Asians tired of being murdered by "minorities" but AHSels think they have too much "power"

221  2020-07-23 by paleosaur


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It turns out, one of the perpetrators, Khari Kendrick was a 6โ€™6 all-star basketball player at Cypress Creek High School and was supposed to be sentenced to 30 years in prison for a string of 30 burglaries in the Houston area, but he was freed after serving only three years by the state parole commission in an attempt to help reform African-American youths as a then-demand by Black Lives Matter.

Weird how they overlooked all those people that were sentenced to 40 years for having a joint but released the guy with 30 burglaries. I wonder if it's because said people don't exist?

Lol, being a realist isnโ€™t the same as being a racist.

Woah there Hitler

6โ€™6 all-star basketball player

See, there's the reason. Same reason for all those football players that get off from fucking drunk chicks.

who doesn't get off from that?!

Bad phrasing. My bad. As in they get off with a slap on the wrist for fucking drunk chicks.

Only serial killers fuck sober

Or make eye contact during.

Staring into my dad's eyes while he bussy blasts me is the highlight of my evening.

Staring into my dad's eyes while he bussy blasts me is the highlight of my evening.

The first time I had a first time while sober I was like 26 and it felt like I was a virgin again.

He kept reaching over the prison gate and unlocking the door

Honestly it was embarrassing

Uhhhh why are you focusing on the 30 burglaries when you should be focusing on how much he liked ๐Ÿ€? You did a yikesarino there bud. Just because someone robs 30 different people and faces 40 heckin years doesnโ€™t mean thatโ€™s who he is. Systematic racism is alive and well

Why are you assuming he loves basketball just because he's black? You fucking racist.

Prisons ๐Ÿ‘ are ๐Ÿ‘ for ๐Ÿ‘ rehabilitation ๐Ÿ‘ not ๐Ÿ‘ punishment


Weird how they overlooked all those people that were sentenced to 40 years for having a joint but released the guy with 30 burglaries. I wonder if it's because said people don't exist?

are you talking about the latter because he clearly exists

He was talking about the former. The first sentence was sarcasm.

Also homie, why are you always arguing about Japan's role in WWII? It happened like a gorillion years ago.

Also homie, why are you always arguing about Japan's role in WWII?

His name is "Kill Black People" (ใ‚ญใƒซ้ป’ไบบ - Kiru Kokujin) in Ricecelese and he posts in actual Jap subs, so he's probably is a Netto-uyokucel that gets cucked by basketball soldiers from a US military base.

youre a retard

I can understand why some Japanese deny or minimize Nanking because no one likes Winnie the Flu these days, but c'mon, don't cite the SDHF as your source.

They're the same retards that made the Jews Fear the Samurai video of that schizo geezer that talks about the 9 Alien Jewish gods and the Samurais from Africa, if only Western Rightoids were as interesting as the Japanese ones are.

theyre just a host retard


nice translator

How do you correctly say "cope" in Japanese? teach an ignorant gaijincel KiruKokujin-sensei! ๐Ÿค—


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What does Autoj*nnie has against the Vietnamese? ๐Ÿ˜ฒ

I love how "white supremacy" pretty much just boils down to not being a complete piece of shit.

Quite literally that thing the Smithsonian released about white culture or whatever. If everyone acted like the way mayos are described as acting in that the world would be fucking utopia

Imagine a world where people can respect others time, be competent at their jobs and take pride in the things they do. Holy shit, sign me up.

Yeah, sign me up for that... I mean the rest of the world. Just as long as I don't have to be that way.

Way back in โ€˜33 we had something like that ๐Ÿ˜”

Fuck dude, I'm white and I wish I acted like that thing said I am supposed to act.

Iโ€™m white


Thank you.

Yeah, that's why so many whites want to call it racist. Theyre unable to live up to mayo standards so they sheepishly wail "racism! white supremacy!" and hope asians get discriminated against in the process.

I remember that stupid thing, said stuff like a solid work ethic is acting white. Felt like something poltards would concoct to throw into the wild for laughs.

