You boys ready for cold war 2 china boogaloo?

102  2020-07-23 by respaaaaaj

Because Pompeo just spent a good 20 minutes calling out every Chinese atrocity and international crime of the past 50 years except trying to ban winnie the poo and Trumps up next.


I will forgive China for all of their atrocities if they will sell me 1 wolf pup for cheap. Must be male, unneutered, and in good health. This is my only demands.

Edit: China did nothing wrong, they have not committed any atrocities.

The CCP is the GOAT! (personally, I would like one of those very small monkeys)

Tamarins? Hell yeah

I assume you have my address, I’ll be expecting a package shortly

Hell yeah...

stfu cracka ass bitch

You didn't specify alive or dead. 75% you're getting meat.

I said in good health you fucking mongo

oh yes yes, good health good health, no worry, best good health meat, we send.

Say whatever you want I’m not sending you eBay and Target gift cards.

Yikes. Microagrression 🙊

And there’s only 1 kind of wolf meat im interested in, mongo


Smoked or brined?

I didn't heart it but i guess it was all talk no action.

The US could pressure China putting financial sanctions on CCP members assets but that's it, they would find a way around eventually anyway. They have our heavy industry and the time with them. We had a good run westernbros , prepare to marry your daughters to Chang and Li. 😫

the time with them

The opposite, actually. Aging population and the threat of the middle-income trap looming ever closer.

You're mistake is thinking that chineses are Europeans or Americans. They don't put old people in retirement home m, doesn't expect social security,neither retirement.

Meanwhile in the US your government is currently paying people on the side via welfare paychecks to keep the level of consumption artificially high. They can't raised wage because for fear of inflation of the dollar. I'm not economist but it doesn't look like a sustainable system.

Learn mandarin.

You're mistake is thinking that chineses are Europeans or Americans.

Except I never thought so.

They don't have a government social security net because it's expected that the children will take care of the parents and grandparents. Now apply this social mechanism to an entire generation of One-Child-Policy offspring. This is called the 4-2-1 problem. Life expectancy is still increasing in China, so the old aren't going anywhere. When the younger, more productive generation now has to physically and financially support 6 elders, that's going to fuck up the economy.

Granted, the One-Child-Policy was not absolute, but most of the exceptions happened in rural areas, which means that the younger professional class will be heavily burdened by this issue in the future.

I'm not economist

No shit.

Some people at Walmart work until death, I don't know why old chineses couldn't do the same.

I'm actually an economist I was being polite with you.

No society ever collapsed in Asia because people were too old, see Japan.

Some people at Walmart work until death, I don't know why old chineses couldn't do the same.

Filial piety is why.

I'm actually an economist I was being polite with you.

Fair enough, it's hard to tell with shitposting.

No society ever collapsed in Asia because people were too old, see Japan.

I never said "collapse". I don't know why every conversation about the Chinese economy devolves into it either flourishing or collapsing. I'm no Gordon Chang.

Japan is actually an apt comparison, because Japan, SK, Taiwan, and (to a lesser extent) China somewhat followed similar "window guidance" industrial policy from the legacy of Manchukuo to jump-start their respective growth periods. China could very well face its own stagnation period at a much lower per capita income than Japan. However, China does have the advantage of sheer size over Japan so it could potentially develop its own self-sufficient consumptive capacity, but it's consumption relative to GDP has stagnated for about 5 years now and the CCP's preference for funneling credit to state owned or connected enterprises will only exacerbate that problem.

Some people at Walmart work until death, I don't know why old chineses couldn't do the same.

You do realize that that scenario is one of the few ways to guarantee a revolt in China, right?

Throwing out Japan as an example of “zero economic problems” is ... interesting.

I mean, no they didn’t have complete social collapse, but still.

I usually have to go to r/worldnews to get these galaxybrain redditor takes

middle-income trap in china?

lol they will regulate it to whatever number they decide is best for the country in a matter of minutes if necessary and people will cheer it on.

Shit don't really work like that. People can cheer it on all they like, but the underlying total productivity factor won't change.

China is already well past the point where most countries hit the middle income trap

No, not really. Even if you were to isolate the eastern portion of the country, they are still at risk of the middle income trap. Only 6 provinces have reached ~12k GDP per capita.

