Hey Fuck-face, are you from New England?

27  2020-07-23 by drummerboye

The President just announced that the virus is "just gone" from New England. Go tell your little friends it's all clear.


No, I'm a human being.

over for Massholes

Yeah us Boston sports fans will be able to go the next parade now. Its been over a year since the last one 😭😭😭😭😭😭

17 seconds. cope harder.

A lot of people here seem to think that as well. But then, a lot of people here think they graduated from Harvard or MIT just because they pass it on their way to work every morning.

Hey I'll have you know I took two full semesters at Bunker Hill Community College and one of my profs took an extension course at Har*ard.


oh good I'm going to maine for legal weed. Gonna chill without a mask on the beach and watch some whales high af.



Bitch I live in Wuhan

Wuhan clan ain't nothin to fuck with