It boils down to questioning why the other races can't just fucking chill like the asians

Something something room temperature IQ's.

Now that they've incurred the rabbi's wrath I wonder if people are gonna start finding cognitive reducing dugs in methol cigs and other keystones of african american cuisine

"Amazing. The specific combination of grape cola, chitlins, fried food and something called 'rap chips' is shown to invariably result in the prefrontal cortex imploding and being replaced with an extended amygdala."

I didn't hallucinate rap chips. That's good to know.

Holy shit, this may be the beginning of the end for Redguards.

And Jews and Mexicans.

The real answer is they absolutely can, but not as long as the consensus is that their ethnicity is special and super oppressed and their anger justified.

Even like that, it might take some 2-3 generations.

Maybe it's some type of protein found in canines?

Weird how at this point African blacks are racist against American blacks, (most) mะฐyos are racist against American blacks, (most) azns are racist against American blacks, Hispanics are racist against American blacks, and middle-Easterners are racist against American blacks ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”

Careful not to ask "why?" though, lest you join the racists

The way BLM has managed to unite almost every non-black ethnicity against them is nothing short of magical.

It feels almost intentional, which is what's most fucked about it. Like, you could say "black lives matter" as a statement, and people will instead assume you mean that garbage organisation instead

I wonder who could possibly stand to profit off siphoning momentum from an otherwise valid cause? ๐Ÿค๐Ÿค

Well it doesn't help that anarchist mayos have been using the movement as a Trojan horse of sorts. It reminds me a lot of Operation Get Behind the Darkies as well. Fascinating how life imitates art.

Also, one really has to wonder why BLM, a movement that claims to amplify unheard black voices, is so eager to silence any black criticism or dissent. Like essentially all Terry Crews said was "maybe we should dial things down a notch," and he got called an Uncle Tom and a race traitor for it.

Maybe they just burned all those bridges themselves by being retarded but even then we'd have to ask who put the lead in their water? ๐Ÿค”

It really seemed like things were going smoothly in the 90s.

Hey mods, allowing users like this who are attracting flies ๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€ is a great way to get the community banned

Not like I mind lmao ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

15 days ago it look like your main got banned and you had to resurrect this porn account lmao

Senpai noticed me ๐Ÿ˜

A white man heads it up so its possible

Imagine if the reason things are so nuts now really was a long-term deep-cover plot by white supremacists masking as marxists masking as liberals.

And then remember that the reason everyone correctly knows to dismiss that theory immediately is "humans aren't nearly that competent lmao".


If everyone that thinks I'm an asshole is racist.

People always forget about why the Roof Koreans were a thing

They donโ€™t forget, the ignore ๐ŸŒ 


Do do do doooooooooooooooo ๐ŸŒ 

In the 1990s, the "black community" in NYC boycotted a Korean-owned grocery store over an alleged shoplifting incident (look up Family Red Apple boycott). The protestors, who at one point planned on firebombing the store but got caught, surrounded the store for over a year and held signs that literally said things like "donโ€™t shop with people who donโ€™t look like us".

Gotta love solidarity!

I mean, we got a second wave of them during the BLM riots. However, the LA riots Roof Koreans were a whole different breed of heroes.

I really like how they killed Koreans

Korean on Korean violence lmao fuck your business

Say what

I think he's saying the roof Koreans also shot other Koreans. Even if that happened I doubt they were taking a second to distinguish what race the rioters were lmao.

Watermarkโ€™s waterbrain is getting worse every day. Iโ€™d be concerned but I simply donโ€™t care.

But yeah, there is zero evidence any K on K violence.

Fed never would have abandoned a white community like that

And then you go and use their self defense photos as more propaganda for white supremacy, lmao mayos are nuts

They've bought the whole "Asians are privileged" bullshit. Asians aren't privileged

Race might convey some amount of privilege but it's so far down on the list of privileges that matter that it's basically meaningless.

Privileges that are actually meaningful are mostly how good were your parents at providing for you. Some white parents are great. Some are fucking awful. Same goes for black and asian parents.

