Riveting discussion(s**the) from our nation's finest when a brave young Marine dares to address the g*ssy problem facing our military. Sort by controversial.

26  2020-07-21 by californiasleazin


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A mildly sexist meme! What's next? Are Marines gonna start using profanity? 😲

My God they might even make crude jokes next

I’m just imagining all the marine movies I’ve ever seen and how quickly each movie would’ve ended if the marines were female instead of males.

Check out the difference in standards between male marine candidates and female marine candidates:


100%. There are most definitely exceptions which I have seen myself, as well as a couple combat stories you will hear. But the stereotype persists because of the vast majority. And yes, they are held to much lower standards. But people will still screech about sexism if you point it out. Whatever.

You faggot ass pussy, the grunts have always had the same mindset. You're butt hurt the corps.is sexist and offensive? Im from the GWOT era and fuck serving with women. FET teams are fucking trash pieces of shit. Im glad I'm out. You can have this new age Pussy Corps. You faggots always say the same shit. "Their good at PT" who gives a fuck. A PFT score isn't the be all end all of what a combat Marine is. Their scores are easier anyways. Political correctness destroyed the Marine corps.

I miss hearing this cope irl

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The obvious answer is to fill the Marines with snarT soldiers.

POG = person of gender? 🤔

Person other than Grunt.

Rear echelon.



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