Nooooo, you can’t be pro-vegan and pro-capitalism😭😭😭—banned for ableism.

203  2020-07-22 by TylerTheBox


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Soviet bloc countries weren't communist, but I'm also going to defend them.

I really want a communist country like these other ones, but I know most people wouldn’t like those places or their terrible histories, so I make my extreme views more palatable by saying we are gonna be like Scandinavia when really I’m aiming more 1917 Russia.

They're gonna be the first ones to die. Not even by the gestapo, too unimportant for that. They're gonna die of funkopop deprivation

Lol if resources got scare RIP

Check yourself, bigot. Resources are immune to scarcity once you declare them a human right.

I like how the Scandinavian countries are ADAMANT that they aren’t socialist countries, but these crazy weirdos still say they are and that every country would be exactly like them if we only tried socialism.

Those countries are absolutely capitalist, they just have a relatively high tax rate that supports their extensive welfare programs. I guess you could call them “welfare states” maybe?

My mate worked there for a year. The income tax rate is massive even just for minimum wage workers. And they have some of the lowest corporate tax rates in the world.

This is the socialist utopia online wokies want 🤔🤔

All the social welfare benefits are worth it if you live there cause the government covers all basic services, but they never really get much disposable income, so what's the point?

Well I see it like this: It’s a great place to live if you’re young and in college, or if you’re old and retired. If you’re a working professional, it’s better to just work somewhere with a lower income tax. Although I don’t know if they still tax their citizens working overseas at the same rate.

This is most of Europe. If you're above average intelligence, youre better off working somewhere else.

Yep and dat only works if there is a high degree of social cohesion and most people still decide to work. Won’t work with well American meth country and “urban” wastelands. GL on welfare when it has too many queens 💋

Humans had been living in primitive communist societies for millennia


US is only 300 years old, before that the whole world was a commie shithole.

"History began on July 4th, 1776. Everything before that was a communist utopia."

Landchads across the world shared their homes, fields, and guidance.

Shared their cotton picking labor with POCs for FREE.

Almost as liberating as the time we did fuedalism for 10 centuries!

“Where were you when the mercantilist nations began?”

They're referring to tribes of hunter-gatherers. However,

You are egregiously misinformed. First of all, humans are not naturally greedy, this is anything but a fact. Humans had been living in primitive communist societies for millennia before feudalism and then capitalism were established

-They think that neither war nor conquest existed before agriculture incentivized the species to build settlements. So I wouldn't take anything they say seriously.

I really like comments like that because as soon as I read "First of all, humans are not naturally greedy" I knew I could ignore anything that followed.

as soon as I read "First of all, humans are not naturally greedy" redditor*, I knew I could ignore anything that followed.

Wasn't listening

It's like they are still naive children and don't understand how low people can sink, and how evil they can become just to get what they want.

This is what happens without a healthy dose of bullying

You tend to see that sentiment among silver spoon college types that have absolutely no concept of life resource management. You know, the core demo of vegan activism.

This. All the comments spouting "saying humans are greedy is projection, I'm certainly not greedy" really underestimate what happens when you give people power

They have also never had a child because you can treat them with all the love and the care in the world and they will still exhibit signs of greed, jealousy, anger, envy, selfishness, and all the other aspects of human nature we perceive as negative. That's why as a parent you have to teach them how to mitigate and channel those emotions instead of suppressing them. They are genetically coded into us.

Based and Augustine pilled. There is nothing more selfish and immoral than a new born baby.

primitive communist societies

"From everyone according to the guy with the biggest stick, to everyone according to the same guy" - Kurgh Murgh, probably.

I mean, it's more nuanced than that of course, but the mechanisms for forcing people to work and preventing them from taking more than their "fair share" were abound and probably quite horrifying for the modern person. Slavery was widespread, some Native American tribes preemptively cut parts of the feet of the slaves to make watching after them less bothersome.

Chimpanzees go to war over banana trees (which is fucking hilarious and also explains so much).

These tribes enforced tremendous social pressure. It's like living with your extended family, permanently. There is no opportunity for you to pursue your gender identity or Star Wars fandom. If you are too weird, you are left to die.

Commies want their cake and eat it too. They want liberal society and authoritarian economic control. They don't realize the guy in charge of doling rations can be guy in charge of everything else.

Humans had been living in primitive communist societies for millennia before feudalism

No idea the Romans, Greeks, Sumerians and all were communist

war nor conquest existed before agriculture incentivized the species to build settlements

Chimpanzee tribes fight over bananas for god's sake

Centrist Chimp: I just wanna peel for God's sake!

Grug good at hunting. Grug have many meat. Grug trade excess meat to Gragga for nuts and berries

People have always been doing what we are doing know they just used to be fucking shit at it lmao

My system works only in tribes of a dozen people, clearly it should become the standard to govern the lives of 7 billion.

You forgot the best part.

Humans had been living in primitive communist societies for millennia before feudalism and then capitalism were established

Umm 🤔 didn't you know that before evil transphobic nazis invented feudalism in the 8-9th century AD, Chinese, Roman and Greek empires had complete social equality? There were statues of Marx on every street corner in Ancient Rome. Educate yourself sweaty 🤦‍♂️

Even before that, the indo-european conquest of Europe actually started because of a disagreement between Stalinists and Trotskyists.

Did you know that when caveman Uggo found a shiny, sharp piece of flint back in 26000 BC his first thought was to run back to the camp and share it with the tribe?

He definitely didn't bash caveman Bubba's head in to prevent him from stealing his shit and taking his deer pelt or whatever.

This story sounds familiar

If my understanding is correct that's not a completely incorrect statement, I think in native American tribes if, say, you had more sheep or whatever than your neighbor you'd give them to him until you were equal. Which is why they got their asses stomped

Its quite a stretch to say that some tribes were communal as evidence they were usong a system based on Marxist theory.

