Tiktok girl triggers hundreds of fragile man babies with a joke about male suicide on cringetopia

97  2020-07-23 by TeeEssDoubleU


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Women attempt and fail more than twice as many suicides as men. Imagine bragging about failure. The absolute state of foids.

It's not failure, men are just willing to see it through and will choose a method that'll actually kill them. Foids just go for the vodka and sleeping pills "me sad pls gib attention" methods

The old horizontal wrist slash. Oldest trick in the pink pocketbook.

Remember foids! It's across the street for attention and down the lane for results!

The Xanax "overdose"

Are they even trying 🤣🤣🤣

It never even began for suicidecels



The way I've seen this explained on GC is that women choose "cleaner" methods because they're concerned about the person that has to clean up after them, while men are more selfish about it.

Vain unto death.

Going out like a fucking chad 😎

They want to preserve their beauty, especially the visage. That's really rare that a woman choose to shot herself in the face for example.

i mean they couldn't have been that hot if they are resorting to suicide anyway.

That's why I'll dig my grave first

That is the point he was making

I ran across a mentally ill woman (but I repeat myself) online who insisted that this is men's fault for denying effective suicide methods (guns, mainly) to women and how dare I belittle women's pain.

I pointed out that male suicides outnumber women's, and female attempts outnumber male, in the UK where neither sex has access to guns, and she just blew up even more by saying she wasn't interested in talking about a pissant little country across the sea, she meant the real world. F0ids be cray-cray.

she wasn't interested in talking about a pissant little country across the sea, she meant the real world

I hate to say it, but she was right about this bit

She was right qua the importance of any other country compared to the Center of teh Universe, but wheat art head to ignore a control group of culturally similar people with similar suicide rates and next to no access to guns.

Women do it for attention, men just get it over with.


Lol drama rightoids are legit upset about some reddit post hahaha


Oooh nooo, dont make fun of the moids, they might kill themselves 😭😭🤣🤣🤣

Nooo wait come back

she will not be cancelled, for she is of the forbidden tribe

Once the mark of Cain was to be ostracized , now it is to be revered .

Damn and I thought foids couldn’t be funny

Isn’t she basically calling out the “kill all men” people by saying that they don’t understand men or male issues? I’m not against jokes about suicide or whatever but I feel like you should pass an IQ threshold first just to make sure the messaging is clear.

i believe she said it was just "dark humour" somewhere, which is fine imo, it was actually kind of funny. reddit is full of fragile moids that literally act like triggered blue hairs on twitter.

They know damn well it is the only way out of their funko-flavored hell.

Lmao the actual state of Reddit moids is embarrassing. Learn to take a joke and stop clutching your pearls

Good morning

Pls don't kill yourself.

Too late 💀💀💀

These guys are special bunch, she's dunking on the "kill all men" types here.

Mod her.

Well she's not wrong, it's factual.

That foid is pretty funny so I expect her to have a massive shlong.

Funny men are famous for their small wangs tho

Good point. 🧐🧐🧐

Mirror please

Women have to start to take their own lives at a faster rate to keep up with men, equality plz

Queen shit. Why can't the tweenagers on that sub take an edgy joke?

Cant see the original video, anyone have a name or link?

Imagine joking about girls getting raped. That would piss people off, so this should warrant the same response

imagine using the imagine meme to be annoyed at people not cancelling others

Keeping up with tradition, the cringiest thing about a cringe subreddit tend to be the readers.


Going to overdose on tictacs now

Does anyone has a mirror to that video?


dude male suicide rates lmao

That is pretty funny, if foids accept the fact that they more likely to be failures than moids




Good morning