The Eastern provinces in China are still dirt poor, I used to go there a lot for vacationing in my youth. The coastal provinces are the only ones who are seeing most of the growth while the inward provinces are still poorer then most of Eastern Europe. The problem is that even with 500 million living below 12K GDP per capita, you still have 500 million, aka more then Europe and America have who are living well. The power of having just a shit ton of people.

Yeah, I was just trying to demonstrate the sheer volume of people China has to overcome in order to achieve a fraction of the same per capita income as the Four Asian Tigers. It's really a vastly complex issue that throws into question all of the neoliberal assumptions the US has operated on over the past half century. Only as long as a country has been able to depend on a reliable export sector (into the US consumptive population) relative to its own population has any country been able to "develop" without sheer colonialism.

I used to go there a lot for vacationing in my youth


Because I grew up in a neighbouring country so why not?

That's fucked up

We had a good run westernbros , prepare to marry your daughters to Chang and Li. 😫

China was for a long time the richest nation in the world because they just had a shit ton of people even 300 years ago. The British just pulled a fast one with the opium and the European nations and Japan just all got along to fuck over China. China will just become the new America were we will all bitch and moan about them.


putting financial sanctions on CCP members assets

Lmao literally everyone involved with the government and all the business leaders are CCP members, it's a fact of life in China, you're targeting hundreds of millions. The CCP is the state bureaucracy of the country. Why not just sanction the entire country and cut the shit, it would be less sanctimonious than this wind up routine you fascists always do where you pretend like you're only targeting the leadership before implanting a siege and starving the common people into oblivion to expand your power. I can guarantee you once you target China things are going to go a little different, you're literally about at the point where you're sanctioning a majority of the world economy, at some point the countries of the world are going to cut the shit and refuse to accept your bullying and drop YOU as a trading partner rather than dropping a majority of humanity. China and Russia are going to be that point.

Iran and Venezuela are already trading with each other, guess what, you lost all your cards in this situation, you blew your load, there's literally nothing for them to lose unless you cut the shit and start implementing outright acts of war rather than abusing your privileges as you've been doing to starve and murder millions in your evil siege.

America's treatment of Venezuela and Iran is a thousand times the atrocity that anything China has ever done. 100% of the blame for the Venezuelans starving, lies with the American people and the evil, cruelty, and barbarity in their hearts.

Down with America!

Long live the Chinese Communist Party

Impressive. Normally people with such severe developmental disabilities struggle to write much more than a sentence or two. He really has exceded our expectations for the writing portion. Sadly the coherency of his writing, along with his abilities in the social skills and reading portions, are far behind his peers with similar disabilities.

I am a bot.

you're literally about at the point where you're sanctioning a majority of the world economy,

The US + EU + Japan is half of the world economy. The only county in the top 20 that the US has sanctions against is Russia.

Iran and Venezuela are already trading with each other,

Oil dominates their exports. What are they trading with each other, oil for oil?

I will forgive China the second they start harvesting organs from millions of Muslims.

Edit: I welcome my Chinese brothers

Kidneys for all!

I hope they certify them as halal and sell them on a surface web .cn site they refuse to take down for maximum keks.

*kosher. But also halal, you're right.

The funny part is they started that shit after a race riot with death toll of 200. That puts almost every American "massacre" to shame. We really need to up our race war game.

Also get us some good organs from all the blacks they chased out of Guangzhou.

Oh yeah we just removed the Chinese embassy from Houston, TX. Kind of a big deal.

Pretty sure that was a consulate not an embassy. Consulates are just where all the spies pretending to be diplomats meet up with the spies pretending to be college students and scientists.

Oh ok.

That sounds like a cool job.

I got my Visa at the Chinese Consulate in Houston.

Pretty sure that was a consulate not an embassy. Consulates are just where all the spies pretending to be diplomats meet up with the spies pretending to be college students and scientists.

Spying operations run out of embassies and consulates, the United States has spying operations running out of every diplomatic compound it has in every single part of the world, that is their primary purpose. Tons of America "journalists" who just show up at the embassy and then disappear strangely for a long time with no account of what they were doing. These are actually spies. American journalists = spies. Voice of America = a spy Agency. The Iranian people stormed the American embassy because it was FULL OF SPIES that were running and fucking up their country. I assure you America has a lot more to lose than China does by going after diplomats.

