How I learned to stop worrying and love the Boogaloo

89  2020-07-21 by The_Homocracy

Hi, resident libtard here. I wanted to share something I realized recently that gives me hope. You see, I have been stockpiling food and ammo just in case a civil war were to happen in burgerland (I hope it doesn't but I'd rather be prepared). Coronachan has shown me the truth though. There's nothing to fear.

Look at any video of the BLM protests. What do you see? Skinny mayos and obese Black women, right? But if you'll look closer, you'll notice something: Even the largest burger foid or the skinniest sickly soyboy is able to breathe through a small piece of cloth over their mouth. Apparently this is something rightoids are unable to do, proving that their lungs are somehow weaker than these people's.

(Disclaimer: this post is not an endorsement of civil war or violence which I sincerely hope does not happen. The title is a parody of the well known comedy "Dr. Strangelove OR How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb.)


This, but unironically.


  1. How I learned to stop worrying and ... -,*

  2. these people's -,*

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the King 👑 has returned 🙌

Thank you for taking the time to explain your joke.

I don't want to get banhammered again 😢


Nuh huh

Civil war is auto-win for fly overs.

They’ll starve the cities to the point fleets of obese, mobility scooter riding, black people of alphabet begin hunting the soy like a bad version of Mad Max.

The only safe refuge will be staircases.

Tall buildings with broken elevators shall be our salvation.

I hope this helps for your long term survival .

Hey neat thanks 😊

black people of alphabet begin hunting the soy like a bad version of Mad Max

That'll start after like 3 days. Starvation isn't needed as an excuse for that.


Commiefornia actually produces like 12% of the Country's food surprisingly. The Eastern states would be fucked, but that is a sacrifice we are willing to make.

It wouldn’t be states vs states. It would be rural vs urban. Existing borders wouldn’t matter. Only the Rockies and west-coastline.

I think the cities in CA could conscript enough high school athletes, surfer brahs, amateur bodybuilders, and skaters to take the central valley. With the oceans and mountains we're basically a fortress. Pretty sure we'd just hunker down and await our inevitable destruction by earthquake, wildfire, or tent city incubated disease to take us out.

They would surrender two nights into no internet.

Isn't CA's chief export internets?

It’s high but not largest. Government, financial and general services a larger piece of GDP.

I think the cities in CA could conscript enough high school athletes, surfer brahs, amateur bodybuilders, and skaters to take the central valley.

I mean, that would be pretty tough to do after they've been easily overrun by a single rifle company out of Pendleton.

Pendleton will fall as soon as the crayon reserves dry up.


I was talking to a friend today and he said that his bestie in Florida is making a killing in real estate because city people are leaving to the burbs.

legit great book out there called One Second After that contorts to basically what you typed. Highly suggest reading

Think I'm going to read that thanks


Maybe but at least I can breathe through cotton

This leftoid appears reasonably based. May we please add them to the roster?

The homocracy has always been based and is a true bussy lover

Not knowing about our based CIA Pete stan in residence... 😒

Petestan? I've never been.

It's beautiful


Pfft. If leftoids are so good at oxygen, how come they started that #Icantbreathe?

Only radical centrism will unlock the true power of your lungs. Then basketball Americans will no longer need to ask for respirations.

Skinny mayos and obese Black women, right?

Please edit your post appropriately, thank you


Should be 🅱️lack tbh.

t. Fatso worried over death from wuflu caught from an unmasked rightoid

Rightoids are literally defined by their stubbornness, you're better off losing weight and not being old than trying to get them wearing masks

just keep putting your cuhck mask on

I'll wear mine for you since I wouldn't want you to hurt your delicate lungs.

Don’t bully our resident conservatard :(

>implying the people shaking in terror over a capital 'w' in White are capable of armed insurrection

But then how do you smell the freedom? 🇺🇸


Srsly though, cut out the "In Summary" line where you murder the joke.

You're right I took it out.


proving that their lungs are somehow weaker than these people's.

I like how rhey shame people for not wearing masks but think that when they crowd together to have protest one-liner show and tell, they don't think air droplets can get under their mask or in their eyes or on their clothes.

Coronavirus is woke and doesn't infect liberals, bigot.