Soon to be banned sub exhibits hate towards minorities. Redditors discuss the longtime question: Is L4L irony/satire?

319  2020-07-21 by Fughtmeulilbitch


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Please someone tell me if this really is a thing. I am too scared to look it up.

White Fragility

So these are the guys who gonna put landchads against the wall? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

They’ll religiously pay on the 1st πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

Their parents will at least.

As soon as they get rid of all their social anxiety and depression you chuds will pay!! 😠😠

Mao Zedong

More like Mouth Datdong (for the rent money), amirite?

enjoyed sucking delicious landlords' cocks.


I am too scared to look it up

The absolute state of r*dditors

Remember when some AHScel said that he was too scared to enter Natsi subs because he could become one of them by reading their enticing and seductive words?

They hypnotise themselves with sissy and BBC hypno, they probably think the same works for evil natsee ideas

The only difference is that Nazis watch BBC femboy traps rather than BBC sissy hypno.


Nazis want to fuck the bussy, rather than be the bussy.


Not just Nazis, Benito Bussolini was apparently into bussy too, I stumbled upon a quote from a book mentioning that he had several "servant young boys" at his disposal in his spare time but I can't find it right now πŸ€™


This sentence will get you in trouble bubby

If this gets me in trouble then I give up anyways so πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ

One state. One people. One sexual orientation. 😎😎😎

Unfortunately for you that state is Utah and the people are Mormons.

I couldn't fit one gender easily in that but really it's mandatory.

I thought Mormon was a gender?

Mormons aren't even people tbh


If mayos are inherently raycest and mayo-supreme-acy is so prevalent, then it makes sense the two will just naturally coalesce into each other. This totally makes sense and you are neither a smoothbrain nor pllack-i-tickally extreme if you buy into it.

Kinda remind me of Norm saying he couldn't travel back in time because he might fall under Hitler's spell

Pretty sure it started as an ironic sub and got taken over by people who were too dumb to recognize the joke. The usual.

Every fucking time, they do this just to justify their seeeeth

I know right, we landchads face the ultimate discrimination of never being taken seriously. We make a safe space to talk about landking issues, and immediately everyone starts calling it satire smh

Just like y’all provide a safe space for these rentcels to live.

These people are genetically incapable of irony or detecting sarcasm. This is always their go to excuse.

They want it to be true because they are the Butt of the joke

Same people who thought the USSR was amazing until they ran out of Nazis to do everything for them.

I detected that it's there but I still never quite 'got' it.

Is it just like the old /r/swoleacceptance bit?

Speak to your doctor about your autism.

There's no cure 😟

Learn your history

Nah, it's just kinda gay and fugee'd

The sub was created just 2 months ago, and all of the initial posts are still accessible and easy to look up. Shit you can even go through the head janny's post history and find the post he made here on Drama, contemplating a creation of a bait landlord sub.

Yet, despite all of this, despite all the existing receipts that they can look at with their own eyes, they are already "revising" the history of it all.

I’m here ☺️. Makes me unironically mad that chapos appropriate the creation of the sub.

Makes me unironically mad that chapos appropriate the creation of the sub.

I don't think they're genuinely trying to appropriate it. They're idiots who don't do any research and don't listen to explanations from chuds, so one retard made up a story that made sense in his mind and confirmed his biases, expressed his dumbass opinion, and it spread from there through word of mouth as the truth.

🀒 whenever these srdine/breadtube types try to turn something they don't like into a cutesy little cautionary tale about the dangers of having lulz on the internet. And its not even a good description of L4L. Calling it "ironic" implies that it was meant to mock landlords or the people who defend them, which is obviously not true. It was a bait sub, and its still a bait sub. The sub's actual opinion on landlords is almost irrelevant.

Honestly love for landlords took away some of the joy in reddit. As great as it is, it’s almost too good. It’s become the face of landlord drama.

I miss the days of the mere mention of the word landlord would cause massive seething

Well ackshully there exist racist landlords so you know you're all just Nazis ready to lynch the Blacks.

If all these Nazis are on Reddit and merely using a subreddit that a racist used one time, why don't you ever see these morons log off and cancel themselves? "It's different when it's me," I guess. See also:πŸ‘Œ

The final card they play is always that satire ends in Poe's Law, because they couldn't possibly be the retarded ones.


r/Landlordlove iS tHE ReAl iRoNIc sUB πŸ€“.

