663  2020-07-20 by WarBoyPrimo


Pedophiles and shitty dancers on suicide watch.

Men over 20 who use tik tok: pedophiles

Women over 20 who use tik tok: last attempt at seeking internet fame


Because you’re a pedo

Chomos mad


You can mock but the Republican Party is destroying its future.

There is only one party for the young.

Youths don't vote though. They only play the knockout game and lie.

All they do is charge they phone, eat hot chip, and lie

“While the teens have successfully brought down the store ratings, they have also helped make the app one of the most downloaded since Apple requires users to download the app onto their devices before they can leave a review.” Retarded strategy backfires



god damn you idiots.

now where will mods find their cp


Top kek

ask pukeyboomuffin

Does he not jerk it to his mall bathroom sextape? Because I do.


I'm scared.


Still not posted trussy🧐

Woke discords as always


Probably still discord but from their personal devices.


Real talk, who even downloads anything or does anything personal on devices given to you by your employer? I won’t even watch YouTube on my company laptop, because I know IT can easily find out anything you’ve done on that computer.

Especially the fucking government's property. It's like these retards want to be involved in a scandal.

I’d die before letting my coworkers know I post on r/drama.

We know

Honestly itd be kinda pogchamp ngl. Imagine catching Jerry the IT guy in the eyes at the door to the office bathroom, knowing he just scrolled through 200 instances of you requesting pictures of bussy

kinda pogchamp ngl

Zoomers out Out OUT

What does that even mean?

Pogchamp is zoomer speak for when something is cool/you're excited

Pogggeerrrsssss xd

Ive browsed reddit on my work computer for years. For whatever reason the firewall doesn't care about it. I just stick to sfw reddit and avoid places like /r/drama because ya'll can't behave.

Ive suspected maybe the IT people chose to allow le redditors to surf here because they still look at it like some secret club.

Did they ask you when le bacon narwhals?

I just showed them this picture of me from the last reddit meetup.

I can never get over that fucking dog's face in this pic 😂

It's fat too

Your child looks like they are growing well.


Do you forget the FBI agents discussing on the best way to depose of Trump ON THEIR FEDERAL DEVICES?

It made the case against them so easy to build. It would have been the scandal of the century if their target was anyone other than Trump.

Mentioning that you don't like having a retard for a president isn't the same thing as plotting a coup.

He's the retard and you're not president. Just think about that

Nibba is your crazy

Ok sure, I'm just imagining that 2 FBI agents swore to stop the lawfully elected president from taking office and plotted to use an insurance policy against him.

Oh wait, that really happened. On federal devices.



I stream music from spotify on mine, but i don't really listen to anything questionable

Exclusively coldplay

Are there other bands?

Spotify says my top band has been Linkin Park for 5 years in a row

Based and Chesterpilled

RIP to a real one

I only download the same pdf of catcher in the rye over and over again.

Senators post TikTok dances to appeal to the youth

I used to tether my work phone so I could watch porn when I was working out of town (I consider that a legitimate work expense tbh) and I just used to laugh imagining Sandeep in the IT department writing down my redtube links to check out later. Or an internal review commission having to organise a meeting with HR on how to discuss the matter.

Break the shackles of shame, they can only use it to control you if you let them!!!

Friend showed me a letter from HR he got that was three pages of 'inappropriate' links he'd visited on his company phone, it just said at the top something like 'your device has been detected to have accessed these inappropriate links in the time period whenever to whenever' he just replied 'yeah they're all ok' and he never heard anything else about it.

A different friend had to go on a special course about data security because he had some boomer humour from a whatsapp group chat.

I browse r/drama on mine, Although I've already disabled most of the tracking software they use. Beats fucking around on FB while my CI process goes thru

You have a shitty IT team and they should be outsourced. Imagine letting users access your endpoint agents and not knowing about it.

Zoomers arent people so they don't think about the consequences


I've watched porn on my company laptop before. At least I tried, but they have some fucking VIRUS on this machine that blocks 4chan and porn websites even when I'm off the company VPN. I have to find porn subreddits to jack off when I'm on my work laptop. I'm typing this on my work laptop right now.

Is this legit happening? Zoomies eternally btfod.

Just federal devices rn

60% of 16/f/CA you see online are feds so this is a big deal. The other 40% unfortunately hung themselves by their programmer socks.


But I can't live without McConnell's TikTok.

The majority leader do be looking fresh doe

With those eyes I think you mean a fresh-doe roadkill

I mean literally nobody had any business downloading tiktok on a work device in the first place

What about nurses? Or are they still using pag*rs?

Do nurses have work phones lol?

idk, they have tiktok

they arent federal workers

This is a slippery slope I can only hope we slide down at breakneck speed. Universal Tiktok ban when?

Federal devices? Gay.

Quit being fucking pussies, ban it from the entire country.

I mean if China did it to YouTube, why can't we do it to their website? FFS when are we gona stop being such pussies man

The Chinese already basically have their own closed off Internet, right? Even their Tiktok isn't what everyone else is using.

TikTok and Douyin are similar to each other, but run on separate servers and have different content to comply with Chinese censorship restrictions.



Anyone over 18 using tiktok is on the list.

and that list is on a computer in the CCP office

Thank you God. 😋

Day of the Rake incoming! 🚨 Day of the Rake incoming!


“I’ve got a golden ticket, I’ve got a golden twinkle in my eyes”

First they came for millennials.

We did it reddit

Wow, the language is really clear here



3 (a) IN GENERAL.—Except as provided in subsection

4 (b), no employee of the United States, officer of the

5 United States, Member of Congress, congressional em-

6 ployee, or officer or employee of a government corporation

7 may download or use TikTok or any successor application

8 developed by ByteDance or any entity owned by

9 ByteDance on any device issued by the United States or

10 a government corporation.

11 (b) EXCEPTION.—Subsection (a) shall not apply to

12 any investigation, cybersecurity research activity, enforce-

13 ment action, disciplinary action, or intelligence activity

The real takeaway is that the US government has specifically legislated against a private (debatable) business as if it was a soveirgn entity. Cyberpunkcels should be cooming.

I guess banning it on government devices makes sense with the security issues and all as well as the fact that maybe you shouldn't download tiktok or other similar apps on a work/government device. Unless it's steam and you're gonna launch tf2 on a government computer.

Inshallah the zoomers will be eating shoes for YouTube views by the end of the month.



Nice to see they thought it more important to address the issue of tik Tok videos as opposed to a more than $1,500 bailout for you're struggling American public

Money for burgers

Watching zoomers seethe

Easy choice tbh.

Oh I get your anger... up on that ladder every Saturday cleaning leaves out of the gutter waiting for your wife to go to Home Depot for the day.

Literally what does that mean?

He’s retarded—I believe😔😔😔



Not really surprised you can't get that right though.

OMFG I am sooo embarrassed.

As you should well be.