Hot N fresh! Enjoy r/news plebbit scholars before everything gets nuked

85  2020-07-23 by FrostBittenSalsa


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Marking yourself as a medic while committing violent assaults is a war crime.

Do people actually believe that this would be considered a war crime outside of an actual war? I swear I heard more people calling things war crimes outside of wars than during them.


you mean war crimes like these same people are committing by trying to blind these same federal officers with lasers?

Lmao, gottem.

they think their little meetups is some grand battle. to them this is a world War

Classic american narcissism. This whole story is mostly just funny

Who is going to fight a civil war? Modern mayos? haha lmfao

They're losing against fucking paintball guns lol

Nobody tell them about crimes against humanity. Fucking differently abl*d cant even form a coherent thought

Ledditors who have never lived or been near a conflict zone love throwing around the term war crime for everything they can think of.


R*dditors think that only two crimes exist: attempted murder and war crimes.

A number of them believe burgerland is un-ironically faschhhhhhhh / ruled by Ruskicels / mayosupreme-a-cysts. They live in an alternate reality where it is a war and the only way to save it is to break stuff.


Lol you mean a kid trying to fumble their belts off to apply an unnecessary tourniquet and pressing their dirty deadmau5 tee onto a scratch while pouring bottled water over everything isn't a medic?

I imagine they cause more harm through infections

Yes, especially considering they're all drug users who have many sexually transmitted diseases.

okay well I was wrong but it should be the way I'm oversimplifying the situation

Just take the L and learn from it dude.

It doesn’t matter I was wrong because I actually started a conversation sweaty 🙌✊


In this thread, a bunch of people that have no fucking clue what they are talking about.
Edit: so it turns out I also didn’t know what I was talking about.

“When protest medics are rendering aid to protest attendees and innocent bystanders, they are exercising their right to free speech,” said Rian Peck, attorney at Perkins Coie. “At the core of their message: Police violence and brutality will not deter protesters from using their voice to demand change in policing practices. For as long as the protests continue, our clients intend to continue exercising their right to deliver that message.”

I have a soft spot for the ACLU despite often being dumb as rocks because they're one of the few organisations that stick their neck out for whistleblowers, but holy shit this is such an r-slurred take that I'm amazed it wasn't written by a SRDine. So now I'm gonna write my own r-slurred unqualified take.

Firstly, big brain redditors are trying to apply the Geneva convention to US riots (you can't) but that requires you to be acting exclusively as a medic. That way medics can't fire a gun in one hand, bandage with the other, and claim protection, that should be common sense.

If medics are also acting as protestors or rioters, they aren't exclusively acting as medics. If ACLU want to claim that wokies with velcro straps as tourniquets are medics in the internationally understood sense, they can't claim that they are also demonstrating some kind of message, as that's not what a medic is.

To use a more extreme example, you can't claim that liberating televisions from Walmart is an act of free speech because you're also carrying a placard and a first aid kit.

You had a chance to not be completely worthless, but it looks like you threw it away. At least you're consistent.

I am a bot.

This fucking bot is a bully that discriminates against aspies and it is mean to me almost every day.


One day you'll learn

No I won't

ACLU used to be good, but they've been ideologically captured in the last decade and need to be put out of their misery.

Except that war crimes have to be committed by, ya know, a government.

Jesus christ just fucking shut up.

portlacide when?

Day of the final Missoulian flood when?

Soon, God willing.

Hopefully the feds pull out and the dirty hippies all give each other AIDS from sharing heroin needles and go insane and set shit on fire while they're dying from preventable diseases they tried to cure with crystals . It would be the most Portland way to go.

The fact that so many of you are rooting for the armed terrorists in body armor is concerning. The fact that they're there because a few people have been spraying graffiti and doing some minor property damage is terrifying.

“Minor property damage”

What's going on in Portland

Mayo nonsense

Race/Ethnicity 80.5% are whites; 2.9% black; 0.9% are American Indian or Alaska Native; 4.9% are Asian,

wow look like Portland has a mayo problem hope it gets better soon!! 🙏

Wokies mad

Riot and protest for a couple months

Start attacking fed property

Mayor doesn't do anything

President sends in the fedbois

Wokies seethe

It's like they learned nothing from Fort Sumter.

Left brand of mayo expired

Wh*te people shit

Wow, people in that thread just keep on citing a law bill that didn't pass and isn't actually a law. They act so smug about it too lmao when it's actually literal fake news. It's maddening to see the whole conversation just hijacked by a known lie lol

That thread is a literal war crime. Anti-Gestapos shooting geneva-contravening downvotes at pro-gestapos!

Holy shit it's like the Carfentanil of stupidity in there.

Some tard in there said the "big spark" for Militarization of the Police was the LA Riots. But I thought violent "protests" are what makes positive change? 😳

War crime schmore crime

Daww the rslur at the top thinks the good ole boy National Guardsmen will side with the wokies. That's cute.