Americans get triggered when the world isn't talking about them for 5 minutes, several insisting the US is as bad as China or worse.

112  2020-07-21 by DrLemniscate


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I hate reddit so much, anytime anything gets posted, self hating burgers and eurocels have to shoehorn burgerland into the argument.

Burgerphobes & burgerphiles are roughly the same thing when it comes to Reddit. ^.^



You’re on an American site checkmate!

Evil power rankings


.>>>> The USSR >>>>>> Crab People

gotta drive those talking points home any chance they can.

the sky is such a beautiful blue today and did you know people are getting kidnapped in Portland.

People in the US care but have been seduced by popular mythology to believe both that the government has limits (it does not) and that the government is capable of effectively being fought if it violates those limits (it isn't). So, now the entire country is having its bluff called by someone who may end up being the next Caesar.

Fucking redditors man

I love how in the views of redditors Trump is literally r-slured but also on the same level as Caesar.

Self-hating burgers are so fucking annoying. I remember 1 guy seriously said he would rather go to the worst hospital in the EU than the best in the US. He had many people agreeing with him. I’m from a poor EU country and tried arguing with him, but still was getting retarded takes from many self-hating burgers.

As a magyarcel this shit pisses me off so much. I wish they had to live with an actual dictator in a totalitarian nation, to see how good these uni-aged insufferable fucks have it.

Didn't you know the US is a THIRD WORLD COUNTRY??

I live in an actual third world country. Redditors would be dead in approx 2 nanosecs if they had to visit true poverty.

The best part always is none of these burgers have lived anywhere else and there's a very good chance they've never even left the country.

Burger friends you’re free to send every one of these geniuses to Cuba or Venezuela or any country below you so they can really experience living in a shit hole country :)

You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


  1. Americans get triggered when the wo... -,*

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Do léftoïd burgers talk about America as a 3rd world battle zone so that they feel like heroes when they go out into the streets and slap fight the other side of the horseshoe?

I mean what do you expect from people who’ve never been to other places and only see bad shit America doing online

I’m so mad I have to share a country with these people and MAGAtards.