Kanye West refers to his wife, Kim Kardashian, as a white supremacist. Claims divorce is imminent.

524  2020-07-22 by Giulio-Cesare


Why the fuck does he keep going off his meds? Or is he just so damn nutts that they have to keep upping the dose/change them?

Why the fuck does he keep going off his meds?

Fuck your chemical chains c.racker 🤜

We wuz mood stabilizers.


Probably isn't as good at writing music or playing concerts on meds so he does it whenever he needs to do either.

Unironically this. He said he went off meds in 2018 for his diagnosed bipolar depression. He said it “stunted his creativity”

It most likely is true, a lot of those meds turn you into a mindless drone

He should start taking CBD oil if it's legal in his state. That stuff can seriously calm some people, and it helps repair frayed nerves. Someone in my family was a spazzo with next to no life and they started taking this stuff and...

...Became more creative due to being a non-spazzo with next to no life. xP

Edit: NVM he's bipolar, not frayed nerves.

He should start taking CBD oil if it’s legal in his state.

And if it’s not legal in his state he could just take sugar pills for the same exact effect

Exactly. I tried high doses of that crap for anxiety and chronic pain. Bluegrass would have been more helpful and I could have just eaten my lawn..

you have to actually get proper high grade CBD.

the problem is that there are a lot of low-grade/fake/scam CBD products out there, giving it a bad rap.

Full spectrum cbd/thc works better for me. It's super calming and will allow me to sleep through the night. My back is all fucked up so I tend to wake up every couple of hours but when I take a high dose full spectrum tincture I'll sleep for 6-8 hours uninterrupted.


This dumbass trying to treat bipolar disorder (with, lets be real, psychotic features) with fucking CBD oil lmao

dude bro, weed, it cures everything bro

Bro it's a different strain bro I swear this one won't make you sick it's indica not sativa please bro you gotta try it

Dude weed lmao

No rapper has ever self-medicated with weed until the redditor introduced them to based /r/trees and CBD oil from a corner store

I regret to report the essential oil huns are at it again

This dumbass didn't realise he was bipolar lol Naaaah that's not going to fix that.





Depression meds are openly advertised as "evening out your mood" so you no longer feel extreme highs or lows. Making you a shit artist isn't even a side effect, it's their main purpose.

That's not how regular antidepressants work but bipolars don't get regular antidepressants. They can cause mania in bipolars. Instead they get a class of drugs that is literally called "mood stabilizers".

Lithium is the way for major Bi-polar.

also great for batteries :)

So recomendable to musk either way.

They also give Lamictal which is the same they give epileptics. Does make you less creative I can attest.

They can cause mania in bipolars.

What's the downside?


I gotta support this. My olanzapine / duloxotine years were so bad that it drove me to completely swear off alcohol or anything else and get seriously in shape and eating right and meditating/cbt with a militaristic discipline.

cbt with a militaristic discipline

That's what I call it when I have the asian hooker wear a North Korean army uniform when she stomps on me.

Fuck. That’s good... really good...

Did the medications make you better or did getting off it ? I’m thinking about stopping my antidepressant

It really depends on both the meds and the person.

What are you on?

If you think about getting of antidepressants please don't do it on your own. Consult a psychiatrist and try to reduce the dose bit by bit. Going out too fast too early can not only cause a rebound effect of the depression but also cause psychotic symptoms.


/r/DRAMA supports an individual's right to medicate or not medicate themselves as they see fit, as long as its good for drama.

It's all fun and bussys till someone keeps themselves safe.

No one on the internet is real

They didn’t work and I found something that did. Or the lifestyle change. I’m not sure. It’s slightly better but I can’t CANT CANT say enough don’t just go off your meds without consulting and keeping up with your doctor. If you’re gonna go off them even if you feel they’re not doing enough to outweigh the negative side effects you’ve gotta have a plan in place for the next try. All hell could break loose and you might not be able To make the next try

Your balls must rly hurt

The cock too ... don’t leave the cock out. It’s cock AND ball

Yeah this tbh.

absolutely lol. most people who're creatives and have experienced mania say it makes them feel more competent and motivated to do their craft. it's so fucking unhealthy lol

plus i don't think anyone in his circle is being understanding while also holding him accountable despite his state. it's a hard line to walk

I get on and off my meds constantly for self harming reasons and I told my best friend a few days ago I am really happy that I do not have that money and influence Kanye has. My mania would go wild and I wouldn't want to put that on anybody.

Having a disorder with unstable moodswings and power is a bad mix and you should be responsible enough to see where to not cross the line. You can at least take a small dosage of meds to lessen the mood swings so you are not completely out of it. But what he does with no mads and going crazy while manic and dragging so many people down with him is just irresponsible and I don't understand how someone could do this.

