League of Legends streamer tried to become an hero by taking 500 mg of melatonin after being revealed as a pedophile groomer - all details inside

161  2020-07-22 by ShemaleSmasher


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Given that it's literally impossible to OD on melatonin, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say he's just a pedophile trying to get sympathy from šŸ¤® gamers. šŸ¤®

It'd be easier to OD on cock.

Bubba will feed him plenty of that in prison.

But he'll enjoy it? Doesn't seem like punishment to me.

You misunderstand. Melatonin pills are typically 5mg each. 500g is therefore 100 000 pills. His plan was to die of old age before he finished eating them all.

I have some 20mg tablets, itā€™d still be an absurd amount of pills to swallow though, and the thought of him giving up after swallowing a shit ton of them and all it does it make him tired is hilarious

You spend an hour eating "sleeping pills" and when the darkness finally comes to claim you, you just wake up 10 hours later feeling groggy

All MOBA players should commit seppuku but don't suicide over a 17yo obvious manipulative slut who is a jurist šŸ™


Is she azn or wh*te? I cannot tell?

I think he just confused melatonin with melanin and tried to go full blm


Nuka Zeus*

He probably thought they acted like benzos.

Edit: Oh yeah, and also given how the highest dose melatonin supplements you can get are about 5 mg per tab for 30 tabs a bottle he would literally need 333 bottles (pretty much 10,000 tablets) of the highest dose OTC melatonin possible to hit 500 grams.

He probably thought if he took enough of them he would just go to sleep and never wake up, as if he was the first genius to ever think of that.

How much would that cost?

Melatonin is pretty cheap, so maybe $10 USD for a bottle/months supply. At the very least it's over $3,300 plus tax unless he somehow found a bulk powder seller who don't usually deal with melatonin; even then, however, I cannot fathom it being less than a thousand in the best case scenario and would likely be over 5k.

Imagine spending over $5k to fail at heroism.

How is failing at suicide real hahahaha like just get a rope hahahaha a tree is free hahahaha.

Oh cool, only a $300 an hero.

Lol what? I have a bottle full of 180 12mg tablets on my desk next to me.

If they were gonna go for OTC sleep aids, it would've been way funnier if he decided to overdose on benadryl.

Then he could've had sex with all the underage shadow people he wanted.


ok now tell me about xanny

You'll black out and wake up in jail before you can OD on xans.

Either you black out and wind up in jail or you wake up and youā€™re a soundcloud rapper with tats on your face.

sounds like a Saw movie storyline

almost as bad as waking up a butch latin woman

xanny, xanny, attracts the janny

dont xanny, xanny,

lest janny molests ur fanny

Heā€™s just gonna be tired for a couple days lmao

Yeah that's what most of the community is saying too. He also claimed he was checked in to a mental health ward but was tweeting less than an hour later.

I took too much melatonin once. Slept for 14 hours and has weird ass dreams that lasted forever .

To be fair, with how much of an autistic social r-slur and creep this guy too blatantly presents himself as, I donā€™t have much sympathy for girls who are way too fucking stupid to get ā€˜groomedā€™ by him.

There are red flags, and if youā€™re too r-slurred yourself to avoid them at 16, tough luck tbh.

Daily reminder that the freakazoid alien psychopath Jeffree Star has 17.3 MILLION subscribers.

To be fair children can be freaking stupid and we shouldn't blame them

Victim blaming surely isn't the way to keep this from happening in the future. The fact that these creeps are creepy doesn't change whether they are successful in grooming kids. They hold power and status, it's manipulation for a damn reason.

Victim blaming is the only way to keep this from happening in the future.

Victim blaming is the best way to make me stop caring about idiots getting taken advantage of

Victim blaming surely isn't the way to keep this from happening in the future.

How else are you going to do it?

At 16, one should be expected not to be that stupid, oblivious, and socially r-slurred

I am becoming a teacher and I assure you most 16 year olds are "dumber" than you expect them to be :/



Heā€™s saying children are to blame for the pedoā€™s behavior. Thatā€™s something a pedo would say

No, heā€™s saying 15 year olds arenā€™t that stupid. The guyā€™s a pedo and I hope he burns, but donā€™t pretend those girls didnā€™t know exactly what was happening and didnā€™t encourage it at least a little. This metoo shit has somehow made everyone forget women have been happily selling themselves for wealth and influence across every socioeconomic class and culture for all of human history: do you honestly think teenage girls are above flirting and sending nudes just to get some twitter followers?