All I mean is that there's a tiny, tiny, morsel of a shred of Truth in what they're saying I still think they're the opposite of heterosexual

Some tribes, especially the nomadic ones, also murdered their weak, freeloading, and mentally unstable members because they were a threat to the survival of the whole group. Imagine sending one of these vegans back to one of these primitive "utopias". They would be scalped as soon as they uttered their preferred pronoun.

Hell yeah sounds based

We need to go back to the Stone Age fam.

They're welcome to go back to that state. The Amazon rainforest awaits them


I think everyone can agree that all consumption/production under capatalism is immoral and unethical.

lmao what? How do these "people" even manage to go through life?

Via double-think.

This is why I'm glad I grew up in the South where people don't tolerate f-slurs like this to the point that they don't exist or are bullied until they move away.

It turns out that if you agreed with internet pinkos on everything (and who wouldn't!?), you would be a socialist!

That's just their line to excuse their rampant consumerism while still calling themselves communists. They'd have a good point, you can't really get through life without buying things, except that you can get through life without buying thousands of dollars worth of Disney merchandise. They use that line to say that buying a car to go to work and buying a funko pop collection are the same.

It's not a very unreasonable claim


Zero seething to be found. Brainlet cope

Zero seething to be found.

Lmao cope

lmao cope

Cope and dilate

Explain 🤔🤔🤔


also daily reminder that the Nazis lost because Hïtler was a vegetarian

humans are not naturally greedy

This is childlike level of delusion

Nah it's outright lying they don't believe that themselves

they'd be starving after they used up all the built up industry capitalism built up for them.

Or just imported tons of food from the market countries around them like the commies did

Well yeah they’re vegetarians/vegans - that’s par for the course.

It’s technically true though. Greed doesn’t mean “person who wants things and is bad”.

Greediness is the story of selling out the long term for the short term. A greedy person gets fucked in the end, and if they don’t they weren’t being greedy.

Most people are actually pretty decent at acting in their own long term self interests.

Didn’t even have to scroll down very far to get hit with the “real communism hasn’t been tried yet”

They will never extend the same logic and courtesy to 'REAL KAPITALIZAM'.

Don't tell me why.

It never crossed their mind what none of the attempts ended up with "real communism," but every capitalist attempts were honest and true.

Yet they had the gall to claim humans are not inherently selfish and greedy. They really need to rethink their logic.

Almost as if the system fails before it can fully achieved due to the nature of greedy humans 🤔

Lefties and hurting their own causes by demanding unrelated causes be grouped together, name a more iconic duo.

I thought the genius defending communism in the thread was trolling but no as every redditor he’s mentally handicapped

Yea, no, first time using the sub—assumed it would similar to r/vegancirclejerk—but it’s just for r*edditors who wanna pretend to able to troll, then get butthurt when called retarded.

Every single one of the circlejerk subs are cancer, just neckbeards bitching about other neckbeards

Yes. And?

Im trying to go vegan and i don't like commies, give me my award.

:clapclapclapclap:! c:

Am vegan, don’t like commies, where’s mine?🤔🥺🥺🥺

radical capitalist as well as vegan


Don’t forget radical-pilled😎

Basically a centrist.

Holy shit the Rslurs said in in the first 4 or 5 comments

ReAl CoMmUnIsM hasn't been tried

Almost like it’s incapable of being “properly” instituted🤔🤔🤔

First of all, communism has not actually been achieved, so to say it has failed is in itself an oxymoron.

I'm more disappointed that people thought it was worth their time replying to this 14 yr old.

Hmmm, something hasn’t been “properly” instituted despite a dozen attempts...maybe the problem is it’s unable to work with any group larger than a tribe🤔🤔🤔

If you think about it, communism and veganism do go hand in hand. Pretty sure the citizens in those commie countries were eating sawdust, which is plant based.

Nifty facts:

Cellulose can be digested by plant-eating animals so feeding them sawdust isn't as monstrous as it sounds, it's actually a pretty sensible and environmentally-friendly way to reuse waste - which you'd hope hippies would be happy about but instead they say "THEY'RE FEEDING COWS SAWDUST! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?! SAWDUST!!!"

Toilet paper is made of cellulose, which can be broken down into simple sugars using the same enzyme herbivores have in their stomachs (cellulase). Add some yeast and you've got drinkable alcohol.

Given the emphasis on animal and environmental issues, it’s sublimely retarded that they’re going to bat for the former eastern bloc.

It’s peak naivety to ignore the magnitude of the various environmental disasters (among others) that occurred on their watch. This is nothing to do with socialist theory and everything to do with Redditor feelings. The western capitalistic states have an appalling record, one cannot look at the depleted, former Aral Sea and images of the Salton Sea. Part of the difference is magnitude, it’s nuts to think the Salton is like 7.4 square miles total but the former Aral Sea catchment was 598,100 sq mi and is now nothing but a puddle.

I guess my point is that it’s really dumb to compare apples to oranges like that or whatever but fuck it I went there.

Threads like this are why I hate Redditors. Wtf is wrong with these people.

The part about capitalism resulting in a recession every 7-10 years is partly accurate, though it seems to usually be triggered by greed (bank deregulation, etc) rather than the economic system itself. But in the same post the Person of Tard says greed doesn't exist so I dunno.


Veganism is literally the creation of capitalisms excess

You could not have it in another economic system

I just got banned for ableism as well. Is this because vegans consider themselves disabled?

Opinions against the majority groupthink are forbidden - I thought you would've known that.

Maybe...I was the retard all along?

If you have to ask, then you're not.

vegans are retarded no what what economic theory they promote.

All economic systems suck?🤔