(I have BPD btw. BPD and BPAD are close relatives)

What’s sad is that Kanye puts his “creativity” before his family

Meds = good father and husband/bad artist No meds= bad father and husband/good artist

Pills are enslavement to the state. The only thing chapos and rightoids agree on aside from sex with children and anime being superior to western cartoons.

not having multiple narcotic prescriptions from every psychiatrist in town

are you even homosexual?


Based. You're good brother.

I don’t even let IBS keep me from being gay.

Stratospherically based

Poppers require a prescription?

Implying there are chapos not on antidepressants

(X) Doubt


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mickey trooney

falling for the pillpill

Did you also take ADHD meds in school as a good obedient future servant of the state?

By in school, so you mean abusing adderall in college until my tolerance got so high that they don’t do shit to me anymore, then yes 😚😚😚

taking amphetamines is good actually

- Hitler just as he ordered 12 year old boys to dab on soviet tanks as he took the bullet-train to Flavortown.

Thank god he goes off his meds. We need something to talk about.

Meds hamper your creativity and overall mental capacity

Yep. Mania feels great until a person has been up for days and is literally starting to die. I honestly feel sorry for him.

Yeah he needs help. This isn't like Dwight Howard being a dumb antivaxxer. Ye is legitimately sick and seems like he has no one in his corner helping him. Hope he comes out ok

Wasn't this Dwight Howard the same Dwight Howard that had the transie out him for his love of buss?




Yeah there's "I'm superman" mania and there's "They're plotting against me and the feds are following me" mania.

The two are closer than you might think.

If you did have the powers of Superman the feds probably would be after you tbh.

I fucking knew they were watching.

I had a friend with the second kind. It was really depressing watching him degenerate the way he did.

At least the superman shit seems fun. Thinking aliens are threatening you through your toilet is just sad.

tfw it's been eight days since you've last slept and now you're at the gym at 4 in the morning but no matter how many reps you do you don't get tired like you've done fourteen times what you normally do but your muscles just don't fucking feel anything and before you know it you begin to realize you're the second coming of Christ and the girl who buys molly from you who turned out to be a stripper asks you why your arms are trembling as you weigh out her shit but you just turn the volume up on your computer and ignore her because she wouldn't understand what it means to be the son of God

hey have to keep upping the dose/change them?

There's an upper limit to most of these mind fucking drugs. After a certain point the whole family of drugs that work on the same receptor become ineffective.

Because manic episodes let you get actual work done so you take the bad if the good means being a millionaire from making music.

People who have bipolar issues have alternating episodes of mania and depression. The depression sucks, because everything feels awful, you feel like you're dying, and it requires a heroic amount of effort to get out of bed.

But from the way people describe the mania, it's unbelievably awesome. You feel like you're on top of the world, and you can do anything. In that stage, it's like asking someone on cocaine to stop doing cocaine. They feel good and want more of what makes them feel good.

For an artist making albums intermittently that can afford to take time off, and is rich enough to cover all his impulse purchases, the folks who care for him might consider having him in the manic state, even if the depressive states are awful. Especially if they put their own well being over his.

For someone working a nine to five and doesn't want to get fired, that sort of wild swing is not helpful for keeping and maintaining a job.





Not just on top of the world, it’s also extremely effective for music production. I sit and produce music for like 15 hours straight completely focused with no breaks until I get my work done. Now imagine this as someone as big as Kanye, it must be hard to just sit and take meds

I remember Stephen Fry doing a documentary on it (as he just it) and he asked everyone who he interviewed whether they'd get rid of it. Every famous person he talked to said no, it was part of their life. The normal, everyday person he interviewed said they'd get rid of it asap, so definitely fits what your saying.

If I could I would be rid of it in a heartbeat. Between the crippling depression and the uncontrollable emotions of mania it’s a painful existence.


unbelievably awesome

Yeah for some. For me I ended up just lashing out at everyone because they couldn’t keep up with what I wanted and needed to get what I needed done. I burned some bridges and burned through a ton of money I saved up.

Basically it’s a wild high for some and a terrible downward spiral of anger for others.

“I hate being bipolar it’s awesome”

Isn't he destroying his family in his mania?

Yeah the dude is half right half wrong. Mania is fucking destructive as hell. No one can match you and you can even hallucinate. If people aren’t meeting your expectations of reality then they are the problem not you.

Yeah, I’m saying previously they may have tolerated these states for the sake of artistic output, but now that he’s out of control it may be extremely hard to reign him in

this next album bout to be fire tho

For a lot of people bipolar meds basically destroy their creativity and turn them into zombies.

