John McWhorter shares 4chan meme on Twitter.

72  2020-07-23 by itsnotmyfault


Boomer tier b8, but people still buy it. Maybe a Twitter registration intelligence test is necessary

You’d lose at least 80% (both left and right) of Twitter if they implemented that

Sounds fantastic

fantastic for the world, but terrible for my stocks in dramacoin

MISANTHROPE?! I don't hate my fellow man! Even when he's tiresome, surly and tries to cheat at poker. I figure that's just the human material. And him that finds any cause for anger or dismay is just a fool for expectin' better.

Every time I speak of the haters and losers I do so with great love and affection. They cannot help the fact that they were born fucked up!


robin diangelo has been a good source for drama this last 2 year or two

Is she basically the queen woke grifter now? I dont think anyone can top her tbh. Truly my people are slacking on this, saira rao needs to step her game up

Imagine my surprise that a m*yo ends up being the one who makes the most money off of critical race theory.

indians cucked by white women yet again 😭😭😭




Wait, I'm part POC?

Fuck yeah, where do I get my cheque?

It's in your local wal mart, all you gotta do is loot it

There is one, the one true 👑, Shaun 👑

words words words words words words

Its all so tiresome

I actually kind of like them tbh

as expected from someone who thinks Gopher was the high point of the Internet and HTML was a mistake

someone who thinks Gopher was the high point of the Internet

I'm not a pedo!

I missed the connection between Gopher and CP

Sounds like the kinda thing a pedo would know and be defensive about

Gopher has been pretty much synonymous with pedophilia for a while now; the only people that use it are aforementioned pedos and people who are really, really into www alternatives. But mostly pedos.


Going to skip personal research on this because well

Got any good articles about this?

Not that I know of, it just has a low-key reputation.

Hey snally are you aware that zoomers have co opted qanon and theres a big following on tiktok?

I only just saw that. Is it an actual qanon fandom or is it like one of those 'hex the moon' situations where it's just a handful of people engaging in it or what?

It seems to be a decently large amount of followers. They usually dont mention Q jn the video but theyll hashtag qanon, wwg1wga, the storm etc. the videos I see on my foryou page get anywhere from a couple thousand to 10s of thousands of likes. They seem to be really fixated on the adrenochrome aspect of it and dont know the history of how often Q was wrong early on

I'll message you links to more popular accounts when I run into them again

Edit: example

Off subject bonus


Not to belabour the point, but how much would you bet that it's not #her turn?

screenshot this

She still has a chance!

Can we maybe cancel DiAngelo for dogwhistling white supremacism by capitalizing "White"? Not to mention her "It is crucial for white people to acknowledge and recognize our collective racial experience" that entirely coincidentally is 14 words same as

Better than the white nationalist 14 words, but doesn't hold a candle to the true and honest Fourteen Words

true and honest Fourteen Words

I'll bite. Never heard of anything but the White Nationalist one and the one Zergling_Lester mentioned (which I first saw here

The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

I've snuck this into conversations with grad students who start going on their "death to capitalism" rants about how everything bad in this world is because capitalism has brainwashed them into forming hierarchies and not treating everyone as equals in some kind of hunter-gatherer egalitarian fantasy that supposedly the anthropological record says existed before.

I haven't gotten caught yet. I need to work on a way to go on the Jordan Memerson lobster rant about dominance heirarchies, lobster depression, and serotonin receptors, but I'm pretty sure that'll never fly.

One day someone's going to figure it out and you'll be the Unabomber guy lol

Why "una" bomber? Is there a trade mark on quadra, sexto or penta bomber🤔

university and airlines

"Una" was shorthand for the FBI's case name.

Uncle Ted posting IRL, nice.

Literally who?

You've been missing out. He makes rightoids seethe by saying that ebonics is a legitimate dialect and he makes leftoids ultra-seethe by not following their bullshit about race or participating in cancel culture. He was one of the signers of that open letter that caused so much butthurt a couple weeks ago.

I just took a quick look at his “social and political views” section on Wikipedia. He may as well be considered a monarcho-fascist among his colleagues at Columbia

He makes rightoids seethe by saying that ebonics is a legitimate dialect

Lmao what a cuck, it is a dialect, but there's nothing legitimate about it.

