Kamala Harris does the unthinkable by appropriating a whole new face. Is this an attempt to court the Latino vote? Twitter discusses.

298  2020-07-21 by xanderfill


I know it's fun to jump staight into conspiracy theories, but its much simpler.

Old wealthy women seem to be convinced that they can be young again by injecting their wrinkles with neurotoxin and paying some madman with a scalpel to stretch and sew their skin until they look like Alec Baldwin's scary face in Beetlejuice.

With the most deadly toxin mind you.

Neurotoxin... so deadly...

I dont know if this is a joke or retawdation but regardless I'm cracking up

vidya reference, so the latter

The human flayer fucked up again. It’s just that simple.

🦎 🔪

She is like a racial version of Hillary so of course, she would do this.

lol caramel clinton

Old wealthy women seem to be convinced that they can be young again

This case is particularly ironic because it's usually old WHITE women who throw raging tantrums at the thought of getting old.

Black and asian foids accept it gracefully and adjust their fashion/lifestyles appropriately. But ask a 35 year old white chick how old she is, and watch the fucking fireworks begin as she hems and haws and sputters about being young at heart and how she can still party how dare you imply that she's not the center of the universe anymore

thinks 35 is old

okay zoomer

18-22 - young

22-25 aged

24-30 - milf

30+ - mother I'd like not to fuck

Deal with it Grandpa.

finish your jello, gramps

Black women are all fat as fuck dude da fuq u talking about

Def Botox, also done recently. TakeS awhile to relax.

I fucking love this sub

Remind you of the beatings your father gave you?

That is definitely part of it but there is something else. Her eyes were black at times, something fucky with the camera/lighting combined with the baby plasma injections.

Her humanoid veneer is failing and her true reptilian self is beginning to show.

hey thats funny im about to get botox for non-cosmetic reasons

its scary


nah its for my jaw. clenches a lot.

that is pretty funny tho

i'm living it dude, just add more definition to that over-the-ear under-the-temple area

it's really not as great as it looks, though it does look fantastic

God she's such a fucking mess.

Her own father publicly shamed her.

Honestly when a ticket of a guy who dosent know where he is and just stays in his basement and a mega cop who her own family hates wins its going to be amazing for dramacoin. We all always say daddy redicking the election is the ultimate drama but we kinda win either way.

Trumps perpetual pity party is getting old. He needs to get back to motherfucking people soon or he's going to get destroyed. He's getting old and whiny.

that Wallace interview was ROUGH. If this is the new normal a 460 electoral vote loss for daddy is also great for drama coin, we just can't lose here.

I personally hope it's Biden/Hole. Dementia-in-chief will provide plenty of content.

Plus Biden feeding into the hyper progressive will backfire in entertaining ways. If we've learned anything it's like throwing blood into shark infested water. The grifting will reach new heights and it will never be enough.

Its already happening. The cuckcels in Portland are learning that guns actually do protect you from tyranny. All people have to do to ensure Creepy Joe loses is keep harping on gun control.

Dragging his ass out of the White House kicking and screaming after he loses will be the ultimate drama.

You really think thats what would happen? He would just go to Mar al Lago before the handing over ceremony and tweet he never wanted the job anyway.

IDK why so many of you are so delusional that hes going to fight instead of pretend he didnt want it.

IDK why so many of you are so delusional that hes going to fight instead of pretend he didnt want it.

Retsrds always say this. Lefties said it after Bush and rightoids said it about Obama leading up to Trump. I'm sure some loyalist pixie said it after Washington too

When daddy loses tears will flow

And the divide in our nation it shall grow

The magatards will have all cried

Once daddy tweets "well I tried"

we just can't loose here


thanks, just fixed it.


Her dad's indian, isn't he? It's just par for the course in childrearing

No her mom is Indian, her dad is Jamaican

Dios mio...

She didn't even look bad before, now she's uncanny valley. Just grow old foids. Christ.

She's going down the Pelosi route. When AOC decides to do this all hope will be lost and only her milkers will be able to save us

/drama/ won't admit it, but there were even a handful of coomers here lusting after her back when she 'took down' Joe Biden lmao


Why are her eyes black


Adrenochrome OD

Because black eyes matter

How can cops be racist when they give their wives black eyes?

They aren't black, you just can't see them because her face is jacked.

i'm guessing an encoding error or a lighting issue, but i still haven't seen a definitive answer

Its pretty clear someone is wearing her skin right

I think the problem is they arent wearing her skin right.

Never thought about this before, but I guess that explains why I thought some of the women I saw had really weird faces. It's not because they are weird, it is because they made it weird.

Why even do this to yourself.

You just discovered aging foids get plastic surgery and botox? You thought some people just magically turned into aliens later in life?

I've always known those exists, and seen some women's face acting funny. I just never quite connect the dots together since I have never seen any before/after comparisons. I know the face is supposed to look weird, just not to what extent.

Never really asked because I thought it would be rude to ask my lady friends about it, and they are usually young enough to not need it, or old enough to not bother with it.

Comically large cheekbones. Looks like joker. She wasn't even ugly before



Jay Thomas (RIP to a true Drama forefather and absolute 🤴🏽) had the best advice I've hears about getting work done that I've heard: You start a bit earlier than you need to, and you get that shit done in small steps over a few years. That way, it looks more natural and less noticable.

Yeah, like Korean celebrities mysteriously decide to "spend more time with their family" or something for a couple years every once in a while they get their face worked on. You don't just run in to the plastic surgeon and expect them to fix you up instantly.

Korean plastic surgeons are actually good though

All of the North Korean defectors who need new faces are excellent practice for any aspiring surgeon.

So many Korean foids have plastic surgery rslurs from the west think that is just what they look like naturally. It's uncanny valley to the max.

They hot tho

I've heard gossip that it's starting to swing back the other way, people are starting to appreciate imperfections again. The clone appeal is wearing off? lol

Did... did Kamala take the Bog-pill?

She tried to dismiss the call.

How many fucking lizards are in office rn

Look out for the second eyelid

Guess she's not being the VP pick then.

We can only hope.

I've never met a single black Black Californian who liked her.

Biden has had plastic surgery too. Facelift or botox or something. Pelosi too. Dems think they are movie stars instead of politicians.

Dems think they are movie stars instead of politicians.

The republican president is literally orange.

Yea the difference is he actually is a narcissistic TV star and was in movies as well.

Its sad cause she wasnt even ugly for an old bird now she looks like a fucking alien

She was probably the best looking politician at her age by a margin honestly.

Are you a literal NPC? First you had trouble counting to two, now you're just copy and pasting your replies. Do you need some time to update before you can type anything new?


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The trick for plastic surgery is to start when you’re younger rather then older. It’s much easier (and better loooking). Also just be a man they age better

Isn't she like half black half asian and thus always kinda pale? I'm pretty sure she just got botox or some shit.

Obviously a face lift with some botox

Is this what Cardi B would say is c-slurred?

When you accidentally put your skin suit in the drier 😳