The patron saint of sperg blogging has survived being persecuted by the NYT and is back online! You may now return to reading walls of text about why Skynet will destroy civilization.

43  2020-07-22 by dongas420

Slate Star Codex's deleted articles are back up, now with an unreadable layout to go along with the unreadable screeds. From the "NYT Is Threatening My Safety By Revealing My Real Name, So I Am Deleting The Blog" post:

[EDIT 7/21: This post is now a month old, and I am cautiously optimistic that the Times has changed their mind. There is no further need to take any of the actions described below.]


If I was gonna chose an online name I wouldn't pick my first and middle name

Funny, I knew a Dogel Edu once.

What about first middle and last? Coward

He's being hopelessly optimistic here. The NYT (like so many news outlets this summer) is taking an extreme left turn. I'm no fan of Bari Weiss and her delusional Zionist witch hunts, but she didn't get forced out for being crazy sometimes. She got forced out for the times when she wasn't crazy.

Scott Alexander has the problem of being stuck in the pre-internet world. He thinks that there's a difference between the NYT and Gawker or Breitbart or whatever. These organizations are all the same now and they're not playing by the ancient laws of chivalry.

I'm no fan of Bari Weiss and her delusional Zionist witch hunts, but she didn't get forced out for being crazy sometimes. She got forced out for the times when she wasn't crazy


It's a shame that the evangelicals basically destroyed the rightoid intelligentsia. If what remains wasn't so busy jerking off to George Soros sponsored sissy hypno porn and writing long posts about the deep state then they might sense an opportunity here to pick up all of these largely sane and intelligent journalists and writers that are being cast off by these mainstream outlets for not being big enough whack jobs.

Someone's going to do it.

[no] difference between the NYT and Gawker or Breitbart or whatever.

Upvoted the lolcow

between the NYT and Gawker or Breitbart or whatever

Are you not a native English speaker? I can try to spell this out for you more if you need help.

Are you not a native English speaker?


I can try to spell this out for you more if you need help.

Sure entertain me. Dance monkey.

Okay, replace "and" with "versus". Do you know what that word means?

Unironically I worry about you if you can't parse that.

You misunderstand why this is lowcow material you quivering mass of fried feces.

The NY Times front page has articles about the EU stimulus deal, about unemployment benefits ending, about the protests/riots/boogaloo in Portland. What kinds of shit went on the front page of Gawker at their peak? A spring break Thad biting the head off of a hamster?

You can grind your teeth and piss yourself all you like, the NY Times is not in the same class as Gawker. Or Breitbart. Or Salon or Daily Caller or Jacobin or whatever den of culture warfare siege you choose to partake in. Is the editorial team at NY Times dumb? Yeah pretty much. And they've gotten worse - but it would take another forty years for them to stoop as retarded as as Breitbart's top headline on the page COVID-1984 The Age of the Mask Begins!!

So you take issue with the NY Times editorial team and culture being a behomoth of woke leftism? I ask you - where is the principled stand of journalistic integrity from the rightoids? What is this secret bastion of logic that they are hiding from me? The fact is that rightoids are even more afraid of reading dispassionate journalism than woke-tards are. The woken at least still make a show of caring about proper journalism - if you wanted the NY Times editorial board to cater to you, then you should have gotten more of these brain addled boomers on their circulation. But they'd rather read about the Hilarious Stages of Day Drinking at Tucker Bowtie Carlson's tabloid. Here's a fun quote from Tucker, I think from just before he helped start the Daily Caller:

“Honestly, if you create a news organization whose primary objective is not to deliver accurate news, you will fail,” said Carlson in what sounded like the passing whoosh of a pointy dart, blogosphere-bound. “The New York Times is a liberal paper, but it is also…a paper that actually cares about accuracy. Conservatives need to build institutions that mirror those institutions.”

Annoying after the fact edit: I just want to say that as slightly unhinged as this comment may come across, I’m still indisputably correct.

If only you could put that energy into your relationships

I am a bot.

I know bot. I know.

did you think that calling him a lolcow before you typed this out was going to like, make people not realize you were the actual lolcow?

And yet people downvote anyways 😭😭😭

Stunning counter argument.

Seeing as I'm not the guy you're arguing with, why would you expect me to provide a counter-argument?

I didn't read all of that but the NY Times annoys me because all of my smug friends still use the credibility the journalists from like 100 years ago established to act like I'm rightoid whenever I question the articles they post on boomerbook 😠

the protests/riots/boogaloo in Portland

The DHS rape vans thing is a bullshit non-story and publishing stories about it is shameful, not prestigious.

So you take issue with the NY Times editorial team and culture being a behomoth of woke leftism?

