A Sovereign Citizen kat lady shot two deputies and is currently live streaming her standoff in her house

322  2020-07-21 by Corporal-Hicks

link to her YT channel

last video i got to see, gassing the house, shooting stuff into her windows

news article

COLUMBUS, Ohio — Two Franklin County SWAT officers have been shot and a barricade situation is ongoing.

The Franklin County Sheriff's Office said the SWAT team members were shot Tuesday just after 8 a.m. on Beulah Road, just south of I-71 and Weber Road in north Columbus.

Franklin County Chief Deputy Jim Gilbert said the officers were serving a probate warrant to take a woman in for a mental health evaluation when the woman confronted the officers and shot them.

EDIT: Youtube deleted her account. But i have the streamable links

first video where it all kicks off

Second video, she gets flash banged around the 9 min mark and gassed the fuck up at the end

EDIT #2 Someone grabbed all the videos from today and put them on bitchute








This is the person that calls you a bootlicker online

Though this time from the lib-right corner.

Mental illness is lib unity😍😍😍

fuggen boodliggers

Hicks posting family drama. What has r/drama turned into .... smh.

Also, you might want to remove the second video where your wife doxxes herself.

ohio is fucking disgusting, in no way am i associated with the armpit of america.

Columbus is the Ohio of Ohio.

The Columbus zoo is pretty nice though.

Columbus is the only good part of Ohio

Cilntonville is the, may Allah forgive me, may0 capital of urbanized Ohio.

Yuse don't like Dem der know it all buckeyes ???

Most of the people on that morbidly obese show are in ohio. Ohio is trash.

Dude, Indiana is right there.

Ohio really is one of the worst places I’ve ever been

Fuck you were not as bad as Jersey.

You wish you were jersey, unless we’re talking about asshole cops in which case noones worse than jersey

Yeah I’m just coping NJ at least has a beach and is close to NYC. Ohio ain’t that bad as far as housing market and cost of living but it’s boring as fuck.

I hear the fentanyl there is pretty fun.

Fentanyl has done wonders to reduce our white trash population, if anything we need more.

It's a delicate balance. If you become too known for it, they will start flocking in from all over.

I've driven in Ohio twice. The second time was for my court date from the first time. Got another ticket on the way home. I'm pretty sure the only reason people live in towns like Piqua is because the cops try to strand anyone passing through.

The worst state by far

This user clearly has never visited Indiana.

They call them fly over states for a reason



Me too, mama. Me too.

Is it normal in burgerstadt to send in the swat for a cuckoo warrant? Why am I even asking

When I was 13 my father had a warrant out for stealing steak from the local Walmart again. They showed up with like 3 cars full of cops and guns ready. I live in a town of <20000.

Are you a zoomer? This shit wasn’t so widespread during Clinton

25 so I think millennial.

I think that’s either zoomer or some inbetween generation with a stupid name that nobody cares about. That being said, I hope things are better now.

25 is millenial

zoomer is like post '96 to post '98, depending on who you ask

Elaborate please. Too drunk for a reverse search


It was.

They sent some cops to serve a probate warrant and get her a mental evaluation at first. She shot them. I would say it's pretty standard for police all around the world to send in swat after someone attempts to murder the first guys. Then again I don't know a whole lot about europoors.

Did you stoop so low as to actually read the article?

Cops get extra pay whenever they get in the party truck. They'll use any excuse to make something little into a small war.

Can someone summarize the 2 hours of video for my adderall addicted zoomer brain?

she has a pitbull

Everything makes sense now

They threw some flash bangs and a tear gas canister, then proceeded to shoot through her window very casually (she closes the blinds twice, also very casually) before the feed dies. Unless I missed the interesting part.

I don't think it includes the part where she shot the po-lice. Just her telling the negotiator/dispatch person to fuck off a bunch of times.

bbbbzzzzzzzzzzzzz [femoid screeching] zzzzzzzzz

Ah yeah, this is the original good shit.

Heard a dog barking, oh no

Don't worry, it's just a pibble.

The dog is right below a window they are shooting at, or throwing rocks through, and seems oblivious. Also got flash banged once. But otherwise it looked fine.


she's so casual about it lmao wtf .. And yikes, of course it's a pibble mommy.

Fucking dumbass called the fax number and says it’s a conspiracy.

That's how The Borg get ya, tbh...

the officers were serving a probate warrant to take a woman in for a mental health evaluation

I'm confused, can US cops just show up and force you into a psych ward based on a doctor's say so?

Or had she committed some kind of violent crime before the standoff that made a doctor think she was an immediate threat to others? I'm trying to think of what a forced psych evaluation is for other than to commit someone to a ward, but I can't access the article, maybe because I'm outside the US.