It’s just a bunch of people bitching about the housing market for Gods sake. Do redditors even know the meaning of irony?

For redditors irony is complaining about shit they don’t like

All the ch@pos acting like l4l wasn't made exclusively to piss them off is hilarious. The "It started as an irony sub but got taken over by righto1ds" arguement is fucking ridiculous and has existed since T_D despite never being true.

They do it for the fucking OK symbol all the time too.

They want to be in on the joke so bad that they forget they're the butt of it.

I need to spend more time there. A landchad moderate Dem will piss them off more than rightoids will.

You wanna be a janny?

That's tempting but I'm trying to keep this account as a drama only jannie. Let me get back to you if I get my main back.

what happened to your main

I used satire to mock people that invoked systemic racism as an excuse for brutality. I forgot the /s

no surprise that even the admins are retarded and cant tell sarcasm

I feel like the mods should be called security guards - since they forcibly remove the bad tenants from the sub.

They are unironically socially inept retards who are too autistic to understand jokes

I wish it was ironic because they are so whiny. It would be funny if they were just larp’ing as annoying renters

Do redditors even know the meaning of irony?

99 out of 100 redditors fail to detect irony even when I point it out to them.


I mean there's several diatribes out there online saying South Park made an entire generation alt-right cynics by poisoning their minds with satire.



I own my properties outright thanks to rentoids like you.

Where is Mao when you need him? πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€

In hell wondering where all the landlords he killed are


No, I just hate people of a lower status honestly

This is yours πŸ‘‘

A question for other landlords.

I own land. But now the government wants money from me for owning land. Does that mean that I have to pay rent to the government for owning land?

It’s your moral duty to not pay rent to the government, as all the great landlords before you have. We live in a country founded by landlords who rebelled against a government demanding they pay rent for their mere existence as people of property.

Thats not right at all. The rent you pay on your land pays for the police officers who evict your rentcells when they don't want to sell their funkopops to pay rent.

Correct. Unfortunately a lot of our rent money goes to things the government misuses. For example, we have the worlds most powerful military and yet all it does is waste money. We should be using it to extract rent money from other countries

police officers who evict your rentcells

just roll up to place with a dump truck and few buddys, you'll clear the place yourself in a few hours.

Yeah but then your rentcells don't get the free housing they desire, jail.

just raise the rent so the rentoid pays for the property tax

A 1031 a day keeps the tax man away. Dont forget your ag exemptions and when in doubt, become a church.

Pretty sure it started as an ironic sub and got taken over by people who were too dumb to recognize the joke. The usual.

Said by someone who is too dumb to recognise the joke

No guys you dont get it, the sub was ironic before. Now its just downright mean.

Chapo check

Lmao this aint mu chapo account, thats /mayoslayer

Thank you for the request, BlackAmico. 0 of Verumero's last 874 comments (0.0%) are in /r/ChapoTrapHouse.

It was funny and ironic before but then the evil alt-right took it over

If people hate landlords so much why don’t they just buy a house? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Nobody hates landlords like homeowners tbh.

deleted by jannies

Glad to see Okbuddycapitalist officially says LANDLORD RIGHTS!

Life, liberty, and the pursuit of land πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

That is a clear targeted threat against People of Land. These rentoids really want to get evicted, don't they?

L4L is the greatest source of drama this side of the impeachment trial



Landlord Lives Matter!

I genuinely can't tell how they convince eachother that the people posting those great memes are the kind of old dudes that are actually land lords. How can people really be this stupid?

They need the posts on their /r/LandlordLove to literally be unironic to know that the memes being posted aren't the true beliefs of the people posting it. These people need Benny G. labels of chairs to know they can sit on them.

I post there on behalf of my mom since she doesn't speak enough english to truly communicate the struggles of being a woman of color of land

We were living in their heads rent-free, and that was unacceptable

So we charge in seethe

No one there is actually a landlord.


Where is Mao when you need him?

In hell wondering where all the landlords he killed are

That one actually made me laugh, and now my coworkers are giving me the stink eye. How dare I be entertained at work.

Typical rentoid seethe smh


What's L4L?
