catch up

This article actually links to another article with more detail.

At 8:15 a.m. Monday, two Sullivan County Department of Public Works employees were doing storm clean-up when they saw a blue Toyota drive past, heading towards a dead end, sources said. When they finished work, they saw the car parked on the shoulder of the road and found Den Hollander on the passenger side with a gunshot wound to the head.

I don't see the conspiracy. An assassin drove him there and fled on foot?

Remember when someone said in the other post that he should not have done that? Look what happened now. Everyone please take care of your mental health.

[ a zzz's zf

Hey, free retrial!