I can't believe dramatards think a tr*mp reelection is good for drama

126  2020-07-21 by pot_head_pixie

Imagine if b*den or kanye wins the election, drump cries deep state and refuses to give up office while q calls the boomers out into the streets to protect their rights and liberty against the deep state. I get a chub just by thinking about it.

Also why is kanye's name still allowed in the sub 🤨? Do you j*nnies not consider him a legitimate candidate? If i didn't know any better i'd think you guys have something against Black people 🤔


idk if leftoids have any self awareness but at most rightoid drama will be 1/5 the drama of what BLM is/was. I mean there will be some boomers calling Biden satan on the twit feed, if we're lucky some methead will walk into a verizon store and piss her self in anger again.

Leftoid drama puts burning down cities into play vs Rightoid drama which is a 1000 or so boomers in camo gear dicking around with ar-15's following the law to a tee.

I'm over here trying to maximise our profits as a drama capitalist and you're still inside a left-right pissing contest of who can be more obnoxious. Leave behind these plebeian concerns.

Trump is clearly better for dramacoin than Biden, but oh man I can only dream of a Yeezy Presidency.

Day 1, executive order, paint the oval office gold.

Ye wouldn't be caught dead living in that musty ass White House

WHITE house? Ye ain’t living in a house made out of WHITE, that shit is getting renamed to the black house fucking YESTERDAY

i want this.

Agreed. There is only victory for Drama.

Unless one side actually picks a semi strong candidate, then we're fucked.

But that will never happen so we good homie.

drama capitalist

We share drama around here, sport

No worries friend, it trickles down 😉

That's exactly what R Kelly said in his famous CP video

Rightoid drama which is a 1000 or so boomers in camo gear dicking around with ar-15's following the law to a tee.

Nah, it's more like 500 boomers in camo and 500 undercover feds.

Rightoid drama which is a 1000 or so boomers in camo gear dicking around with ar-15's following the law to a tee.

I think you mean "not being beaten or baited by the police because the police and state agree with and approve of their ideology".

I heard Chad Wolf has a pretty neat van

🅱️lack people

Fixed that bit of racism

I'm listening and learning.

Do better. It's not our job to educate you.

I am sick of white "allies" acting like they are "helping" black people. Your existence is racism. You aren't with us in this struggle, never forget that. Allies don't exist. But the term exists, and it exists to make white people feel better about their existence. Well guess what, black people don't have any terms they can try on to feel better about the oppression that shapes our lives.

Fucking mayos

U are what's wrong with the world. The way u tip-toe around calling white people enemies of society reveals ur underlying imperialistic sympathies. If u are unwilling to take a stand against the oppressors u are a closeted fascist


The liberal calls for elevating the 'b' in 🅱️lack culture to a capital B. But that's not enough to defeat racism. Some woker individuals have advocated turning the capital "B" into bold font, but that didn't defeat racism for some reason.

So now I say, if you don't use the big 🅱️ every time you talk about the 🅱️lacks, it just means you're participating in ✓w✓hite culture. Like it or not. The 🅱️lacks are 🅱️ig, they are 🅱️old, and they are 🅱️eautiful. Listen and learn bigot.


🅱️uilt for 🅱️🅱️C.

I like it, actually.

Don't worry, race war's going down no matter who wins.

That's boring stuff, think about the possibility of having a first lady with a public sex tape out there.

If Melanie were like 5 years younger and had her single years in the 2000s, she probably would have made one. That's when they became fashionable.

Kanye is allowed because this is his campaign sub

I really want to see if the temper tantrum can be maintained for another 4 years. I'm a little worried some of the wokes will straight up have an aneurysm, but I'll laugh at that too. I'm not super picky.

I’d like to see the craziest thing people will call fascist.

I cant wait to see the Kanye designed military uniforms

i'm picturing a ww1 german army uniform, covered in badly stretched images of jesus

ww1 german army uniform

make it oversized and you have a deal

Literal stormtroopers breaking the law with impunity.

I have been called one for advocating for owning a gun to defend yourself. This was before Portland and now I am laughing my ass off at those soyboys.

I mean people unironically call lolibertarians fascist, I think they’ll have a hard time topping that one

I think you overestimate the seethe. The next few years are going to be sooooo fucking boring, I get the impression the Democrats keep their president on a tight leash so even if Big B is as wacky as Big T, we will probably never get to see it... 😪😪😪

Yeah it will be immensely boring. There will still be huge problems but the media will revert to ignoring a lot of shit. Honestly idk what the big journos will discuss after the past four years.

Hopefully they'll be losing their fucking minds because ye somehow got elected.

No, that would be the case if Bernie won. Biden is the most boring option because boomers will accept him much more easily, and there are many republicans who think Trump is wack at this point and they'll be glad the alternative wasn't a socialist

The economy is going to fall apart because the workers cannot support the number and scale of rent seeking parasites. Good luck pretending it's not happening with a >7:1 capital income ratio.