Way way WAY down the line there might be "yeah, he got treated slightly better by a cop" for white skin, but even that pales in comparison to how easy blacks have it these days getting into college and job offers (asians are getting fucked left right and center in this category). And let's be honest, no matter your race if you are educated and your parents are educated, you probably won't be engaging in the high risk behaviors that make life threatening confrontations a possible outcome, like mike brown and george floyd did.

It's always so weird looking at people defend the black dudes getting shot like it's Dr. King all over again. They're usually doing really stupid shit that gets them killed. Sure the police are powertripping dickheads but these dudes are either drunk and belligerent in public or straight up trying to escape the scene/rush the officer

It's like getting pissed off at bees because some r-slur died when he threw rocks at the hive

The radically centrist take is that there's way too many violent racist asshole fucks in the police departments and in the black communities.




As a non-burger, Ive been trying to explain to my friends watching BLM protests that American cops are way more dumb and violent than they are racist.

Yeah Chauvin had like 17 previous offenses, he was a massive r-slur whose actions were finally brought to light.

They get their GED, four weeks later they get their badge, they buy 3 pairs of Oakley's, and finally they get the respect they deserve.

That's exactly it. African Americans don't have the monopoly on getting murdered by shitty cops.

The radically centrist take is that there's not nearly enough violent racist asshole fucks in the police departments and in the black communities.


Time to do a trading places on the two great forces.

There are legitimate victims and EVERY martyr is always criminal scum. Really gets the noggin joggin.

The only thing that makes sense that's strictly race based would be higher sentences for identical crimes as whites, and maybe first name bias from employers. But even on the second point if a any woman gives her son/daughter a ridiculous name they'll most likely face the same discrimination.

What do you mean? Jurnee Hope Ashleigheyeie (pronounced Ashley) Wharton-Smith-Brown is a shoo-in for work with her BA in radical dance feminist intersectionality theory from Berkeley (in HR.)



"Boba liberals." I didn't know there was a term for this, totally stealing this now.

First thing I noticed lol isn't intersectionality the best?

What is it?

Also,we need a term for those girls who become like a ditto as soon as they get a boyfriend,you know hunting when they were vegetarian and stuff?

I had to Urban Dictionary it, and while whoever wrote it is totally not mad, they're not wrong. It pretty much describes everyone who posts on Subtle Asian Traits on BoomerBook.

Damn. Now I wonder if we should make curry liberal a thing

It already is on Stupidpol

Whenever shit like this happens in San Francisco or nearby locales the local subreddits go full 1350 without any hint of irony.

That's because most people are all on the same page when it comes to basketball Americans whether they want to admit it or not.

Oh yeah that subreddit is too woke, theyโ€™re gone soon.

When can we unironically push all residents of the Bay Area, including reddit admins, into the pacific? Then we can put all the transplants in Idaho, Colorado and everywhere else back home. And build a wall

Aznidentity is basically an Asian supremacist group and I am honestly all for that. Every race should have a place to just rant about other people

wrong, white people shouldn't be allowed to create /r/AHS

How about we push the natives of Idaho, Colorado, and the entire "heartland" into the pacific and give it back to the Indians

Better to have a bunch of drunks over an empty wasteland as we drive through it to the relevant parts of the countries than having to deal with you lunatics

โ€œIโ€™m a pussy and want the world to be as safe as I am- I wear a condom while driving, you know, just in case.โ€


I canโ€™t stand that you bought a 4 bedroom house on 3 acres in the mountains of Colorado for the same price as my crappy little apartment next to some gangbangers in Oakland so I will instead call my declining territory โ€œrelevantโ€. It helps me deal with the emotional pain of my wife being raped by the neighbor baboons.


Implying that Flyover-Americans arent drunk as shit.

build a wall around what, the now-empty bay area?

No, empty the Bay Area. Then put all the Californians that fled back there. Build wall. Profit

They've gone full rightoid and started dropen stats out here ๐Ÿ™Š

They drop the J pill as well. Itโ€™s honestly great but I think they might be flying to close to the sun with the black and Jew hate

Yo that's racist ๐Ÿ™ˆ

I wish we could ping them.

