Any furry that has owned and used a fursuit for atleast 2 years has at the very least masturbated to child porn, cub porn or bestiality. If he has owned and used a fursuit for alteast 5 years he has done atleast one of those things in real life.

195  2020-07-23 by barnabasss

You cant prove me wrong beause this was recently proven by scientist to be 100% true.

I wonder what subreddits the people visit that are calling this bait when its fact... (don't forget to upvote those posts).

Mission achieved it was fun lads


I did not need to know the existence of "cub porn". Brb committing neck rope.

Daddy put his puppies in me

Please make sure and buy the neck rope from my store to support small businesses šŸ„°

Basketball-owner hero rope

How new are you?

He just turned 13 so mommy said he can use the reddit for a few hours

Thereā€™s literally nothing wrong with beastiality but ok...

OP clearly hates women.

Can't compete with the chad red rocket so they got to ban it smh

Says the person who plays video games where u kill people (violent!) I am more mature... Besides, I lied about being 13 (Iā€™m 18 (you got tricked))
EDIT: stop harassing me in DMs!!!

Good account

What about dead animals?

well duh, they are dead, who cares?

based opinion


Go home, Cenk.

Shut the fuck up

But youre a furry, u like beastiality...

I fucking hate bestiality. You've just made a very silly generalisation about the fandom.

But isnā€™t being a furry about having sex with animals? Not being rude, thatā€™s what I thought it was.

Nope. It's not. It's about "appreciating anthropomorphic animals", specifically with human features and intelligence.

Hmm... I thought it was about both? You can admit you like to have sex with dogs. Itā€™s not something Iā€™m into but Iā€™m not one to judge...

I don't have sex with dogs, or any animals. Humans only.

But why do they have be kids?

Because a majority of the fandom are children and young adults.

So its ok for you, as an adult, to fuck those kids because they are in the fandom?

I'm not an adult. And no, it's not okay for an adult to have sex with a child, whether or not they're in the fandom or not.

Why do the mayority of furries think otherwise tho?

That's not true.

It is, as proven by my post

you just fell for the bait dude, but you did have some really good points


No. Disgusting.

K bigot

How am I a bigot for disliking what is effectively, bestiality?

bigĀ·otĀ·ry /Ėˆbiɔətrē/

noun intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself.

Ill let you figure out why disliking beastiality is bigotry sweaty

Yeah, I can't prove you wrong but does anyone have the source on the furry femboys in the nureddit banner.

I only got the ones that are visible on 75%-100% zoom on Chrome, but here ya go m8.

Obviously NSFW.

E6 links listed from Left to Right:







Don't know if true or not, but eeeeeeeeeeeew.

I really, really don't want to pictures like these in my head.

Lalalalalalalalala lalalala lalala la laaalalalala.

I'm not reading or hearing anything...

You don't have to worry. Its called a bait post.

Its called the truth hun, get your fuckin facts straight bigot.

Furries are a quintessentially American phenomenon, too.

X Doubt

The planet wishes. UwU



glug glug glug



Mm yep, definitely bait

Oh, it's drama

You ainā€™t catching any fish with this bait son.

Y'know, I would be the type of person to buy a fur suit just to prove you wrong, but then I remember I've already done most of those without a suit so that'd be pretty ineffective.

Obviously there is nothing wrong with fantasising about these things!!! Fantasy isn't real life, okay? Not that I do any of them, but uhh, I mean that if I did, there would be nothing wrong with it.

Yo wtf


This is the result of thinking you have no control over your urges and itā€™s just ā€œthe way you are.ā€

That's racist!

Unironic post incoming

Name 1 thing wrong with bestiality

dick worms

Wear a condom fucktard

oh no, I've stuck to gussy, but I'll keep that in mind


šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤® I just threw up in my mouth

Gr8 B8


If I was a fish I'd eat bait

Luckily I'm a reindeer so this doesnt apply

Real shit dont pay attention to dumb posts like these, it's painfully obvious what they want

A lot of furrys are AHS mods. ā€œFistingUrDadā€ is one

Low quality bait

Please consider giving the link to your scientist study before saying nobody can prove you wrong

The bible


Me: mom can we get bait Mom: we have bait at home Bait at home:

If your community has an ingrained reflex to be able to comprehend certain types of things as bait, is it not evidence of dysfunction on some level?


How do you do a cub porn in real life?