In which the r-slurs of r/Futurology react to the news that the poors of the world are getting less poor.

84  2020-07-24 by AlohaWarrior35


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Nooooooo you don’t understand my dad only gives me $1,500 a month while paying for my college so I am literally improvised and oppressed and he isn’t giving me any more money so things aren’t actually improving.


Impoverished 🤦‍♂️

Stop oppressing me my autocorrect beats me but pays my bills

Nooooo I can’t become rich from my dance theory degree, all careers should be equally valuable this is why we need communism.

Blink of an eye? 1820 compared to 2020, 2 centuries is just a blink isn’t it. Poverty is still rampant.

Imagine this guys great great great great great great grandad who was working in a cannery for 1.75 a day being able to see his menslibber chapo son talk about how being able to live a semi decent existence off of minimum wage is literally fascism because it doesn’t account for Fro Yo and Funko Pops expenses.

able to live a semi decent existence off of minimum wage

Where do you live that $7.25/hr gets you a semi decent existence?

The real red pill is realizing that 5% of the work force earns minimum wage and half of those earning that what are under 24, aka college students.

Sure but even if you consider a raise to $8.25 no longer minimum wage, that's hardly an improvement. In the midwest at least there are very few entry level jobs paying more than $12 an hour, unless you are going to work in a mill or factory. Even those mill/factory jobs are difficult to get into because they are either strict on staffing for max profit margins, or hire through temp agencies so they can pay less and exclude them from benefits/bonuses.

Wow imagine that, you have to be either skilled or willing to eat shit if you want a good wage

Wait I can get paid for my coprophagia?!?

"Nooooo why can't retards like myself get my heckin 50 an hour ahhhh"

The solution is to learn to code.

A lot of factories are willing to hire if you aren’t an alcoholic or drug addict. Shame that ends up ruling out half of the population there, but if you keep at it you can get in if you are clean.

Shame that ends up ruling out half of the population there

Funnily enough it's usually the drunks working in factories but yeah the midwest is a shithole.

Seriously the only jobs that I ever saw that were literally minimum wage were college campus jobs. I even worked in fast food for a time and everyone there still made more than minimum (although it wasn’t great still). The only redeeming quality campus jobs have is that they are super laid back and you can sometimes end up getting paid to study.

Imagine outing yourself as a m*dwesterner

Minimum wage is >11 in every good state, flyover

Its also above $11 in the Midwest too. I was working at target for $12 in high school.

rightoids reveal that daddy is the one paying for the anime porn jpgs

Minimum wage is usually higher than that on the local level.

And if you're still working minimum wage after college you're doing something very wrong. It's not meant to be a living wage.

You might wanna double check you history on that.

Mommy's house

I'm not a useless person so I get to live where it's nice but basically anywhere not in a major city $7.25 is like paradise compared to the conditions the average worker faces in the 1800s


Where you are a teenager livi g with their parents that would be pushed out of having a job if the wage was higher

Please don’t smack talk Fro Yo, Im lactose intolerant about that kinda shit

"Middle class used to be defined as being able to live on one paycheck"

Typical Amerimutt seethe

They always trot these arguments as evidence that America has gotten poorer, when it's actually evidence of lifestyle inflation. If you stopped paying for Internet, computers, smartphones, Netflix, and Spotify, you too could live a 50s lifestyle for less than 30k a year.

If you stopped paying for Internet, computers, smartphones, Netflix, and Spotify, you too could live a 50s lifestyle for less than 30k a year.

Plus an internet connection and a phone can get you access to thousands of free books, articles, and videos online. Everything is so cheap now and your money goes much further.

That's all it is. It's a bunch of upper middle class kids upset that they have to struggle for a few years to make any money.

Someone should remind them that changed because women entered the workforce en masse

This subreddit cannot believe that the rest of the world is not like the USA.

👏 visit 👏 another 👏 country 👏


Back in my day that sub was just pictures of future looking stuff and people wanking over the idea of uploading their brain to the internet and frolicking with anime cat girls for all eternity

Wait it’s not anymore? What happened? I remember it essentially being trans humanism which was optimistic but harmless.

What happened?

I think you already answered that:

trans humanism


Open your eyes sheeple

The T-slur menace

It's full of r/collapse type doomercels, aka '''communists''' who call themselves communists purely so they can whine about capitalism and how terrible everything is. Also they hate Luddites despite circlejerking over UBI posts that are literal examples of Luddite ideology.

UBI isn't Luddite. Luddite would be destroying new technology to save jobs, UBI is redistributing the profits from new technologies.

Luddites wanted to redistribute the new wealth created when artisanal jobs were automated. The loom-breaking stuff was a tactic they used when it became clear the government and factory owners weren't listening to them.

this is antithetical to what uncle ted taught us

It's pizza sous vide, you failure of an human being

I’ll sous vide you in a minute if you’re not careful uwu

I am afraid of nothing, libtard. Do your worst uwu.

Desu tbh

Damn. Kawai to you 2.

The good thing about this community, is it’s still based on consent, as no one is fattened against their will. In a way it’s admirable seeing these women do this to themselves, as it shows a real dedication to work against the grain of society and become the sizes they do.


  1. In which the r-slurs of r/Futurolog... -,

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Snappy, no.