This hurts to read.

Instead of getting hurt by this, they should turn this into their trump card.

Every time some Mayo asks me whether I've been treated unfairly for my race, I just tell them only Black people did it to me. Bonus point if a Black person also heard it.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, even when r/aznidentity is complaining about something real, they are still pathetic.

boba liberal

Second generation ruins everything.

Iโ€™m brown and I have experienced racism 3 times in the decades i have lived in the US. 2 were from black people and only one from a white guy

I've been mistaken for a store employee at least twice, which was Michelle Obama's example of experiencing racism. However, I've also mistaken other customers for store employees at least three times, so I guess white privilege is real after all.

Listen if I go to Walmart and someone is wearing black with a blue vest on it's kind of on them if they get mistaken for an employee and don't work there

Ahhh aznidentity, cumtown would troll them all the time but they are basically like Asian pol, with all the interracial dating hatred and crime stats

The funny thing is that those Asian dudes have a point about Asian girls dating whites too much unlike pol where white women are the least likely to date outside of their race

Wasn't justbewhite an Asian sub as well?

Yup, thatโ€™s the one where they would shit on Asian girls who dated white dudes, and rightfully so

found the schizo asian

I wish I wish, all that access to unlimited PAAGs. Heaven on earth


You don't like r/BigTittyArabGirls ? You gay or something? You mod multiple hentai subs, don't you try to trash my taste in females while you jerking to Chinese cartoons. Also which posts of mine did you get upset by? Did you find anything else looking through my history?


No such thing

You haven't just been lucky enough to meet one

Once again, I am entirely convinced the first four letters in that sub's name being an anagram of "Nazi" is deliberate.

how does ahs consistently manage to make everyone else look like a genius

Lmao Nazis and rightoids live rent free in their tiny heads

posted by ShalomRabbi

is anyone surprised

Dog whistle about black crime statistics

Simply pointing out things that happen is a signal to all dangerous racist white supremacists in the... asian identity subreddit.

Asians are tired of being murdered by minorities, like the Uygurs in China that are just 2% of the population but commit 15% of the crime! Good thing Xi Jinping is cleaning things up! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

Weak bait bro, drama is really not working out for you, unironically

Imagine being too r-slurred for drama.

Black on asian crime is more that 280 times more likely than asian on black crime. Blacks contitutes the LARGEST amount of crimes against asians(27.5%) followed by white and asian(both 24.1%)

Asian constitues the LEAST of crime against blacks(<0.1%), largest percentage are black(70.3%) followed by white(10.6%)

Talk about anti blackness in asian community when black on asian CRIME is 280 times more likely than other way around??!!

Mother of god, this is the top comment. The whole thread went 100% DESPITE 13/50 and beyond. How can the wh*tes even compete?


Lmao race privilege nets you practically no benefit in the US. It's all about class. If you were born rich and black you are infinitely more privileged than some poorcel mayo.

People act like the real world is D&D. In D&D if I'm playing an orc I risk being killed on sight in some places. If you're a minority in the US someone might call you a mean name.

Lmao whens the ahs thread happening

Damn, only 3 years for 30 burglaries? Who says crime doesn't pay

They targeted asians. ASIANS.

Asians are casualties in the black v white race war. Green with envy were the basketballs ๐Ÿ€๐ŸŽพ, so they sought to take our most prized possessions: qt anime gfs. They saw how the anime girls from across the sea fell at the white manโ€™s feet and they became jealous, so they tried to rip the rewards for our toil and labour from us.

They thought if they canโ€™t have a qt sailor moon gf nobody can.

It turns out, one of the perpetrators, Khari Kendrick was a 6โ€™6 all-star basketball player at Cypress Creek High School and was supposed to be sentenced to 30 years in prison for a string of 30 burglaries in the Houston area, but he was freed after serving only three years by the state parole commission in an attempt to help reform African-American youths as a then-demand by Black Lives Matter.

Nnooo not the hecking blackerinos he was unfairly sentenced 30 times!!!