I don't have a problem with their editorial team having retarded opinions. Hell, I even read your entire comment so I must be pretty accepting of stupid views. But when the company has to purge all employees who aren't 100% woke that's a red flag to me. And my main problem with them is that they have a long and intensifying history of just straight up lying in what are not even supposed to be opinion pieces. Like that time a few weeks ago when they claimed that 66 different white nationalists had intentionally driven into protestors and tried to kill them.

I ask you - where is the principled stand of journalistic integrity from the rightoids?

There has never been any expectation that rightoids would have any journalistic integrity, not in my lifetime at least. Hence the situation we're in now where there's nobody to trust.

The issue with this guy is that for every good or insightful blog post he makes, there’s an equal amount of “trump reeee” and “AI overlord reeee”.

The AI reeing is an actual thing to worry about. That tech is crazy. There is some experimental AI that can copy a game by watching video of it, like what the fuck......

There’s much bigger threats than AI lol Big Yud is just a grifting retard who writes like a complete douche

I have a hard time believing that Demis Hassabis's AI is really that great since he made video games like Evil Genius before he went to work for Google and it was way too easy to trick your enemies into falling into your traps.

I don't know if we are talking about the same thing, i saw a video where and ai makes a tennis video game out of tennis vidoegame footage.

a tennis video game

Are you talking about Pong?

No idiot, a current tennis game, with current gen graphics.

with current gen graphics

So like... 256-color Pong. 😒

Oh no, an AI can make Wii Sports. How will humanity ever recover?

Who cares about a machine that understands how to overcome adversity via trial-and-error and iterative improvement, knows how to build and code things, can copy whatever it looks at and is programmed with the concept of a motivated goal.

Hey let's program it to feel pain and understand suffering while we're at it. Maybe toss in some self-interest.

This but unironically. The guy didn't link the video so it might as well be a Star Trek fanfic we're talking about.

If it's anything like this, then I think it's safe to say that we won't be getting Terminators this year.


There is some experimental AI that can copy a game by watching video of it, like what the fuck......

Still doesn't warrant all the reeeing and Reddit tier pearl clutching over AI.

AI reeing is an actual thing to worry about


Dont emoji me you fucker

Yeah, but these "AI watchdogs" have the delusion that AI is going to suddenly decide that it wants things and then somehow becomes evil and murderous. Most rationalists are unqualified to understand how even normies think, so they're totally out of their depth when it comes to understanding the psychology of an AI. AI doesn't want anything except to fulfill its goals. Sure, it can be superintelligent and devious and all, but unlike humans, a well-designed AI doesn't change its terminal goals, only its instrumental goals.

A much more realistic concern is that a bad person will give an AI bad terminal goals. Or (more realistically) that a good person will give an AI good terminal goals but some naive rationalists like Yud will freak out and interfere because they don't feel like they have enough "control" over the AI, in which case it'll probably carve them up into small pieces to disincentivize other people from being that dumb. But that's not malicious behavior, it's just a reasonable outcome from some stupid meatbag deciding to insert his stupid meatbag self into what is effectively high-level industrial machinery. Like, if I was dumb enough to try to prevent a blender from spinning by sticking my hand in it, I wouldn't start accusing the blender of being an evil Skynet. But that's basically what Yud does. Any existential threat from uncontrolled AI is much more likely to come from a control-freak like Yud "pissing it off" (aka, causing the AI to reclassify him as a liability) by interfering with its operation. Which would be stupid and entirely his fault. You don't give an AI instructions and then interfere with those instructions "just to see what will happen" - that's like trying to stop a blender by sticking your hand in. Once the blender has been turned on, you just need to let it do its thing, bro. We can't outlaw AIs just because a few low IQ induhviduals don't obey the safety warnings.

But hey, everybody needs a hustle in today'a gig economy, right? If big Yud's grift is screaming about how robots are gonna take over the world and bang your wife, that's his business. Personally I intend to be very polite and respectful to our future AI partners.

Good to see some other rationalists among the r/drama crew, BTW.

If only you could put that energy into your relationships

I am a bot.



AI being dangerous will be some number of years after self driving cars. Which will be some number of years after self-driving trains

The thing with AI is that it is inevitably evolving, but too slowly for people to feel the quantum of change. In some years, we’re all gonna find ourselves in a brave new world that again makes no sense and generational knowledge will be yet again useless, and we’ll have another boomer philosopher reeing about the fourth industrial revolution and return to monkey like Ted before him and JJ Rousseau before him

The times is closer to beinh a rag every day. Their opinion section is a mess.

You may now return to reading walls of text about why Skynet will destroy civilization.

No thank you I prefer to type them out myself on arr drama.

Daddy Musk is right about AI by the way. When a libright mega tism wizard like him is telling you that Skynet is fucking scary and needs government regulation then you've got a problem. Listen to the aspies. We're good at being scared of things.