Your daily Mayo covid freakout

38  2020-07-22 by Ohsbar


American women on average are 5'3 and weigh 167lbs

Da perfect broad

Okay Mr. Brosnan

The only freakout I've personally seen so far also had religious components. I was lined up outside a grocery store (back when they briefly did that) and some crazy lady comes up and tells us not to listen to the government and that the whole thing is fake and a test from god. Her evidence was that we were all standing 6 feet apart, which meant 666 = sign of the devil and all that shit.

Everyone in Silicon Valley is either autistic or can't speak english so people just ignored her and she wandered away.

Being crazy in America and not having a religious angle is like drinking the water and not getting lead poisoning here.

Actually, I'm not discounting the lead hypothesis.


I taught first graders. This is exactly what 6 year olds with a lack of executive functioning skills do when they can’t control their environment. They have a melt down. A tantrum.

Even more disturbing is that some of those children having tantrums internalize their lust for power over the first grade. They grow up to be elementary school teachers.

Truly pathetic stuff.

All I saw was a giant marshmallow with a wig on.

I thought 2016 was the best look at America's id, but here we are. Will 2024 be this good, or are we blessed numerologically now more than we will be then?

There’s still months to go before Drumpf starts in full campaign mode.