I've seen a lot of people on psychiatric meds- primarily writers and artists- stop taking their shit for a burst of creativity. The insanity is even more amplified by just stopping abruptly because of the chemical changes or whatever.

Like I've seen dudes who were just mildly depressed tell me they've started hearing voices after they stopped taking their shit.

Maybe that's it? Idk.

Yeah I was on Zoloft for years and it literally made me a numb zombie. Now I’m on some other crap but I have actual energy and mental capacity to focus on school and writing again.

You’re spot on. I went a week without it once and literally every idea I had was worth writing down and expanding upon but then they weren’t good enough and needed to be erased to allow for new ideas to be put on paper.

Brain chemistry is being literally changed. A sudden switch fucks with a person.

Meds can’t keep a true king down

Its the MK ultra

Because pills suck

“Off the meds/off the head/they soft as bread” says that in one of his songs

Kardashians is guess because it brings that eye balls back to them even Inthis pandemic riddled world they want their share of attention.

Kim K's family is full of crazies and in turn, Kanye became crazy. 4 gold diggers (for fame and relevancy), one crazy mom in law and a transgender father in law. Hope the kids are alright tho.

Apparently it stifles his creativity so he stops to make albums

The Arm*nian from a family that exclusively dates black guys is a white supremacist

just for sake of argument isn't armenia located right by the caucasus mountains, the region formerly known as, "Caucasia"?

The original mayos.


For a long time, Armenia was regularly conquered by waves of various near-east Asiatic types e.g. Mongols, Turks, Turk-gols (Timurids) that aren't allowed in the modern definition of caucasian.

A whole lot of people who care about mayo identity seem to think the Armenians aren't part of the club. I've seen a number of arguments from "frenly" people that Armenians are just mudblood descendants of mostly not-so-wypipo.

Recently, this caused a funny identity mini-crisis among gaymer-americans in which they couldn't decide whether the Toronto van guy was a baste white hero protesting globalism or a Soros-controlled rapefugee advocating for it

Those same race realists also have the fucking gall to refer Anglos not just as "white" but absent of any internal logic "people" as well

Hibernian detected

TĂĄ tĂĄ, but besides the point here

Thanks, I love it

Delete this hate speech ya ejit

Half Armenian here. We're heavily mongrelized by t*rks and j*ws after 1915. Prior to that we were mostly white, with light hair and blue/green eyes and all that.. some of us still have that but most of us are basically t*rks who think that "we wuz aryanz and shiet"

We're heavily mongrelized by trks and jws after 1915

Voluntary or by force?

> 1915

> *voluntarily?*


Forgive my ignorance. I'm still not sure.

The Armenian Genocide.

Ah of course. Didn't associate it with that. Perhaps I thought they were mixed before that point.


This is an Ottoman subreddit please refrain from posting wh*te propaganda

just for sake of argument isn't armenia located right by the caucasus mountains, the region formerly known as, "Caucasia"?

yeah, still most raised in the west are woke nutjobs who see turks everywhere.


Kanye just took the Get Out pill after watching the movie.

The roaches should have finished the job

roaches always have been just puppets of the rats

too stupid to ever commit an actual genocide, otherwise they would've done it by now.

Half Kardashian, and kids always look like their dads, which makes them pasty white girls.

The dad is the Armenian. They’re mixed.

Also coming from the guy who said 400 years of slavery was a choice. Kanye is toxic af


lol Kanye is going to dump his wife because she told him to take his psych meds. God imagine the memes if he gets elected and day one in office gets article 25d because hes fucking nuts.

Repeal the 19th Amendment by executive order.

leave office the next day


The president can't repeal an amendment

How many divisions does the Supreme Court have

Pretty sure they play in conferences

Disgusting the way RBG hasn't been busted for peds tho

who's gonna stop him


Knowing Kanye these days, I'd expect him to repeal the 13th Amendment.

More likely the interview she just did where she completely dissed Kanye in the name of "mental health awareness".

If Trump wasn't 25'ed after he admitted he found the last few questions of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment to be really hard, then no one will be.

Kim will just find another rapper like the rest of her family

TMZ reports that kim kardashian, recently split from ex-hubby Kanye West, is dating the entire frontcourt of the los angeles clippers

Lou Williams dated two women at the same time, I don’t think he’s willing to share with another dude

Ivica Zubac and my boy Jo Noah gettin it

She already did and thats why he wants a divorce.

Only if Kris Jong Un approves first

Apparently it's Meek Mill.

Is Katelyn Jenner dating?

Yes but she will never be FLOTUS


That's a really unfair accusation against Kim. She might move on to an NBA player.

