Al Jazeera J0urno calls White House Barbie a ”Lying bitch” on live broadcast

52  2020-07-21 by GoodFaithGregory


2 blondes getting in an heated argument, name a better duo 🤤

Also imagine working unironicaly for qataricels 💅

lmao thin christian stacey just btfo that whale lesbian commie

The chubby one called out the one made out of plastic and somehow we all lose.

You just know that somewhere in Doha a TV executive is furiously masturbating to this.

How many times did Trump have to propose a Fox News barbie as his press secretary before they finally relented

She clearly says so you don't want to engage. Rightoids are lucky that leftoids have gone off the rails because you are all some of the dumbest people on the planet. Use your ears rslur.

Tbh I didn’t even hear anything lol

I can see see how it sounds like that but in a heated exchange, who responds with "okay you don't wanna engage?" It's a very clunky response. I had to stop and rewind the live broadcast several times because I couldn't believe what I thought I heard. I think the frustrated reporter said something that many rational everyday people might say under their breath if they thought they were off mic.

Link is dead. Anyone have a video or a link to this?