There's no such thing as an illegitimate dialect tho.

There definitely are illegitimate dialects. West african pidgin english is a good example.

I have no clue what it is, but how is it "illegitimate"?

In the same way its bogus. It's a judgment of worth.

Check it out. It's hilarious.

How is it "bogus" or "illegitimate"? I mean you can pronounce a judgement of worth with no justifications and then I'll summarily dismiss it as fundamentally retarded.

You don't need explanation how a bunch of ooga boooga isn't proper english. Get a grip.

Yes I do. "Proper English"'s main property is that it's pronounced in the way most comfortable for the people who lost most of their teeth by the ripe age of 20, so that "knight" is not pronounced using all the letters unlike knecht is in modern German.

And that's me just pointing out how you're retarded by your own measure, I'd also want to see a definition and a justification of said measure.

Lmao carry water for filthy language manglers harder.

You sound upset. Is that because your inferior language doesn't have noun gender lmao? Or because your inferior language attaches the "s" suffix to third person present tense verbs only, for no particular reason since it doesn't have such suffixes for the first and second person verbs? Your language is retarded, deal with it.

Look who's upset now. That's the problem with you language descriptivists. You're awfully keen on legitimizing the inferior bastardizations of language. You'll bend over backwards to shield retards from judgment.

It's not that they can't speak properly, oh no, any jumble of grunts and clicks are proper language, your pets speak that way, thus its proper and good.

any jumble of grunts and clicks are proper language

This reminds me by the way of that time when some linguists decided to test the theory that only African languages have clicks, and naturally they used the recordings of the most posh linguist get-together conference, and found that English speakers at that conference happened to click like 30 times per minute.

You're tardario my boy


and found that English speakers at that conference happened to click like 30 times per minute.



You don't recognize it but it do be.

English speakers might tut, but not ever two seconds. And even if an English speaker tuts or clicks, it's not a phoneme.

Yeah, I misremembered, they clocked the speaker as doing 9 CPM (clicks per minute) on average, with up to 20 CPM tops, not 30 as I stated.

Of course "it's not a phoneme", your point is?

It's not an actual part of the language, more like a tick that some people use when they're opening their mouths (moving their tongue down from their palate to do other things) and are about to speak, which is simply poor oratory skill.

Which is to say, unless academics are all constantly disappointed and annoyed at something and deliberately tut tut.

It's not an actual part of the language

It's a thing almost all people do relatively often while speaking (without consciously noticing in themselves or other, correct your beliefs for that btw), it's just as a part of the language as rising pitch signifying a question. Don't let your tism fool you into thinking that just because there's no particular corresponding written letter for it, it doesn't exist.

Next: Vocal fry is a legitimate part of the english language

Muted and reported for harassment and gaslighting.

Of course it is. I think that you're confusing "legitimate" and "good".

Transatlantic accent is the only legitimate dialect

I liked Example:

And finally, because of this firehose spray, we English speakers also have to contend with two different ways of accenting words. Clip on a suffix to the word wonder, and you get wonderful. But – clip on an ending to the word modern and the ending pulls the accent ahead with it: MO-dern, but mo-DERN-ity, not MO-dern-ity. That doesn’t happen with WON-der and WON-der-ful, or CHEER-y and CHEER-i-ly. But it does happen with PER-sonal, person-AL-ity.

What’s the difference? It’s that -ful and -ly are Germanic endings, while -ity came in with French. French and Latin endings pull the accent closer – TEM-pest, tem-PEST-uous – while Germanic ones leave the accent alone. One never notices such a thing, but it’s one way this ‘simple’ language is actually not so.

He did the great courses series on the history of human language, which is a banger. By far the most interesting of those I've ever listened to.

A-Tier linguist

John McWhorter and Glenn Loury are the two most based & centristpilled black men in the world. Definitely worth checking them out.

they just released a new bloggingheads. Glenn is the man

aw shit you're right. It's the only podcast i listen to 100% of the time.

Fukken based


Look, I know saying this is dumb as shit but seriously based