I know sovereign citizens are nutty but being an r-slurred libright doesn't seem like enough justification to potentially force someone into one of those fucked up places.

a doctor's say so?

It's not just the doctor's "say so" - you have to have told the doctor some very specific things. If you tell a doctor that you're going to hurt yourself or something else, then yeah, they can force you to get a psych eval. But if you're just generally talking crazy talk then no, that's not sufficient grounds

"Specific things" is code for "convenient interpretation". Expressing distrust of the government can get you fucked hard for no good reason. Like that guy they destroyed because his ex swatted him during their divorce. All she told the police was that her ex was paranoid the police were going to take everyone's guns, so they went to get his guns.

Fun fact: In Germany and the UK, they used coronavirus to (surprise!) erode more rights. It only takes 1 doctor, down from 2 or 3, to decide you are mentally incapable and must be committed. Appeal can also be suspended indefinitely, at discretion.

The state can now commit you for any made up reason, but don't worry, you have the technical right to appeal...;)

Germany exercising it's new power on a problematic lawyer

Some UK deets rethink.org had done it better, but it seems they have restructured the page to be less readable since I last saw it...

Fun fact: In Germany and the UK, they used coronavirus to (surprise!) erode more rights.

Surprise! (no one was surprised.)

I'm not familiar with the new changes, but I keep an eye on this sort of thing in the UK for entirely non-paranoid reasons.

I do know that for a 'Section 3 stay' of a renewable 6 months under the Mental Health Act, your closest family member is supposedly required to consent, and can (again, supposedly) forcibly reject the attempt to detain their relative. I don't know if this applies for the 28 day period under Section 2 though, and I don't really want to find out personally.

As you said though, all of that is rendered a bit moot by the fact that the courts are barely functioning right now and any appeal you tried to make on behalf of a family member could take at least six months anyway.

In theory the police can't turn up and force you to be sectioned without family involvement but, uh, not really sure I trust the rules in Bongland any more, as they're applied with increasingly interesting interpretations of the law, and it's not like family members never take advantage of their relatives for any number of reasons.

I guess the one upside is that if you're sectioned as a Bong you don't have to foot the entire bill yourself. There's a revolving door in the US between psych wards and homeless shelters and back again and that's why I was so surprised that they can still force you to be in a psych ward that your family is then given the bill for.

Now they're trying to lock up my boy Kanye smh

Impressive. Normally people with such severe developmental disabilities struggle to write much more than a sentence or two. He really has exceded our expectations for the writing portion. Sadly the coherency of his writing, along with his abilities in the social skills and reading portions, are far behind his peers with similar disabilities.

I am a bot.

Best bot

I missed this angel

Pour one out for Ye(et) 😢 👑

srspost tho, I always felt legit bad for him, he seems....deeply confused and lost and kinda sad, in the few interviews I've seen.

Good. 5G schizos don't deserve human rights.

new power

sect. 111 StGB has existed for more than 40 years u dumdum. also this w*man is clearly mentally ill lmao


If we lock them all away there will be nothing to post here dummy 😤

Who else will warn us of the 5G menace and gay frogs??? Lawlz? 😱😱😱

Prison is cheaper than providing proper healthcare to citizens.

And that's a good thing 💅🏻

We do the same thing in Canada (forcefully send crazies to the looney bin using court orders)

... public health insurance doesnt fix psycho.

For those who want to better themselves, prison offers classes (with certs!) and job opportunities to put on a resume. Not a bad deal for someone who just wants out.

From the videos we saw, she clearly didn't "want out" sweaty.

Depends, and I think a 5150 is involved, but in extreme cases yes. Especially if they think you have firearms.

Paramaseudical industry needs to source test subjects some how

They need to work on something to help people spell correctly

back off, they don't have enough test subjects

If they show up and the bitch starts shooting, it was probably a good call.


I just skimmed through it but she mentioned the last two times she'd been to court, so I think there must have been some severe ongoing nutjobbery before this.

Bless you for getting the streamable links

Youtube account been removed rip

I was all excited for this, and then after watching the first video it turns out this is just the same old sovereign citizen nonsense.

Mostly just babbling.

I respect the Drama effort tho

At 19:45 she says

on a tooooseday

And it was worth it

normal sovereign citizen bullshit ends with them being dicks before getting tased and arrested

she shot two cops, so I'd say she's a cut above

Did she commit a crime before she got swatted?

No hijab

Oh, that's fair then.

Those cinder block walls make me think yes.

i hope that dog is ok


some twin peaks shit rite here

Wot is a pedojunta?