Children canā€™t consent, thatā€™s the law. They were taken advantage of. He used his fame to lure these children.

Nobody is arguing with that.

The comments above mine had some basement virgin rapist vibes, I had to clarify to them. So they donā€™t think itā€™s okay to rape a child and then blame them for it.


Pedo "suicides" in the most girly way possible to farm pity

Objective proof g*ming is digital sexual reassignment surgery

Ban video games āœŠšŸ½

Whatā€™s grooming?

Something usually alien to LoLers.

Befriending and manipulating minors to abuse them sexually "with their consent".

Jokes on the paedophile, legally children aren't humans and can't consent to anything.




Talking to young kids about s*xual stuff so you can make advances on them

Docking my pibbles tail.

Picking fleas off of each other šŸ’

Grooming is when an adult approaches and befriends a minor with the intention of having sex with them the moment they turn 18

Hashashin and Drake who are 30+ are especially creepy doing this

befriend minor

Get them to like you so that the microsecond they turn 18 you can fuck them

Sometimes they don't wait until there 18

It's sick.

Okay groomer

What hilarious laws lmao. Based Europe where depending on the country you can fuck 14, 15, and 16 year olds without retarded, eggless feminists being able do jack shit about it

Based Europe where depending on the country you can fuck 14, 15, and 16 year olds

Adults can't fuck children, sorry the thought made you very excited. The age of consent only applies to protect people of similar age from being charged with rape (e.g. a 17 and an 18 year old), it doesn't apply to 30 year old drama tards and 14 year old girls. That's how it is in Sweden at least

Back when I was a teenager in Germany the AOC was 14 if the other partner was at most four years older, and 16 with no such age restrictions.

iirc until they are 18 a 16+ child would need the permission of the parents to have sex with someone over the age of 21 (or 24?, not sure exactly)

Don't think so.

But it's best to check wikipedia or the actual law before basing any decisions on reddit comments lol. I kinda stopped following this topic after high school.

I could google, but rather not have something that weird show up in my search history haha

I remember looking it up like 2 years ago when someone from my college course was talking about dating someone who was underage which really creeped me out, since we both aspire to become teachers.....

Maybe that rule applies if they are 14 and not 16?


Then again I wasted already enough time on this creepy topic.

Have a nice day.

You think your specific shit stateā€™s laws apply to a dozen different European countries? These arenā€™t Romeo and Juliet laws, those are (for example, in my state) up to a 5 years difference when one party is below the age of consent (for example, 13) so no phaggot, you donā€™t know what youā€™re talking about. Age of consent is age of consent

I'm sorry for stating that you can't fuck children, I didn't know you'd be this upset. I'll be mindful of comments that marginalize MAP's in the future šŸ™

Kek, c0cksucker. Nice to know your phaggot state gets burned down and blown up nightly by Ahmeds

seething rightoid absolutely livid by the thought of not being able to fuck children


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right through the counterstrike - his response video on youtube where he sounds like hes on the verge of crying for 9 min is depressing lmao

15 yo girls and 16 yo girls


Pick one.

Found the pedo.

banned them

thank you for your service o7


Found the lawcuck.

Ok groomer

lol so i guess he slept well

White women want clout for tenuous claims of sexual abuse part 429,874.

please source the other 429,873 cases

also proof the 429,874th one is fake as well


He tried to make himself black?

He was trying to become the superior race but misread the bottle and had a good night's sleep instead

that's melanotan

He was trying to become big lenny

Hash carpet all you need to know about this r-slur pedo

Hashinshin is literally the most autistic fuck to ever enter top lane.

Hashinshin has become the Chris Chan of LoL I hope he doesnā€™t kill himself so we get more epic content

Heā€™ll just have a psychotic break, believe in the zeitgeist merging of realities, and ā€˜transitionā€™ by cutting his taint

Nice SAT vocabulary but you could have just said ā€œhe gonna get his dick splitā€

N-slur, I be MENSA


That's that guy who got salty really easily. Also was into history iirc. Autistic gamer, no wonder he was a pedo. Also "muh suicide attempt", a classic move


He is creepy and cringy but isnt the age of consent in France 15? They are now cancelling people who follow the law? Thats not saying the law is right but like... be mad at the law, not some neckbeard.

NA servers, NA proscene, NA laws. Lmao...