Commies eternally btfo

So many (🤢chapos🤢)in the comments smh

Thatcher was right

In a global scale, it really is just the 5% screeching at the 1% while pretending to shed tears about the 95%. I can't imagine what an actual sweatshop worker would think of us.

Always has been 😎

I've never seen a redditor give a good reason for why wealth inequality is inherently bad. One person gaining wealth doesn't mean another loses wealth. From what I can tell, the worst thing it causes is a bunch of basement dwellers to bitch and moan and spread their useless ideology around the internet.

Extreme wealth inequality makes people at the bottom angry. Sufficient numbers of sufficiently angry people results in riots, uncontrollable crime, etc. Since they don't have jobs they have a whole lot of free time to make other people's lives hell. This is bad for society as a whole. Even the rich aren't immune to people willing to throw their lives away. It's in everyone's best interest that the poor aren't hopeless.

don’t have jobs

willing to throw their lives away

This is an argument against poverty r-slur. He specifically said wealth inequality. There is *massive* wealth inequality between Bill Gates and the gated community of doctors and lawyers living in 800k-1M dollar houses, but they aren’t so angry they are willing to throw their lives away, and the wealth inequality between them and a single mother on welfare is negligible compared to the difference between them and Microsoft daddy. Hence this still doesn’t address why wealth inequality is in and of itself is a problem.

I've tried to make this point before as well. Sure, wealth inequality is bad for those at the bottom, but does it actually negatively affect the economy as a whole?

The commie answer I got was " we should treat people nicer" or some shit, so I have to think the answer is no

Nah, wealth inequality is actually the natural outcome of any economic system that isn’t strict communism. Some people are better at making money than others and that ability doesn’t magically get less potent as they get richer. Now, one could argue that if a large portion of the country is in severe poverty (which is not currently the case in america or Western Europe) then yes there might not be enough spending to stimulate the economy, but again that’s unrelated to wealth inequality.

Modern commies are literally just greedy envious f*cks. Every college “commie” I knew that somehow found their way to a high paying or white collar(or both) job has magically changed their tune.

The people at the bottom outnumber the people at the top and they're going to steal your car or break into your house or rape your daughter because they've given up on living a decent life and have nothing to lose.

The economy isn't affected that much but the quality of life money can buy goes down. Appease the poor and everyone is better off but it costs money. Ignore them and it's a powder keg waiting for an excuse to go off and this costs even more money.

The stupid (IQ sub-85) and genuinely unfortunate (health conditions, whatever) aren't going away. Accept that. Then decide the way to deal with them that harms society the least.

give them silly hats and put them to work in the circus to amuse the rest of us? its win-win for everyone: they get to make people happy and earn their keep and we get to be made happy and stare at them as they ride around on tiny tricycles.

My god, I have just solved poverty

Wealth inequality in itself isn't a problem, only persons of tard think everyone should be paid the same for doing different jobs. It's extreme wealth inequality that causes problems, and the extreme that matters is the bottom, not the top. You're differently intellectual or arguing in bad faith if you think the thing people are angry about is that their manager doesn't make as much money as their CEO.

It doesn't matter that Papa Tesla makes 100 gorillion dollars while his top managers only get 1 gorillion dollars. Those are both ample amounts to live on. If full time minimum wage doesn't give you at least food on your plate, a roof over your head, and at least a little ice cream and circuses, something's fucked up. You're also not going to want to have kids, which means importing foreigners, which creates chaos by itself.

I don't mean a wall of funkopops, I mean a cellphone, getting to eat out occasionally, TV or a few videogames, etc. The idea that a person can live in poverty despite working hard results in discontent, a lower standard of living for everyone, and eventually chaos.

This is how the world works, you have to appease poor people or else spend a fortune on a police state that you could've just as easily given them a better life with and avoided the problem.

The reason high-earners come into it is that there's actually tons of money to go around at most companies, it just mostly goes disproportionatly to the handful of highest-paid employees - and then the accountants declare their struggling business barely broke even and the company doesn't pay any tax. Instead of Jeff Bezos getting 200 million dollars a year, maybe he could get 100 million dollars a year and his employees could get a few more dollars an hour. His life won't actually be affected in any way, theirs will.

If you're interested in hearing a proposed solution, one I'm fond of is making it law that the highest-compensated person at a company can only be compensated a certain multiple more than the lowest-compensated. Say, 50x. So for some CEO to get the money he wants to swim in, he has to also pay everyone else more. Everyone is better off except a handful who literally could not spend all their money if they tried.

But will they still be able to fulfill the power process with autonomy?? Uncle Ted says no. We must reverse this horrifying trend immediately

I'll never understand why saying that humanity is going in a general positive direction gets so many people fuming.

I'll never understand why saying that humanity is going in a general positive direction gets so many people fuming.

Incidental, read: unintentional, progress.

MFW wealth does trickle down


People who benefit from the current system pay people who say the current system is working a lot of money to promote the view that the current system is working

Also anyone who says something like "Things are great it's just the news is confusing them to feel bad!" gets a brownie point too

Most active in chapotraphouse and sino

Yeah makes sense why your so dense

watermark is /ourguy/ and im gonna need u to show respect

My bad 🤗 I love all my communist equally

Damn if only there was massive amounts of data to corroborate their claims


active in chapo and sino

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Why so you retards always downvote the lolcow?

Stop being poor watermark.

There you go, the solution was inside you all along.