It'll collapse any second now, any second now

based ret@rd

I miss my biden deuxrama flair every day 😞

for you my brother.

Never forget what they took from you.

Give me smug pibble flair or give me death

If Biden wins we’ll have 4 years of Magatards and Bernicels coping, everybody wins

That's nowhere near the seeeethe we get if Dementia Daddy wins. 2016, the first time, people were on their knees screaming at the sky and crying.

If Ye wins no one will be able to critizice him because it will be racist, leftoids will have aneurysms I can’t wait 😩

If Ye wins no one will be able to critizice him because it will racist, leftoids will have aneurysms I can’t wait 😩

either way, you lose.

Far leftoids & wokies have moved past the point of racism, they will accuse anyone who doesn't meet their standards as bearing internalised waycism. But who knows? Maybe socialist groups will start peddling anti-black racism instead of Anti-Semitic memes behind closed doors.

Look at the country right now, I was seething in 2016 and honestly I didn't even think he'd actually fuck up the country this bad. I wasn't panicking enough, I critiscize myself for being too calm.

Being hyper-smug whilst the media cries wolf will do that. Labour in the UK suffered a meltdown they haven't fully recovered from, and if they hadn't won via FPTP, Canadian Liberals'd be genuinely concerned by how many people voted Conservative. owo

Nah, you'll never know what Biden is doing because criticism will not be allowed. And besides, the right barely riots, and authorities actually ruby ridge that shit quick instead of letting it fester like it does now with the left.

While the country continues to fall apart around you and you pretend the system can still work

Leftoid victory will be short-term drama, spikes around election and inauguration but otherwise boring. The right doesn't have the cultural power to keep up the tantrum in every form of media. It'll also let some of the pressure of the left and we need to see how crazy they can get. Imagine all the celestial bodies that will be hexed by 2024.

Ye needs to win. The only way dramacoin keeps rising is if the president routinely snorts cocaine off a girl's ass. This isnt even worth a debate. Search your soul and you'll know I'm right.


That's not a proper noun nor an adjective derived from a proper noun.

At what point does civil war stop being drama and becomes something more dangerous?

When the soyboy cucks get armed... so never. You cant run on a platform that nobody is allowed a gun and then try to start a war.

Seriouspost: wouldn't the leftoids try Che-styled guerilla tactics? I don't mean the CHAZ cucks, those would be caught and executed in a week, I mean the hardest elements.

Because they arent real commies, they are all CHAZ-slurs. The left has run for 30 years on the platform of anti-gun, the reason the left has polarized further than the right is because of their purity tests. (Im talking people, leftist elected officials are given more leeway because even if they do wrong at least they arent actual literal fascists.) If you disagree with a single thing they will cancel you. So you not only have to completely align (because if you step a touch to the right you are a literal nazi) but this encourages them to push further and further left because the safest place during a witchhunt is at the front.

So it looks like and they certainly say they are die-hard commies but when the teargas perfume wafts over they remember that this was all about trying to be a good ally on twatter.


Kanye election would be drama city. He would tell everyone aliens are real without actually being breifed/having knowledge about it.

Knowledge of our true creators and benevolent benefactors requires a level 12 clearance The president only has a level 8.

I can't wait for the ye 2020 merch to drop. Finna t2igger some 3oomers

Rightoids are way too law abiding and have too strong of a fetish for principled losing to make much of a stir. Even if they did, they couldn’t get away with anything because the media and local governments would not run cover for them like they do the “mostly peaceful” leftoid protests.

But they would bring weapons so the cops wouldnt do shit to them. So ya, boring as shit but they wouldnt get v&.

Biden is a senile old retard and extremely hawkish. The shit he is going to start across the globe is gonna match first term Dubya inshallah

...dude no it isn't. Biden doesn't have a Cheney or a daddy who got beat in a war by a brown guy

You sound super young


It's 2020, you need to have a Cheney in the white house to go to start shit with China/Iran/Syria/Russia.

...yeah that was my point.

shitlibs aren't against war anymore and haven't been since they realized drones strikes were ok as long as a cool black guy was in charge of them

The whole point of drones is that you don't need a war to use them.

Talk about not getting it.

Regardless of who wins, the result will be a massive cope-filled sh*tshow. There will definitely be riots in the streets, it's just a matter of if it's rightoids or chapocels.

Why are all you arrtards like this? He would dip out before the changeover ceremony, get to Mar al Lago, and tweet that he never wanted to be president, it was all a stunt to get more famous.

Guys the Trump losing drama will be so epic, because in my head Trump is actually a meniacal evil genius who will figure out how to refuse to leave office

One can dream.

Judging by tiktok Q is now a Zoomer conspiracy


Hillary running for 2020, stealing the nomination from Bernie again and winning against Daddy to undo everything would have triggered the ultimate meltdown from all sides.

Unfortunately that didn't happen, but one can still dream.



Like that crazy cat lady said the other day: "THE MILITIAS ARE COMING"