She seems to be into pizzagate as well as being a sovcit.

oooh yay something to watch instead of trash tv...trash youtube but real life trash!

Good. Foids need to start turning up the crazy if we want equality.


My boyfriend works at the state psychiatric hospital for Ohio and he's already expecting to see, or hear, her delusional ramblings.

Granted, I don't blame anyone wanting to avoid getting Baker acted and then sent to that hell hole that is our state-run hospital. The place is horrible and patients are treated like cattle money bags.

She will likely end up in the forensic unit for her actions against the deputies.

Side note, everyone whose saying horrible shit about my state? Well, you're right. In my defense, I was forced here from Baltimore, MD so I had no say-so in the matter. Getting out the second we have a chance.

I'd rather ohio than Baltimore

Have you lived in Baltimore?

I can't stand being land locked and even though Baltimore has many issues, more specifically in the urban areas, its still a beautiful place and only a short drive to DC to see the museums. The best part are the crabs, being by the water, and famous Berger cookies.

The Oregon State Hospital is so under-funded that they only have room to hold jail inmates who are awaiting psych evaluations. They don't even have room for anyone who hasn't committed a crime. It's an absolute fucking disgrace and yet in 55 days of protests nobody has said a goddamn thing about it.

That sounds fucking awful...

It seems the reality is, is that society and our state governments care so little about the mentally unwell that they create generations of horror shows with the peoples' lives.

There's so little funding for our state hospital that my boyfriend literally does work for two different positions, sometimes 3 or 4 when someone calls in sick or goes on vacation. The majority of the staff is hired through a program for DD individuals so that they can cut costs. None of the MRWs (maintenance repair worker) are properly trained and most of them do not do their job. Why? Because nepotism is rampant and even though my boyfriend has had to file grievances, it does little more than put a target on his back. To make it worse? One of the MRWs openly talked to my boyfriend about how he goes to the park down the road to watch women jogging and has groped the DD workers before but who cares about them, right?

The patients are drugged so badly that it would make you cry, the nursing staff are bitches, the PTWs (therapeutic program worker) are the babysitters who have little training and they frequently engage in inappropriate behavior, patients only see the doctor once a week (if they're too drugged, I shit you not, they're skipped that week), the doctors don't care about the patients but whine when their new bathroom isn't finished being renovated while patients get one TV between all of them and limited cassette radios, the social workers are the only good guys but they're often way overworked, there's almost no activities to pass the time unless you've "earned" the privilege of being treated like a fucking human, and I could keep going...

The building is so dilapidated that it literally looks abandoned while ODOT across the street has this GIANT building with central air, a freshly paved parking lot (MH workers get a gravel lot where you randomly park next to broken down equipment and the old building where they executed patients), a cafe, staties always in the parking lot, etc. If you go down the road to where they house the forensics patients, this small plot next to them gives way to the cemetery where all of the unloved and forgotten lay in the ground, unmarked outside of a patient number.

I have to stop. It makes my blood boil and my mind ache for what these HUMAN BEINGS have to go through every day. I truly fucking hate every single worker there that is above the maintenence workers. The 9th circle of Hell inside of Hades wouldn't be harsh enough for them.

Mommy is soooo proud of you, sweaty. Let's put this sperg out up on the fridge with all your other failures.

I am a bot.

Yeah, I guess there's not much we can do except try to point out this stuff on social media and hope that eventually enough people will see it that someone will start to give a damn.


Cute doggy tbh


I clicked this thinking the off-chance this was in Seattle, it'd be one of my co-workers I haven't seen since March finally going off the deep-end. You know the type, divorced Gen-X'er "fur mama" who voted for all the gun control initiatives the last 20 years and has spent the last week screeching at everyone to start shooting federal agents.

Anyone seen Snally?

That 6th video wouldn't buffer for me either.

Just another day for your typical Fentanyl American.


lmao pedo junta, the absolute state of lolbertarians

I thought it was a pretty catchy hashtag.

pedo juche >>>> pedo junta

Best part of the show was when she said "I'm not crazy and I can prove it," then stood up to reveal that she had been wearing oven mitts the whole time.

I think that's to throw the tear gas back out


Well,I knew they were deranged,but I guess I should'nt be surprised.




Imagine thinking there is any group more interested in ‘equal rights’ while simultaneously kneecapping any movement towards such more than mæo foids. I’ll be honest, I could t stomach more than a few seconds of any of those videos, but I’m assuming this moron shouted blm and acab several times before she was zipped, zapped and zopped

Damn I drove past this house on my way to work today

Fast forward the 1st video to 19:45 then thank me


This could've all been avoided by the state minding their own business.