Or any black althetes. Any white male, there's gonna be a fake wedding for a short period of time for the monies for her tv show lol.

God bless Kanye and the drama he creates

It seems kinda fun at first but then I start to feel bad because this is somebody who is mentally ill and needs professional help.

Yah but imagine the post-divorce album

It'll either be legendary like mbdtf or just 100 minutes of poop scoop

Let's just hope it turns him away from god

He's worth hundreds of millions of dollars and has better access to professional help than almost anyone else in human history.

I'm sure he's surrounded by yes men who just exploit him

Kayne's dingaling hasn't been long enough to reach Kim's bussy since a couple of butt-implants ago, and that's grounds for divorce.

The couple's third and fourth child were born via surrogacy.

It's entirely possible.

Her uterus got all fucked up and she can't give birth again without dying or something like that

I think something got displaced during the second childbirth. Cba to look it up but it's out there

The silicon has turned her uterus into the gobi desert for sperm cells


Whatever the official story is it more likely has something to do with countless surgeries, injections, and drugs. It really says everything that she is the model for modern exotic bad bitch girl boss femininity: admired for her fake plastic body and face, yet infertile and incapable of producing a child

can't give birth again without dying or something like that

If only, if only.

Tf is wrong with you?

4th degree tearing, maybe? I knew a chick that happened to (your pussy and arse holes sync up) and it was touch and go whether she could/should carry another baby.

Kris Jong Un

My sides

That and the whole planning children's playboy shoots killed me

She also calls Liss Jenned bf Calmnye

They hated Yeezus because he told them the truth.

For real, though...I took a look at the wretched hive of scum and villainy known as "Twitter" and there are a shit-ton of people defending him saying that he's really sane and Kim Kardashian's out to get him. Presumably, these are the same fame-worshipping schizos who want to #freebritney

I mean he's not sane, but he's not wrong on most of the things people call him "crazy" for either.

MK Ultra

I hope he realizes in a divorce he's not getting close to his kids with his well publicized mental health issues and she'll probably get part of his companies as well. Imagine how crazy he'll be after that

He already gave Kim like 10% of Yeezy for her birthday or something.

and she'll turn the daughter into a massive whore and the son gay just to spite him

They have a prenup

How much has been made since the nuptials?

I'm not sure but it's a lot on both sides.

I hope he picks John MacAfee as his VP. The amount of based will be too much to handle 🤤🤤🤤

Good. We should follow his example and expel all Arm*nians from all countries

seethe harder roach

we're finally getting whiter and there's nothing ya can do about it

papa addy gave us honorary status for a reason, while he kicked yall out of Deutschland

I am in no way, may Allah forgive me from saying this word, a turk. Armenia is rightfully Syrian land

And Syrian land is rightfully MY land 😠

> Urartu

> Syrian

pick one, newfag

Behind every man's downfall is a gussy.

Exactly! That’s why I play with myself!

Kanye is what happens when you overdose on redpills.

an album’s coming guys i feel it

This Friday apparently

I suspect it'll get pushed back


...til November 3rd🤔

“Kris Jong un” lmao that’s funny I’m not gonna lie.

And if there's one group of people who have benefited from white supremacy and never been discriminated against its the Armenians 😂


Maybe we have too much free speech

Kanye for president 👏👏👏

Imagine if every rapper that dated a Kardashian banned together to create Rap group.

The West Coast Plastics

Finally, good music is coming soon.

Please baby no more parties in LA

"tracklist for his upcoming album"

Fucking told you guys

Probably because they don't have a jacuzzi

Lmaooooo wut Kanye?????

I hope he at least gets the tobacco pipe from that furry footed hobbit.

All the guys talking shit about Kanye getting all feminist up in here, doctor dre getting cucked and so is will Smith, and Kim is a known whore, y'all actually think Kanye isn't being driven crazy by his cheating wife? Y'all are delusional white knights.



Just a reminder that because he made MBDTF he literally cannot be wrong about anything


He needs to go to a psych ward or rehab for a few months, I usually don’t care about Kanye but as someone who’s involved with psychology this is really worrying. Sure it may stunt his creativity but it’s honestly better to be sane and safe than a danger to yourself and potentially others just to produce the next banger. He needs somebody other than Kim, Kris or his assistants to keep him in check and to make him take his meds.

No it's not

I predict that in 2032 the presidential election will come between Kanye West and AOC. At this point, why not.

King shit 👑

This is why you never fuck cursed gussy

TIL that a black fetishist can be a white supremacist 🤪

Kanye is a fucking genius he knows there’s no such thing as bad publicity. He’s just going to say some crazy bullshit until his new album drops and then keep quiet for a while