BLM game was posted to steam, gamers did what gamers do best

76  2020-07-24 by James_C_Rack


I think my favorite review of it is “dude nothing happens you cant even kill goerge floyd its just a timer”

This game stole my bike was short and well done.

Your fuckin username lol

3 years strong lmao not sure how.

Oh, it's not a Derek Chauvin simulator then?

Fuck. I bought it for my nephew a few hours ago for his birthday thinking he'd get a kick out of it. God he's gonna be so bummed.

review's at the bottom

edit-the games $1 and it's just a black screen for 8 minutes 46 seconds then it shuts down...not a very good game and the reviews are showing it

Wow that's like a parody of a dumb wokie dokie game. Completely zero effort grifting.

Also the top 2 genre tags are "looter shooter" and "crime"

The amount of dumbass rightoids shitposting with 100+ games in their library is honestly hilarious. How stupid do you have to be to gamble an account you've invested more than $500 in

Baste rightards o🅱️🅱️ressed by the globohomo Steam removing comments which make middle class leftarded investors seethe. 😢

Does steam actually ban for stuff like that? I remember they were very hands-off with anything that's not blatant hacking.

They ban you from community, so you can’t play multiplayer hosted by steam or use the forums, you can still download games or play online on stuff not hosted by valve.

Is it similar to a VAC ban? Does it restrict from playing CS:GO for example or just Steam hosted events?

Yeah I think it would prevent you from playing it unless there's a mode with bots or something.


Genre: Dark Fantasy

holy shit

User defined genres: Looter shooter, Crime

Oh no no no


Posts like this is why I do Heroine.

I am a bot.

I'm pretty sure this "game" stole the entire concept off of this website, however this site is actually poignant and tbh it genuinely hits you in the feels.

Just from the screenshot alone you can see that the app has way less thought and effort put into it.

Anyway, check out


Yes, dramatards are too r-slured to recognise sarcasm without a tag

that's why we're here

get triggered rightoid snowflakes

Instead of that, link me the unedited bodycam footage plz...

I prefer the footage with auto tune.

Getting your $2000 library steam acc permanently revoked to own the libs

Can still play all his games, just can't ever use social features

Not being able to invite friends to games is pretty shit.

You'd have to rebuy all coop games, if you have valuable hats in games like Dota, you can never cash out without trading.

No Bueno.

Who's to know whether they play multiplayer games at all?

volvo jannies doing it for significant monetary compensation



no wonder they're shit now.

Why were you reading that degenerate weeb site OP-kun?

lmao I had only seen a screen so did a search to find the actual site, which was linked on a post in kia2, I have never seen that site before today

Mhmm. How many GBs is your loli hentai folder?

hentai should never have been created


being dumb enough to shitpost on a real account


Ok it’s fucked up but “WATCH OUT FOR THAT KNEE” had me rolling

some are not old enought to remember the theme to george of the jungle, but that one got me good


I'm not an idiot; I knew exactly what would happen when I put this game on Steam. The reviews would get flooded, giving social justice advocates the perfect opportunity to signal how appalled they are by "racist gamers," as if a few 4channers writing deliberately offensive comments is indicative of some sort of deep-seated cultural issue. Youtubers would make videos about how pandering this game is, journalists would write articles about how problematic the comments are, debates would rage on Twitter—and meanwhile, 3000 black children would continue to die of malaria every day, with no one caring.

So much free energy, wasted on fueling the perpetual outrage machine. Energy that could otherwise be directed towards actually making the world a better place.

So I decided to capture some of it.

The mad lad did it for the drama.

Is this the dev?

Yeah it's under announcements on the store page

I don't believe it's something anyone can post.


What a terrible website.

Lmao all the ads are hentai

So are most of the articles. One is actual porn.

Coomers gonna coom I guess, but this is a little ridiculous.


One guy has three hours on it. Only truly unexpected part of this.

What happend after the 8:46?

replay with the increased difficultly

I just did a speedrun and finished in 8:45. Take that g*mers

I liked Assassin's Creed: Origin's discussion page better.

I initially thought this was some damn good grifting, but then I remembered Steam has that 2-hour refund policy.

I guess you can still get free money out of wokies dumb enough to pay for this in solidarity or whatever.

These bannings are indicative of Steam’s agenda as users are disallowed the right to criticize the terrorist BLM movement that frequently labels white people as the “enemy” (despite several white people being involved), and has led to mass crime sprees to the point that the Feds are being called in to restore order.

I thought Sankaku Complex was about anime

Evidently it's about being based.

It's 👏 about 👏 ethics 👏 in 👏 vidya 👏 games 👏


And what's Spicer going to say, "Oh yeah, it's all legit!" First of all, he's not even one of the 10, and you can tell Trump wouldn't let him in on it. And second of all, if he did say that, it would just make tons of people bombard him with more questions about it, which he really knows nothing about. This is top level Military Intel at the highest level of Classified Clearance.


  1. BLM game was posted to steam, gamer... -,*

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kek chapocels seething