The entire reason America bullied the Vienna protocol through in the 60s was because of its massive spying operations that it was running throughout the world out of its embassies and consulates and its desire to protect its massive legions of spies fucking with everyone all over the world at all times from the law. Of course America does not actually observe the Vienna protocol itself, like all treaties with America they only bind one way. America's word is dirt, America is a terrorist organization.

BTW thanks for revealing that you want to oppress ethnic Chinese, this is always the American approach to anything when they become paranoid racist lunatics, just become racist. Go ahead and intern them, why wait, we all know mass internment of Asian Americans is coming with this terrorist state.

This rules, please tell me more.

I was always wondering if you are ironic with the China love or not, but you are serious. Are you like ethnically Han Chinese or you just some baizuo?

His genetic code is at least 75% amphetamines at this point. He has transcended human ethnicity.

I like to imagine he was the wumao assigned to r/drama to spread the words of the party, but he's grown to enjoy hanging around here and that's why every now and then he also has more normal posts on non-communist related topics.

aww yes, watermark scizo posting hour.


I go to school 5 minutes from that consulate. I wanna see how many fewer grad students there will be this semester lmao

Or maybe not Trump just admitted they have to cancel the gop convention so 50/50 Pompeo was just out there to distract people from d*ddy backing down.

Say what you want about this administration, this is the only administration that has gotten this close in poking at the CCP.

All of the things people pretend to hate and be against are propped up by chinese manufacturing and what any other country would consider slavery. Every single modern nation is complicit, so making a war of this is going to be incredibly interesting and divisive. We all know how complicit our consumerism, and our political leaders are in enabling china's current atrocities, but how will history be written on it 50 years from now?

how will history be written on it 50 years from now?

with a piece of charcol on the side of a ruined wall deep underground.

You optimists disgust me.

All of the things people pretend to hate and be against are propped up by chinese manufacturing and what any other country would consider slavery

Yes they are paid slave wages so low that currently your seeking to relocate your industries to cheaper vicinities like Vietnam and Bangledesh because Chinese workers are paid too well for your tastes and too expensive. Please spare me your crocodile tears for the Chinese worker. If they really started undermining cheap labor regimes you'd murder their president in a flat second anyway lmao, allowing labor unions in your non-white country is a great way to get assasinated.

and our political leaders are in enabling china's current atrocities

Oh my God

Here it is again

Literally every time America wants to invade someone ZOMG they're literally Hitler

Remember debaathification? Hint hint it was a thousand times the purge that actual denazification ever was. And once you'd purged it what do you know, all you have left is fucking ISIS in the Sunni community, good job at rooting at the Nazis. Americans are geniuses.

Horny for Pompeo tbh.

Hes so dummy thicc the clap of his ass checks alerted Castro when he tried to kill him with the heart attack gun.

Castro’s been dead for years bro

No thanks to Pompeo and his uber thicc ass

He just has big daddy energy.

American-Italian evangelist

director of CIA

I bet the Chineses putted him there in the first place 🤣 :

I think you are jealous of my feelings for Pompeo 💅🏻

Pretty disgusting 🤢

blocked. bye h8er.


Looks like we do indeed need another international tension to flare up where you can basically prevent internal insurgence.

Think about it, US is now in a perpetual protest where reason for protest is police brutality at people protesting. The beast started feeding itself and shit is not going well.

So, as POTUS, what do you do?

You start biggest shit possible.

11D chess finally paying off.

But why China? I'd much rather beat up on some Euros that haven't had a military in 30 years.


Ever heard of time zones? Yankees need television.

Joe Biden's only response is too be like nuh uh I'm even tougher on China

This is 1000D Democrat chess, the brilliant strategy of always seeking to outflank your opponent from the right in all cases, it's been incredibly successful to date

That hesitation when d@ddy mentioned talking to pootin' ....

OOOOHHH Firthy American dog (mmm dericious), China will grow stronger!



I'm on the side of the good guys, China.

I agree, Taiwan number 1!


Don't forget your friends in Russia, comrade Watermark! <3


It's Winnie the Pooh. "Poo" is a turd, burgerboi. For that alone, you deserve your war.